Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey) 26 May 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

Sorry I'm late starting the thread tonight. I forgot it was Saturday. LOL

We have extreme storms forecast for Sunday (hurricane-force winds, tornadoes, large hail, flooding, and lightning are all possible), so I was preparing. The birds must know about the threat, because they've been equally busy today. They seem distressed. Lightning hit a house across the creek from me last night, and crews have been clearing downed trees and powerlines across the county today.

Tomorrow is the Indianapolis 500 race. 300,000 fans will be at the track. Officials wouldn't cancel it, despite the dire weather forecast. If the expected storm arrives, people will be in the stands out in the open with no shelter!

Sending strength to all of you facing ill health and adversity. I care about all of you.

  • ANNETTE - all my broken bits seem to be mended thank goodness ! I'm walking a little stiffly and haven't got full movement of left arm but I'm very grateful that things aren't worse. The biggest problem that I have now is a fear of falling again :-(

  • Heather - very pleased to hear your news.  Keep up the good work.  Glad you don't need to drink any more of those horrible 'shakes'.  Glad the broken bits are repaired, and hoping full movement will return soon.  Concentrate on keeping upright!

    AQ - not very pleased to hear about your OH.  So sorry - so worrying and upsetting for you.  

    I lost part of a front tooth yesterday.  Several years it had been built up and looked perfectly normal, but now I have a nasty gap.  I popped into the dentist this morning for an estimate - £400!  I can't afford that, so not quite sure what I will do.  There are no dentists taking NHS patients anywhere near me.  The two receptionists I saw were very sympathetic - but they can't do anything.  I may need to learn to speak without opening my mouth!

  • HEATHER  So pleased to hear your good news.  xx

  • OG and anyone interested.  Sadly the news of the resident swans at the UHI is not good.  Our pair prepared their nest and there things stopped.  Unfortunately no matter how hard they tried the last 2 juveniles would not leave.  Apparently if the resident couple had  gone ahead and had their cygnets they may have been predated by the remaining juveniles.......hence we have had no cygnets at the uni this year.  We were there a couple of days ago and the resident pair have stayed and there is now 1 junior left.  We have heard that it may not be able to fly, though no one has actually confirmed that.  Oh well, that is nature for you.  On a better note we have had our first ever woodpecker in our garden.  We saw it first on Tuesday morning and then again yesterday evening.

  • Heather:  Good that bits are more or less working, but can you do any exercises for balance that will make you feel more confident?  

    AQ:  That's very disconcerting about your OH.  When you say 'next month' for the doc - is that June?  Hope so.  Maybe Heather has a point re Parkinson's meds.  I know how you feel about welcoming the rain when it finally arrives.  Apparently we are now seeing a transition from El Nino to La Nina, which typically heralds dry years for us.

    PatO;  Sorry about the tooth.  Can you make payments on the 400 pounds?   I've got two teeth (luckily not right in front) that could use some cosmetic work, but at my age the investment seems like a poor one.   :-)

    Someone on our neighborhood site asked if this May Gray seemed grayer and cooler than usual and got a resounding "yes" from many people.   Meanwhile, granddaughter is back in AZ doing final tidy up of the house and says it's really hot there already (Ms. D is at our house for school nights and this weekend is at dauhgter's.  Gddaughter due home Sunday.)  I need to go there - possibly next wee - before the house finally goes on the market.

  • £400!  I can't afford that, s

    Pat so sorry for you , that is a terrible amount to have to find.

    Not sure if you want to attempt a DIY, 


    it is also available  to purchase on Amazon

  • Nearly at the end of the week, but I am here!  We had a good day out yesterday – combining various shopping choices around west of Carlisle – including lunch (of course, Annette!)

    LINDA – good to see you are feeling somewhat better – but I hope your OH will get some test results soon!

    HEATHER – great to see your good news – and you “sound” more cheerful with it!

    AQ – sorry about your OH’s “funny turn” – not so funny when you have to watch it happening to your nearest and dearest.  Hugs and prayers from me.  Our town History Festival starts at the end of June – for most of the summer - with various walking routes, exhibitions, entertainments, market events etc.

    PAT - £400 is a lot for a tooth repair.  Do you think the gap is really as obvious to others as it feels to you?

    DIBNLIB – thanks for update on the Uni Swans – but a sad season for them.

    ANNETTE – you seem to have mentioned your May Gray more often this year, so even I was wondering if it is worse than usual; I hope you won’t get the June Gloom as well!  Glad the condo in Arizona is almost finalised so everyone can feel more settled.

    We three have another trip planned for tomorrow, with lunch again – if J can walk okay as his leg has been really bad today – had to phone for a lift home from the job centre!  I was at the doc’s for my blood tests, so he had to wait!

  • Hello to all. A quick check in here as we are along way down.

    Glad Heather had good news. 

    Sorry about the tooth, Pat.

    Oh is out of hospital now. All going well, but am rather busy.

    Best wishes to all.

  • A good trip to garden centre for lunch etc.  Enjoyed the new summer menu – difficult to choose!  I had a lovely Greek salad – and added prawns!  J’s legs were not too bad, and we did find places for him to rest.  Found most things on our shopping list in food hall, garden accessories (including some new hanging bird feeders) and the greengrocer.

    ROSY – glad your OH is out of hospital – I hope you have a good care package to help you looking after him.

    Nobody else around?  Maybe all enjoying the summer weather!


  • Summer weather?  It's been raining most of the day here, and now we have very strong winds.  And I've spent most of the day requesting supporting papers for a meeting in a couple of weeks.  And some really exciting housework this morning.

    Rosy - Glad your OH is home again.

    SunnyKate - Thank you for the suggestion.  Don't think it would work, though.  It seems like a temporary treatment, whereas I need something more permanent.  Not sure what I'm going to do yet.  Fortunately there is no pain ...