LLYN BRENIG - JUNE 2024 - 01 JULY 2024


LINK to Opening Page with background and history of this nest and relevant links

This season so far   

31 March Blue LJ2 returns

1 April Blue 372 briefly visits, 6 April Blue 372 returns and stays

Sadly, Blue LM6 has not returned

Eggs laid

#1 April 23 - 17.40, #2 April 26 - 19.28, #3 April 29 - 15.46


June 2 - 00.52, June 4 - 09.48?  I believe these are eggs 2 and 3. 

All captures and videos ©️NWWT, Welsh Water, Brenig Osprey Project


The new couple’s relationship has continued to grow. They have worked hard together to maintain and strengthen their nest, bringing in new materials daily. Both birds have been catching fish and sharing these with each other. They have also shared incubation and developed strategies to get each other off the eggs when needed! They have also defended their nest from intruders, the most traumatic being when Blue 432, Eshells, a 3 year old returner from Kielder visited on the 9th of May.. Blue 372 fought hard to keep her place on the nest as she was continually chased and dive bombed in Blue 432’s bid to oust her. The eggs were left unattended for around 3 1/2 hours. Luckily it was a warm evening so hopefully no damage done. The most exciting visit came from dear KA9 (22), Gelert, son of LJ2 and LM6 when he arrived on the morning of the 25th of May. It was a short visit as he was soon ushered away by LJ2.

  • June 18

    Good morning. LJ2 brought his first fish of the day in early.




    LJ2 moved a stick further over to the perimeter 




    372 finished the feed. Both chicks ate well.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 05.06 LJ2 collected the fish for a feed

    05.43 then brought it back

    05.44 the chicks got another feed



    05.50 feed finished

    05.51 372 then moved a stick

    Of course it fell onto the chicks!

    She got it sorted though

    05.53 Settled down again

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 06.23 372 went back for the fish end

    06.24 looks like she finished it off

    07.36 LJ2 brought in a long stick

    08.21 the chicks squared up to each other and had their first fight. 

    Chick 2 made the mistake of starting it.372 then arrived with more nesting.

    Chick 2 fell into submission

    08.22 372 left again for more nesting and chick 1 started on chick 2 again.

    08.23 It made sure chick 2 got the message.
    There is such a size difference between the two of them, I don’t know what chick 2 was thinking starting this in the first place.

    372 with soft nesting this time.

    08.24 an assortment of sticks

    08.24 she has been very industrious 

    08.27 a piece of bark


    08.30 and a rest.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 10.02 LJ2 brought in a fine sized brown trout


    the feed begins





    10.13 #2 turns away

    10.16 #1 turns away

    10.17 372 eats some more



    372 now stops eating

    10.22 and goes back to the chicks.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 10.28 LJ2 collected the trout for his share.

    11.43 He later brought the fish back to 372

    11.44 The chicks got a good feed and it was #1 who actually turned away first 



    11.53 #2 squeezes some more pieces in


    11.56 372 has a few more pieces too

    then walks away from the fish.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • The fish is left with 372 and she gives the chicks another feed an hour and a half later.




    13.42 both chicks are satisfied

    372 lets go of the fish and does her best to brood the chicks.
    They’re growing fast and #1’s tail end is sticking out. 


    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 14.29 Another quick feed

    #2 retires early and #1 gets most of the fish.




    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 372 still feeding the chicks off the brown trout.

    15.24 They both get up, looking ready for a feed when #1 starts pecking at #2. I don’t know where that came from as they both have full crops and been getting well attended to.

    372 looks to see what is going on

    15.25 #1 still being aggressive towards #2 even though 372 is ready to feed it.

    15.26 the feed begins solely for #1


    15.32 #1 still feeding but #2 has lifted its head up and moved position.

    15.35 #1 has lain down and 372 moves position. #2 is able to feed now.



    15.41 last wee bit

    #1 moves and lays down on top of #2’s head so that’s it’s feed finished.

    372 swallows the last piece as #1 looks up.

    15.43 back to brooding

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 16.31 #1 wriggles out for some fresh air



    16.44 362 realises #1 is still down there!

    17.08 372 gets up to receive LJ2 who’s flying in.

    No fish though

    372 leaves LJ2 in charge of the chicks

    Oh dear, #2 pecks at #1 and quickly has to submit whilst #1 pulls at its head.

    17.09 LJ2 leaves.

    17.10 it’s quietened down as 372 arrives with soft nesting.

    17.12 She calls for fish.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 20.05 Still waiting.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP