LOCH OF THE LOWES - June 2024 to end of season

Continued from May 2024

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter, Blogs, SWT News Feed and to Donate >>>


For the current 'LIVE' YouTube link, visit >>> https://www.youtube.com/@ScottishWildlifeTrustvideos/streams or >>> Embedded YT link

The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery, with funds awarded by Postcode Planet Trust

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes




Since the 9th May, a dark, unringed male intruder (with a distinctive large pupil in his right eye and who the team at Lowes has estimated to be 2-3 years of age) has been a regular visitor to the nest. The Pale Male, who had ‘destroyed’ the three eggs on the 7th/8th May, has not been seen on camera again and it was mentioned that this new young male had chased him from the area.

He has delivered many small fish ‘gifts’ (three in one day on a couple of occasions) and a sizable larger one to NC0 - her calls expressed how grateful she was - but that did not stop her from catching her own huge meal on the 23rd May, to satisfy her appetite. His many mating attempts have so far been rejected by NC0 though this has not put him off from making continuous efforts. The Dark Intruder, as named by staff in the hides on the reserve, is showing great nest building skills - bringing in a multitude of various-sized sticks and soft nesting material.

Although the relationship is in its early stages, NC0 appears to have accepted him as a 'potential' future mate and they have been observed working as a team to defend the nest against seen, and unseen, intruders - all encouraging signs for the beginning of a possible new chapter here at Loch of the Lowes.


Nest Updates 

Arrival dates:  NC0(16) - 8.3.24 (17:52)   Laddie (LM12) - 27.3.24 (16:38)  RIP Laddie (LM12) - remains found 3.5.24   Broken heart

Eggs laid: Egg #1 - 17.4.24 (10:48)  Egg #2 - 20.4.24 (10:53)  Egg #3 - 23.4.24 (20:47)

*Two eggs were destroyed on 7.5.24; the third one on 8.5.24, by an unringed, Pale Male Osprey. All were deemed unviable due to being chilled and left for long periods without incubation


Links to blogs and updates during March,  April,  May

June to end of season Blogs and Updates (Published dates)

20.6.24: LotL Fb >>> Update re NC0, DI and two female nest intruders

  • Totally agree about the clock

    It doesn't need to be intrusive either - the bottom right-hand side of the screen would be ideal!

    The male arrived with a stick at 17:28

    He placed it on the front, right edge - it was dangling

    He stood quietly checking the sky for a little while

    Then he moved the thick stick, that had been on the right, onto the edge

    He flew off almost 3 minutes later

    He came back with a twig at 17:34

    He made a contact call on landing

    The male then quietly began to mantle and flap his wings

    He posed in this position

    All calm again - no threat seen or heard 

    Off he went at 17:37

    Back he came again, at 17:42, with yet another stick!

    More contact calls when landing

    The extremely gusty conditions knocked him slightly him off balance 

    After a quick look, he flew away less that a minute after arriving

    18:40 It has remained ENS


  • 20:30 It has continued to be ENS. The wind has now eased and it's turned out to be a beautiful, calm evening


  • NC0 is good at catching the large fish! Glad to see the wind has died down. 

  • 23:03 There have not been any visits to the nest by either NC0 or the male


  • NC0 is good at catching the large fish! Glad to see the wind has died down

    She really can, Glider. What a fab Osprey she is! Heart eyes

  • I was just going to post that night cam came on at 23:07, when NC0 landed on the perch at 23:08!

    Night cam on

    NC0 made contact calls to, and when she landed, on the perch

    She didn't have any remaining fish with her

    Her feet slipped on landing but she manage to right herself

    She sat on there quietly looking around

    A quick look down to the nest

    Another look behind

    She opened and closed her beak here as if she had just finished eating

    Then she flew off directly to the right (the same direction as last night) at 23:13

    23:47 NC0 has not returned


  • 5th June

    Morning All

    6:50 No visits to the nest so far this morning (as far as I can tell)


  • 6:54 A couple of (not loud) calls from NC0 heard from the cam post

    6:56 A ruffle of feathers

    6:57 flight away 

    A flight around the birch corner...

    ...then back to land on the birch


  • NC0 remained on the birch until 7:43ish

    I lost sight of her (against the backdrop of the trees) as she flew down the inlet but then came back into view heading to, then past, the left side of the nest

    Chipping heard afterwards

    8:06 It's remained ENS. No movement or calling can be heard on the cam post



  • arrived a short while ago and still there as I type

    EDIT flew at 12.38