LLYN BRENIG - JUNE 2024 - 01 JULY 2024


LINK to Opening Page with background and history of this nest and relevant links

This season so far   

31 March Blue LJ2 returns

1 April Blue 372 briefly visits, 6 April Blue 372 returns and stays

Sadly, Blue LM6 has not returned

Eggs laid

#1 April 23 - 17.40, #2 April 26 - 19.28, #3 April 29 - 15.46


June 2 - 00.52, June 4 - 09.48?  I believe these are eggs 2 and 3. 

All captures and videos ©️NWWT, Welsh Water, Brenig Osprey Project


The new couple’s relationship has continued to grow. They have worked hard together to maintain and strengthen their nest, bringing in new materials daily. Both birds have been catching fish and sharing these with each other. They have also shared incubation and developed strategies to get each other off the eggs when needed! They have also defended their nest from intruders, the most traumatic being when Blue 432, Eshells, a 3 year old returner from Kielder visited on the 9th of May.. Blue 372 fought hard to keep her place on the nest as she was continually chased and dive bombed in Blue 432’s bid to oust her. The eggs were left unattended for around 3 1/2 hours. Luckily it was a warm evening so hopefully no damage done. The most exciting visit came from dear KA9 (22), Gelert, son of LJ2 and LM6 when he arrived on the morning of the 25th of May. It was a short visit as he was soon ushered away by LJ2.

  • June 7

    Good morning. The fish stayed with 372 all night, she moved its position a couple of times. In the morning when she left for a comfort break, LJ2 came to the nest for the fish but did return with it so the bobs got an early morning feed.

    04.20 372 leaves

    04.21 LJ2 arrives

    04.23 After 372 is settled back down again, LJ2 takes the fish for a feed.

    04.37 He returns 14 minutes later with the fish.

    04.54 372 takes her time in getting up to collect the fish.

    04.56 After a few mouthfuls herself, 372 starts to feed the bobs.







    05.05 372 walks away from the fish.

    05.06 tidies up scraps then settles down.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 05.59 372 was snoozing on and off. She then decided to take another break.

    06.00 LJ2 arrived at the nest.

    06.02 When 372 returned, LJ2 had his talons on the fish. She took it right back off him.

    06.03 The bobs got another feed. 


    06.08 settling down again.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 06.27 LJ2 got the fish this time.

    07.09 372 snoozing

    07.24 LJ2 returns with the fish. 

    07.34 372 is calling on and off but makes no effort to collect the fish. LJ2 starts eating it on the nest.


    07.53 At last, 372 gets up to take the fish, although there’s not much left now. 

    the bobs get a small feed, again blocked.


    07.57 372 swallows the tail

    She then leaves for a comfort break. Cropped image of bobs and remaining egg.

    07.58 372 returns

    07.59 and is soon back brooding the bobs.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • All quiet on the nest at the moment. I’ve not seen another fish delivery and LJ2 was preening and relaxing on the tower perch a short while ago.

    Live stream was off for about an hour.

    12.09 Last image before the stream went down. 

    13.01 and first after it came on again. Doesn’t look like much has changed! 




    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 13.36 372 got up and retrieved a small fish tail end from the nest. 

    13.37 The bobs got a wee feed. 

    Perhaps it was delivered when the cam was down or it’s been hidden somewhere!

    ©️NWWT. WW. BOP

  • 15.32 372 had to contend with an unringed intruder twice later in the afternoon.

    A short while later she took a minute’s comfort break.

    15.56 her return.

    16.08 The second intrusion. 372 screaming and mantling.

    18.11  LJ2 arrives with a well deserved meal for 372 and the bobs.

    Not the biggest of fish but it’ll do nicely.



    18.23 looks like the feed is finished

    18.24 and the chicks are cuddled in.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • Brenig reported the nest intrusions on FB.

    and posted a video

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 20.15 LJ2 brought in a lovely fish for supper.

    20.16 372 wasn’t in a rush to take it.

    20.20 once she has the fish, she starts speed eating her share.

    20.23 some for the bobs too, again a blocked view feed.

    20.28 feed finished. It seems gusty on the nest tonight. 372 used her wings for balance several times.

    20.29 back keeping the chicks cosy.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 20.56 LJ2 took the fish away

    21.59 He returned with it an hour later.

    22.05 Night cam came on 372 still made no movement to come for the fish.

    22.10 LJ2 took the fish to her.

    22.11 372 got up

    22.11 It looked like 372 just ate herself. She offered a piece to the bobs a couple of times but they didn’t take any.

    22.16 Tidying up scraps

    22.18 Settled back down. it’s a rainy and windy night. 

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • June 8

    Good morning. The bobs have had 3 feeds so far this morning, all off last night’s fish.

    04.20 First feed was very early

    04.26 Daycam on now as the feed continues

    06.44 LJ2 arrived to take the fish.

    06.46 372 took it off him instead

    06.46 Second feed



    07.04 LJ2 took the fish this time along with a clump of moss.

    07.54 He returned with what was left of the fish. He waited for 18 minutes but 372 wasn’t interested

    so he left again, returning at 08.40.

    372 took the fish this time.

    08.43 Feed number 3



    08.49 settling down after feed is finished.

    09.12 LJ2 tackling the stringy remains.

    09.24 He got there in the end, now downing the tail fin with 372 calling in his ear for a fresh fish.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP