LOCH OF THE LOWES - June 2024 to end of season

Continued from May 2024

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter, Blogs, SWT News Feed and to Donate >>>


For the current 'LIVE' YouTube link, visit >>> https://www.youtube.com/@ScottishWildlifeTrustvideos/streams or >>> Embedded YT link

The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery, with funds awarded by Postcode Planet Trust

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes




Since the 9th May, a dark, unringed male intruder (with a distinctive large pupil in his right eye and who the team at Lowes has estimated to be 2-3 years of age) has been a regular visitor to the nest. The Pale Male, who had ‘destroyed’ the three eggs on the 7th/8th May, has not been seen on camera again and it was mentioned that this new young male had chased him from the area.

He has delivered many small fish ‘gifts’ (three in one day on a couple of occasions) and a sizable larger one to NC0 - her calls expressed how grateful she was - but that did not stop her from catching her own huge meal on the 23rd May, to satisfy her appetite. His many mating attempts have so far been rejected by NC0 though this has not put him off from making continuous efforts. The Dark Intruder, as named by staff in the hides on the reserve, is showing great nest building skills - bringing in a multitude of various-sized sticks and soft nesting material.

Although the relationship is in its early stages, NC0 appears to have accepted him as a 'potential' future mate and they have been observed working as a team to defend the nest against seen, and unseen, intruders - all encouraging signs for the beginning of a possible new chapter here at Loch of the Lowes.


Nest Updates 

Arrival dates:  NC0(16) - 8.3.24 (17:52)   Laddie (LM12) - 27.3.24 (16:38)  RIP Laddie (LM12) - remains found 3.5.24   Broken heart

Eggs laid: Egg #1 - 17.4.24 (10:48)  Egg #2 - 20.4.24 (10:53)  Egg #3 - 23.4.24 (20:47)

*Two eggs were destroyed on 7.5.24; the third one on 8.5.24, by an unringed, Pale Male Osprey. All were deemed unviable due to being chilled and left for long periods without incubation

Last seen dates:  NC0(16) - 13.8.24  Dark Intruder - TBC


Links to blogs and updates during March,  April,  May

June to end of season Blogs and Updates (Published dates)

20.6.24: LotL Fb >>> Update re NC0, DI and two female nest intruders

17.8.24: LotL Fb .>>> Migrations?

17.8.24: SWT YouTube >>> Last Osprey Sightings of the Summer?

20.8.24: LotL Blog >>> Osprey LM12 died of natural causes

23.8.24: LotL Fb >>> Dark Intruder still at Lowes

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    Because I wasn't able to "work" for so long, my laptop nearly overflowed and I've had to mega-delete files so I can't follow thru the past 2-3 days ???  Here's a little clip from:

    06 August

    DM brought a stick and appeared to defend - but it was shortlived when the "intruder" landed, was it NC0?


    I am very up against it so must rush off Upside down

  • Scylla, that’s the clip I posted yesterday and the intruder had a blue darvic band on the left leg so couldn’t have been NC0. 

  • NC0 was on the nest for long spells today.

    10.53 She was here, don’t know when she arrived.

    She fiddled with the sticky out stick.

    Repositioning another stick

    Back to the sticky out stick.

    She left a few minutes later.


    12.14 Back to the nest 

    13.02 Fish calling

    She stayed for another couple of hours.

    15.18 Off she goes with a couple of chirps.

    16.32 NC0 returns 

    A few seconds later the male joins her. He was carrying a small chunky piece of wood.

    NC0 was politely asking for fish

    She asked for fish a little louder 

    16.33 the male flew off.

    16.41 NC0 stayed on the nest.

    16.55 A quick preen

    then calling for fish 

    and repeat

    The calling got more frequent and louder.

    17.42 She had a stretch

    then flew to the split birch.


  • Around 19.00 NC0 returned to the nest. She was fish calling

    and kept calling

    19.11 and calling until the male arrived. Unfortunately he was empty taloned.

    He mantled, NC0 asked for fish.

    They stood together for a few seconds. NC0 preened then the male flew up and over NC0 to mate

    but she was having none of it and pecked at him.

    He got the message

    and flew off.

    NC0 stayed for a short while longer then with a fish call she flew off to the split birch


    She came to the nest for a minute at 20.14

    20.23 The male brought a thin branch with brown leaves attached.

    He repositioned a thin stick on the nest.

    had a look around. All was quiet. He left.


    I didn’t see any more visits to the nest after this. 

  • 8 August

    12.13 First sighting I saw today. The male landed on the nest.


    He was looking skyward and mantling quietly.

    Another Osprey landed.

    She walked to the opposite side from the male 

    and mantled as well

    She turned around 

    and a few moments later the male flew off round past the split birch.

    He returned very soon after with a short thin twig.

    Back to mantling

    The male left again.

    The female waited for a minute or 2

    12.25 then suddenly took off at speed.


    Now I first thought this female was an intruder and then I thought she had a silver BTO ring on her right leg, so I wondered if she was NC0. She was so quiet though, no fish calling and mantling when landing? Her underwing and head markings aren’t quite right but could be close enough. I just don’t know without Sandra ID-ing her! Smile

  • Both NC0 and the male have been around and on and off the nest.

    NC0 has been fish calling.

    Finally, late this evening, NC0 got a little live fish delivery! Raised hands
    She arrived at the nest fish calling.

    The male flew in with his little fish.

    NC0 went to take the fish

    She was grabbing at the male’s talons and caught one of those 

    She didn’t notice the fish had dropped to the nest just next to the male’s foot.

    She was still looking at the male’s talons and vocalising Where is that fish? It took a second or 2 for her to look down and see the fish.

    She grabbed it and mantled over it immediately.

    The male flew off then NC0 flew off with the fish.

    I thought she was going to the split birch but she flew up to it then through it to the left.


  • 9 August

    From scrolling back I can only see 2 visits to the nest today from mid morning.

    NC0 arrived at 13.00. She stayed for half an hour. 

    She called for fish intermittently.

    Had a good look around. A bit of a preen,

    then left.

    14.56 The male later visited briefly for about a minute. He landed going into defensive mode, flapping, mantling.

    He looks upwards a few times.

    Then was off.

    It was very windy here today, I don’t know if that affected fishing.


  • 10 August.

    Good morning. Hope you’re doing okay Sandra and getting better. Kissing heartTwo hearts

    Just some nice view of the nest this morning.

    05.45 A few wee ducks/water fowl are seen as the morning sun reflects on the water.

    05.48 It’s still windy this morning. 

    09.50 All generally very quiet with just the noise of the wind blowing through the trees.


  • .

    Glider said:
    Now I first thought this female was an intruder and then I thought she had a silver BTO ring on her right leg, so I wondered if she was NC0. She was so quiet though, no fish calling and mantling when landing? Her underwing and head markings aren’t quite right but could be close enough. I just don’t know without Sandra ID-ing her!

    I'm very bad at ID-ing, as you know - but I think the first lady was not NC0 - compare back of head to NC0 who was on the nest a bit later:

    NOT NC0:???

    NC0 with her triangle:

    On the other hand, the feathers on her back look very smilar.


    10 Aug am - it looks as tho I left thie above unposted last night while I was trying to do a video of DM's long, enthusiastic nestorising on the 9th.   Here's a token snap to represent it - it was during a 6-hour session ending at 09:45.

  • Such a shame that your comparison did not post Scylla, won't open when clicked on as sometimes happens!Disappointed relieved


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr