Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey) 26 May 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

Sorry I'm late starting the thread tonight. I forgot it was Saturday. LOL

We have extreme storms forecast for Sunday (hurricane-force winds, tornadoes, large hail, flooding, and lightning are all possible), so I was preparing. The birds must know about the threat, because they've been equally busy today. They seem distressed. Lightning hit a house across the creek from me last night, and crews have been clearing downed trees and powerlines across the county today.

Tomorrow is the Indianapolis 500 race. 300,000 fans will be at the track. Officials wouldn't cancel it, despite the dire weather forecast. If the expected storm arrives, people will be in the stands out in the open with no shelter!

Sending strength to all of you facing ill health and adversity. I care about all of you.

  • OG:  What a nice dilemma re the summer menu.   Has J's leg problem got a diagnosis?  Sun has showed itself the last few afternoons; an improvement!

    Have a good Saturday everyone

  • ANNETTE - never had a diagnosis re J's legs - I wish he would be more persistent and consistent seeking help!  This moning he spent an hour on the phone to NHS24 for advice having taken a double dose of his epilepsy medication!    Was told to avoid falling asleep during the day and not take his evening dose - he seems fine!

    Still summer weather so spent time sitting on the deck this afternoon supervising OH tidying the spring pots - dead-heading, weeding, feeding and top dressing, mostly bulbs  He is now trying to make dinner almost on time!.

  • Hello Everyone. Been busy.

    Pat, Sorry about the problem with your tooth. I've got gaps I'd rather not have,  so I understand.Maybe, as said, its not as noticeable as you think. (Hugs)

    Rosy, good news that your OH is home again. I hope he continues to improve.

    AQ - How upsetting for you,  and you lost sleep as well. Hope it doesn't happen again. You both need your sleep.

    I've been busy as Eldest arrived at lunchtime Thursday with our granddaughter Amber. So lovely to see her as its been months. She was excited to see our dog, Bonnie - she would so love to have a dog but her Mum is not a dog person, so no chance of that. We enjoyed an aftenoon catching up on news then yesterday, we spent a morn ing in Tatton Park where the weather stayed dry (just as well, as our son had forgotten to bring her wellies!) After a walk and a stop for an icecream we returned home for lunch and then went out for a meal early evening - Amber ate almost all of an adult meal of fish & chips! I enjoyed a pork dish with fresh vegetables and a light mustard sauce. Very good. 

  •  Hello Everyone. Been busy.

    Pat, Sorry about the problem with your tooth. I've got gaps I'd rather not have,  so I understand.Maybe, as said, its not as noticeable as you think. (Hugs)

    Rosy, good news that your OH is home again. I hope he continues to improve.

    AQ - How upsetting for you,  and you lost sleep as well. Hope it doesn't happen again. You both need your sleep.

    I've been busy as Eldest arrived at lunchtime Thursday with our granddaughter Amber. So lovely to see her as its been months. She was excited to see our dog, Bonnie - she would so love to have a dog but her Mum is not a dog person, so no chance of that. We enjoyed an aftenoon catching up on news then yesterday, we spent a morn ing in Tatton Park where the weather stayed dry (just as well, as our son had forgotten to bring her wellies!) After a walk and a stop for an icecream we returned home for lunch and then went out for a meal early evening - Amber ate almost all of an adult meal of fish & chips! I enjoyed a pork dish with fresh vegetables and a light mustard sauce. Very good. 

  • Wild Iris growing by the lake (which is called a Mere).