LINK to Opening Page with background and history of this nest and relevant links

This season so far   

31 March Blue LJ2 returns

1 April Blue 372 briefly visits, 6 April Blue 372 returns and stays

Sadly, Blue LM6 has not returned

Eggs laid

#1 April 23 - 17.40, #2 April 26 - 19.28, #3 April 29 - 15.46


June 2 - 00.52, June 4 - 09.48?  I believe these are eggs 2 and 3. 

All captures and videos ©️NWWT, Welsh Water, Brenig Osprey Project


The new couple’s relationship has continued to grow. They have worked hard together to maintain and strengthen their nest, bringing in new materials daily. Both birds have been catching fish and sharing these with each other. They have also shared incubation and developed strategies to get each other off the eggs when needed! They have also defended their nest from intruders, the most traumatic being when Blue 432, Eshells, a 3 year old returner from Kielder visited on the 9th of May.. Blue 372 fought hard to keep her place on the nest as she was continually chased and dive bombed in Blue 432’s bid to oust her. The eggs were left unattended for around 3 1/2 hours. Luckily it was a warm evening so hopefully no damage done. The most exciting visit came from dear KA9 (22), Gelert, son of LJ2 and LM6 when he arrived on the morning of the 25th of May. It was a short visit as he was soon ushered away by LJ2.

  • 09.13 LJ2 had flown to the tower perch shortly after dropping off the fish.

    He did some preening.

    09.48 You can see it’s still windy.

    He stayed a while, just looking over his territory.

    10.41 Then a beautiful wing and leg stretch

    and he was off.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 12.32 LJ2 landed on the nest.

    12.33 One of the chicks was asking for food.

    12.34 LJ2 assumed a mantling position and did some chipping

    12.35 He flew off.

    12.36 372 stayed vigilant then relaxed as things quietened down.

    13.24 Just under an hour later, LJ2 was back.

    13.26 Faint skydancing could be heard, so we know it’s a male. LJ2 was chipping and watching.



    13.30 The skydancing is much louder now.

    13.33 Still skydancing above

    13.34 LJ2 has had enough and set off to chase.

    He flew down to the water then round to the right as marked.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • No fish yet this afternoon, LJ2 came to the nest at 15.35

    15.36 372 was shouting, the little chick with its head under mumbrella was shouting.

    LJ2 left

    15.39 LJ2 returned, he started chipping.

    15.47 He left again with 372 shouting at him.

    16.54 Still waiting on the next meal.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • Tried another 'blow up'  ...


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Tried another 'blow up'  ...


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • And another of the fast growing chicks ...


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Fab Wendy thanks. Thumbsup Well the chicks haven’t grown any since they had the fish from this morning that you posted. Still waiting on another meal. They’ve missed lunch, dinner and now it’s supper time. 

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • Thankfully LJ2 brought in a couple of similar sized fish before nightfall.



    So our family didn’t go to bed hungry.  Slight smile

    The chicks are semi tucked in for the night.


    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • June 29

    Good morning and what a dreich one it is. At least there was an early fish to start the day.


    05.42 It wasn’t a long feed and 372 was soon back with the chicks.

    05.44 LJ2 took the fish.

    05.59 He didn’t eat for long either and returned with the fish.

    06.05 Looks like the fish may have been finished off this time.

    06.14 372 left for a quick break.

    07.26 Hunkered down, the weather really is dreadful for this time of the year.

    08.28 a glimpse of the chicks in between rain splodges.

    09.02 Current scene.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

    I’m out for the day, BFN

  • 12.43 From scroll back, the next fish was delivered at 12.43. Another whole one.


    13.27 It was a lengthy feed.

    14.20 LJ2 brought back the fish after taking it earlier.

    14.21 LJ2 started feeding #1

    14.22 372 took over. #2 turned to the side whilst #1 ate

    14.27 #1 threatened #2 to make sure it didn’t come to the feed.

    14.35 Once #1 was satisfied and turned away, #2 came in to feed.


    A big wing stretch for #2

    14.49 372 gave #2 some more

    A full crop for #2.

    14.51 Some for 372

    #2 shifted a piece of bark. It was enough for #1 to threaten it again. No contact made.

    14.52 #1 was distracted by 372 trying to eat the tail fin.

    372 had several attempts before holding it in her talons again to eat more so it was smaller to swallow.

    Success! Fish gone.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP