Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 June 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

I saw the Red-Bellied Woodpecker pair today. They were both drumming loudly where the walls of my enclosed porch meet the roof. The male flew at the window menacingly when he saw me glaring at him, and then he landed in the tree next to the porch and looked at me defiantly. He knows I'll yell at him for drilling on the house. LOL LOL He's a feisty bird. I was glad to see him with a mate.

Be sure to check back to last week's thread to see the lovely photo posted by Lindy of her granddaughter and Bonnie the dog.

Love and hugs to everyone.

  • Accidentally had TV on for some bits of today's commemorations.  What does "D" Day stand for?  Can't find it anywhere!

    Mostly been an indoor busy day here - not a lot of rain, just occasional drips.

  • Thanks, Wendy!    I did wonder if it was Dayday, but it sounded so stupid!

  • OG: The D in D-Day stands for "day". I know it seems odd to say, "Day-Day." However, "D-Day" and "H-Hour" are military terminology for the day and hour that a combat attack or operation will be initiated. These terms refer to the day and hour when the exact time has not yet been finalized or secrecy is essential, so a general term is needed to refer to the planned attack or operation. Many, many years ago, I worked for a technology firm as a trainer at a major Midwestern Army fort. I even had a security clearance. I taught people how to scan and store military personnel records on giant disks for a project of 200 people. I can talk about it now because the giant installation that I worked for is no longer in operation, and the technology is now very obsolete. The fort was so large, that military personnel drove trucks down the hallways.


  • Oh, very sorry. I crossed posts with Wendy. Hi, Wendy!

  • Hey, folks. There is a major AT&T outage in my area, so my phone is mostly not working. The company knows about it, so I'm hoping that they get it fixed soon, but I'm not holding my breath. You may have seen on the news that they have had several major national outages in the last couple of days. I am typing this post from my local library, which is unaffected. But the library will be closed tomorrow and the weekend. If I can't start the new weekly thread, ANNETTE or someone else will have to do it. I'm fine personally. The problem is technology. I'm going home now, and I will probably be without phone and internet. Many, many, many swearywords emanating from my woods tonight. 

    Hugs and love to all of you!!!

  • Diane:  Hope the sweary words don't upset the critters (but seriously, hope you're able to get online again soon).

     OG: Great minds think alike!  I turned to my OH this evening while watching the news and said "What does the D in D-Day stand for?"  He didn't know so I too Googled it and saw the Day-Day explanation, which did sound more than a little uninspired. Saw some speculation that it was "Decision" Day, but I bow to Diane's experience, which seems more realistic and typical..

    Have been busy this week and will likely be driving to Arizona on Sunday to oversee delivery of gravel for the driveway and subsequent spreading.  Granddaughter said she'd do it with a ittle help from some friends but really! she's already done so much and its a back-breaking job.  Much more straightforward to hire some muscles and equipment and be done with it.  Would only be gone for four days.  

    Hope everyone and their appendages with ailments, etc. are coping.  Do take care.

  • OG  Like you and many others I wondered what the D stood for. I certainly won't forget now.  We thought all the commemorations were lovely and very fitting.  As we are both ex RAF it means a lot to us.

  • Lindy - I wonder if what you had a few days ago is the e.coli the media seems to be full of at the moment?  I really wish they wouldn't issue news items like this but not name the 'suspicious' food item!  Makes us all mistrust everything that goes into our mouths.

    My lovely gardening lady has been here this morning and tried to bring my shrubs under control.  She does a great job.  Everything's growing madly at the moment and looking beautiful - just a bit rampant!  Under her instructions, I've taken a couple of cuttings of a plant I really like from the church garden (from the back ... not where it shows!) and hope eventually it will be growing well in my garden.

  • Hello to all.  J decided last evening that he had toothache.  He managed to get an emergency appt, but the dentist assured him he had just scratched his gum – probably all the crisps he eats!).  It meant we missed our day out today (instead of Weds because we had podiatry that day) so we had to shuffle various menus and rearrange some future dates.  This evening he went straight to bed after dinner (which he is not supposed to do without telling us).  That will upset the evening and tomorrow!  I hope I am not around if he gets real toothache!

    It will be J’s birthday soon so I invited Dau#1 and SiL for the day – a Saturday.  She has a guides’ event on that day, but could come next day,so I shall have to give my apologies for the church rota – but I hardly ever ask for “time off” so I hope I shall not be criticised – and we rarely take time for family.  It is amazing how many things have to be rearranged when one thing changes to suit somebody else!

    Thanks all who informed me about day-day and hour-hour!  It does sound a very military way of doing things!  Now there are critics of our PM who “left early” from Normandy – I had been feeling sorry that he had to miss election engagements in the morning – and at least our country was able to send a King and Queen!

    DIANE - I hope your tech problems will soon be sorted - again!

    PAT – I hope the church shrub cutting comes with a blessing and grows well for you!

    We are still getting occasional light showers – not really wet weather, just enough to be a nuisance.