LOCH GARTEN 2024 - May to end of season


Thread for April 2024

All pictures and videos ©️RSPBLochGarten&WildlifeWindows

Please read Korky's comprehensive March 2024 intro



Asha & Brodie

The partnership has matured this season, with Asha continuing her good female role (and she loves nest-building) and Brodie being more reliable, both fishing and incubating.

The pair have fought their way thru all kinds of nasty weather - snow, wind and rain - and intruders, including the dreaded KL5 Klive, have been a nuisance but not dangerous...

so far.

21 April @ 10:47

24 April @ 14:06

27 April @ 13:27




Sadly, the month of May heralded irresistible aggression from BlueKL5 "Klive", who had ruined the end of last season for the 2 juvies.

Within the first 2 days Klive had driven Brodie from the area (tho Brodie did return a couple of times to dive-bomb Klive, to no effect) and destroyed the eggs.  He commenced to woo Asha clumsily, selfishly and inappropriately, as can be seen from the following pages.

  • I haven't got time atm to delve or catch up properly, other than to cry, where's Brodie (and where's Laddie, come to that).  Are osprey making such a come-back that it is becoming a problem?

    According to notes I made briefly y'day, 

    05:52     Chat     Brodie chases off intruder. Looks like it might have followed him bringing fish

    Is that the same as your vid, SCYLLA?  I can't see any reference of him again.  Just Klive and the unringed male.  And here was I hoping for a smooth season for once!  BBL

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

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    SheilaFE said:

    According to notes I made briefly y'day, 

    05:52     Chat     Brodie chases off intruder. Looks like it might have followed him bringing fish

    Is that the same as your vid, SCYLLA? 

    I slomo'd Brodie flying off @ 05:46 and intruder flying after him - given the break-up on that cam with fast action, one could have missed that there were 2 birds - youtu.be/ziRSb_ReIQ0

  • Brodie just flew in with fish but KL5 chased him off  

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    billy said:

    Brodie just flew in with fish but KL5 chased him off  

    Wow - thanks hugely, BILLY !!!  OMG one has one's hands full now !!!

    All strength to you (((Brodie))) Heartpulse

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    The sound's been out of sync on the nestcam since yesterday, it's most off-putting Cry

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    Sound is back on track :)))

    I'm up to 10:30, it's ridiculous, I don't remember such a persistent, frequent intruder - but should probably be refreshing my memory to dearest EJ's bad times ???

    BTW, I remember thinking, when we first met Brodie, that he was quite big for a male and that made it even more difficult to tell the difference between him and Asha (Mistle, back then).  I do hope that's right, but Klive looks a pretty hefty male now Pensive

    Hang on...

    ... I've just checked Chat and there's no good news since Brodie brought a fish only to be chased away by KL5. Asha has been panicked off the nest a few times, cause unknown.

    Meal break.

  • May 2 Summary (Part 1)

    5:11:07 Unringed male tries to land on nest.  Asha flaps him off and he lands on the perch.  5:11:39 Asha flaps him off.  
    He lands on top of dead tree to the left of the tower and stay there until 5:28:25
    6:15 to 6:21 skydancing
    6:23:00 Osprey (turns out to be KL5) flies in the distance.
    6:23:05 to 7:43:40 KL5 sits on tree eating (see PTZ)
    7:43:52 KL5 brings fish to nest:
    Asha accepts it:
    7:44:34  Asha flaps him off the nest
    7:49:20 KL5 flies in to try to mate (FIRST) with Asha while she is eating his fish.  She flaps him off.
    7:52:50 KL5 tries to mate (SECOND) with Asha.  She flaps him off.  He lands on nest.  At 7:52:57 Asha flaps him off the nest.
    To be continued...
  • OMG, I can't keep up with what is going on.  There are multiple ospreys in play.

  • Huge battle going on that's fascinating to watch but don't give much hope to this nest being successful especially looking at what happened at the end of last year. I think KL5 may take over nest