LLYN BRENIG 2 July 2024 - FEBRUARY 2025

Continued from June 2024

LINK to Opening Page with background and history of this nest and relevant links

This season so far   

31 March Blue LJ2 returns

1 April Blue 372 briefly visits, 6 April Blue 372 returns and stays

Sadly, Blue LM6 has not returned

Eggs laid

#1 April 23 - 17.40, #2 April 26 - 19.28, #3 April 29 - 15.46


June 2 - 00.52, June 4 - 09.48?  It is not known for certain which eggs these are. My thoughts are these are eggs 2 and 3 and egg number 1 did not hatch. (Left unattended on a frosty night)

However, the consensus among the volunteers is that it is eggs 1 & 2 which have hatched. Llyn Benig is around 1000 feet above sea level so the ambient temperature is around 2 degrees Celsius lower than at sea level which might account for longer hatching times. It has certainly been a cold hatching period. (AG)

Chicks ringed 08/07/24 - (Second hatched) 8B8 (M) 1500g 265mm - (First hatched) 8B9 (F) 1620g 291mm

Chicks named 18/07/24      8B8 EMRYS                -                8B9 BETHAN 

Chicks fledged             28/07/24  (54 days old)     -    27/07/24  (55days old)


8B8 Emrys - 03/09/24 (92days old) / 372 03/09/24 (3years old)

8B9 Bethan 06/09/24 (96 days old) / LJ2 last seen on the evening of 06/09/24 so probably left 07/09/24 (6 years old)


All captures and videos ©️NWWT, Welsh Water, Brenig Osprey Project

RESUMÉ for JUNE 2024

This has been a month of fast change. Two chicks were born at the beginning of the month. On chick 1’s day of hatching, someone was flying a drone in the area and it spooked 372. She alarm called and quickly left the nest with the little chick being thrown to the nest edge as she left. Somehow that wee one had the instinct and strength to move back to the nest cup and safety again.  372 has proven to be a great first time mother. She has gently fed the chicks, given them warmth and shelter and LJ2 has provided well with a variety of daily  fish. There have been the usual intruders which has distracted LJ2 at times from bringing in fish but he would always bring some later on. The chicks are now 4 weeks old and developing very well. There is a hierarchy between the chicks with #1 being dominant over #2, mostly at feeding times. #2 knows to allow #1 to feed first then it’ll get its turn. Gelert KA9(22) son of LJ2 and LM6, was photographed at Dyfi 3 weeks after his visit here on 25 May.

  • 16.17 Both chicks are vocalising to 372 for fish after she lands on the nest.

    There’s been an intruder around this afternoon. 
    17.20 One of the adult birds chips from nearby and the chicks pancake. A bird flies past the trees.

    It was 372 who was chipping and then flew past the trees into the sky. She flew out to the water, turned and came to the nest.

    17.20 She started chipping straight away.

    17.21 372 leaves. She’s been on and off the nest, vocalising and also just watching quietly.





    372 flying off, chipping is then heard.


    18.23 The chicks don’t seem too perturbed.


    19.19 Both chicks start calling for fish as they see 372 incoming.

    372 starts calling with Bethan and Emrys as LJ2 brings a fish to the nest.

    372 takes it.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 19.24 372 carried out the feed. Bethan was first. (Right of photo)

    19.31 Emrys held back


    19.37 Emrys gets in close to 372 as Bethan withdraws.

    19.38 Emrys getting fed now.

    19.54 Bethan looking beautiful on the nest edge as Emrys gets the last of the fish.

    372 shouted straight away that they needed another fish.

    20.43 It’s a beautiful night.


    21.42 Doesn’t look like any more fish are coming tonight.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 24 July

    Good afternoon. Another beautiful morning. 372 came to the nest and she and Bethan exchanged calls.


    05.18 Lots of preening took place.

    05.39 Lots of wing beating, the chicks taking turns.

    Today Bethan, left, is 52 days old and Emrys, 50 days old. How handsome they look. Two hearts



    08.28 Bethan getting higher with her helicoptering across the nest.

    08.38 LJ2 arrives with the first fish of the day.

    372 takes it.

    08.39 Emrys started feeding first

    08.48 then Bethan joined him.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • The wind has been picking up. 
    11.54 Emrys standing with wings outstretched, feeling the wind.

    11.54 He decided to do some flying practice. He started off small.

    11.56 And the height increased.


    12.00 Landings could be better as Bethan found out!


    Almost out of sight.

    Heading down

    and landing. He’s now on a par with what Bethan has been doing.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 13.53 LJ2 brings in a meaty fish that he’s already started on.

    Bethan is closest 

    13.54 and she takes the fish.

    13.55 Looks like Emrys has the fish now.

    One of the adults chips from nearby and Emrys immediately pancakes on top of the fish.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • Bethan 52 days & Emrys 50 days ... lovely capture Glider, thanks!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • You’re welcome Wendy, it just looked so peaceful this morning and I thought our gorgeous birds stood out beautifully against the colour of the water.  

  • 14.02 After a few minutes, Emrys got up and started eating the fish.

    14.03 372 came to the nest. Emrys continued eating.

    14.15 Emrys stepped off the fish and walked away.

    372 came to the fish and started eating it.

    Emrys returned and was fed by 372


    14.40 372 stopped feeding Emrys and looked around for a couple of minutes.

    14.42 She then released the fish and flew off.

    Both chicks left the fish alone.
    14.54 Emrys doing more helicoptering.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 15.02 Bethan doing some high helicoptering in the wind.

    15.03 Highest yet.

    15.06 372 joined the chicks for a wee while.

    15.46 372 leaves

    16.40 Bethan had a wee go at eating the fish.

    16.52 Then left it just over 10 minutes later. 

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 17.24 Finally LJ2 has come and taken the fish away. It’s been on the nest for three and a half hours.

    18.14 When he returns with it, 372 is on the nest

    18.15 but it’s Emrys who collects it.

    However, 372 takes the fish and begins a feed.

    18.21 both chicks initially 


    18.46 Emrys leaves the feed and cleans his beak.

    18.53 Bethan feeds some more

    19.01 372 finishes off the fish.

    19.17 372 comes to the tower perch.

    She feaks her beak

    19.31 she’s still there now.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP