MANTON BAY - May 2024

Continued from Manton Bay – April 2024.

The history of the Manton Bay nest and stats can be found here .

The season so far:  On 12 March, Maya returned 12 March @ 15:58 and Blue 33(11) on the 13 March @ 15:25.     Maya laid her first egg on 30 March @ 13:58, the second on 02 April @ 13:15 and a third on 05 April @ 11:06

All images in this thread copyright of   © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

Maya and 33(11) have taken turns incubating their precious eggs and we should see the first hatch towards the end of the first week in May.

  • Checking back and not a lot to report - 33 on the nest looking a tad agitated so some intruders going around and Maya, after a morning dip enjoyed a good preen while watching over the little bob who has been snoozing in the sunshine.

    12:54  33 arrives with a large fish - first I've seen this morning

    Maya drags it over and the little chick is up and ready for fish

    and it gets a bit

    33 flies off leaving Maya and the little one tucking in

    Maya takes a comfort break - what a huge crop the little one has 

    13:20  33 arrives, soon grabs the fish and eats at side of nest with the little one zonked out

    33 then drags it across the nest disturbing the little bob!

    he continues to eat back of nest and bob zonks out again

    Maya returns, 33 takes off but later returns

    14:25  all together

    and just now (14:53)  Maya settled down along with the bob

  • Maya takes a comfort break - what a huge crop the little one has

    Gosh, the little one has grown, Karen! I wonder if it was thinking how it was going to fit in anymore of that fab fish! Smiley

  • I know Sandra, the difference in a week is unbelievable. 

    But perhaps it looks big as there are no siblings to compare it to as we always are used to seeing a teeny weeny #3 Heart eyes

  • 16:32  Maya is packing more fish into the little one

    I wonder how much longer it will be able to stay vertical with that crop

    gravity is winning 

    and soon horizontal  

    16:38  that little one should sleep for ages lol

  • 17:08 little one continues to snooze off its fish


    17:32  Maya has been up for a bit preening and its still zonked out lol

  • 18:49  33 arrives with a fish

    Maya and the little one eagerly await supper as 33 keeps hold of it

    Maya grabs a fish piece lying on the nest as 33 eats from his.  Little bob is in the middle and facing the wrong way as 33 offers some  

    Maya soon takes the fish from 33

    Maya feeds herself and the bob - crop filled to max again

    and then settles down 

  • Oh just look at that darling bob - it's as cute as can be! Hugging

  • 20:25 Maya enjoying some fish

    20:26  Little one soon senses fish on the go and rises

    more fish - 

    20:30  Maya continues to pack the fish into it

    20:34  feed over and Maya settles down

  • When will she learn about the dangerous flapping Tail????


  • Morning ALL

    06:30  33 arrives with a large fish

    Maya grabs hold - its flapping and little chick is up for breakfish

    the fish is flapping, gets loose and smacks the little chick.  33 is on stand by

    Maya gets hold of it - chick wary

    06:33 33 flies off as feed gets underway, 

    06:45  feed over and Maya settles down with the chick safely under her

    06:51  33 collects the fish