Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 May 2024


The moon turns full on Thursday in the UK and the US.

I saw my first Ruby-Throated Hummingbird of the year today. He will probably stay around. I have a towering old locust tree behind my house on the creek levee. Growing on the tree is an old-fashioned wild trumpet flower vine with red-orange flowers. The hummingbirds love those blossoms. A pair stay for the summer every year.

I hope everyone has a good week. Love and hugs to all.

  • Still writing this in my tablet. Mobile won't connect!! 

    Yesterday we went shopping and on the drive home, I passed my OH a sweetie - a kind of soft jelly baby type. After a moment he said "Oh!" and brought something out of his mouth - - half a tooth. Now, he says he won't go to the dentist until his next appointment. I looked on our calendar and it's January <sigh>  I have tried to point out that if he does nothing, the tooth that's left might deteriorate further through wear.

    We are both already heartily fed up with the politics in TV - ugh!! (For those across the pond and DownUnder, we are now having a General Election in July). I might have to switch off the News bulletins as it's taking priority over all else, with weeks & weeks to go.

  • Lindybird:  Maybe i the broken tooth becomes painful your OH will change his mind.  Fingers crossed it doesn't, but still...   Haha.  You're sick of politics?  Just thank heaven you don't have the Orange Menace on the loose....   I did read about your election there; such a short period of campaigning compared to the years-long folderol we have to tolerate. 

    Hope everyone else is doing well.

  • More bad weather due for bjane and Diane (strong storms but no tornadoes forecast as I type).

  • ANNETTE: Really dire forecast just released here for Sunday (tornadoes, hail...). The Indianapolis 500 race is due to be run that day with thousands and thousands of people watching in the stands. Officials are in a quandary about what to do, as are people with tickets.

    LINDY: I also heard about your surprise election (on the BBC World Service and the news sites). At least it will be over soon. I think it's going to be a long, hot summer here in the US with much civil unrest. Maybe worse than 1968. I'm sorry about your OH's tooth. Hope you're ok. A stressful time for you. I'm sending strength every day.

  • After a lovely Iris from Rusty the other day, here's one from me: a new one we planted last year so very pleased to see it come up. 

    My OH is ignoring his tooth which is at the side - I said he might be able to have it crowned if he went to the dentist soon. I'm not the only stubborn one in the family,  apparently!! 

    I felt terrible this morning as coughed for most of the night - a dry cough and it woke me up every time I closed my eyes. Now I'm tired and grumpy. My OH is rattllng around without both his golf and his allotment, as its too wet for both, and he's not up to playing golf anyway. We were due to have coffee with some neighbours today but have put it off to next week as they're elderly and may catch my cough.

  • Worrying to hear about the dire weather in the USA - there seem to be more of these events. Keep safe, All 

  • LINDY: Those flowers are glorious! I love the irises you and Rusty post. When I was very young, we lived in a little old house next to the railroad tracks on the outskirts of a small town. My dog (a little Boston terrier) and I used to sit among the irises and watch the trains go by. In that era, hobos would sometimes jump off the trains before they reached the town. I was fascinated by those travelling men. Your photos bring back childhood memories.

  • LINDY: I hope your cough is temporary and will be gone by tonight! Hope it's not covid or pneumonia.

  • Been having a difficult week - various tech troubles - phones and vehicle in the main, and health difficulty - not ill, just not well!  So really tired and confused and just not feeling like doing things.  But I have been reading posts here up to this point.  A very pretty little Iris, LINDA. 

    Magazine almost up to proof reading session, so shall hope to look in here tomorrow and then see if I can keep up (but not catch up) from Sunday onwards.  Good luck with weather, everywhere!  RUSTY - when do you go away?  Is it this coming week?