LOCH GARTEN 2024 - May to end of season


Thread for April 2024

All pictures and videos ©️RSPBLochGarten&WildlifeWindows

Please read Korky's comprehensive March 2024 intro



Asha & Brodie

The partnership has matured this season, with Asha continuing her good female role (and she loves nest-building) and Brodie being more reliable, both fishing and incubating.

The pair have fought their way thru all kinds of nasty weather - snow, wind and rain - and intruders, including the dreaded KL5 Klive, have been a nuisance but not dangerous...

so far.

21 April @ 10:47

24 April @ 14:06

27 April @ 13:27




Sadly, the month of May heralded irresistible aggression from BlueKL5 "Klive", who had ruined the end of last season for the 2 juvies.

Within the first 2 days Klive had driven Brodie from the area (tho Brodie did return a couple of times to dive-bomb Klive, to no effect) and destroyed the eggs.  He commenced to woo Asha clumsily, selfishly and inappropriately, as can be seen from the following pages.

  • Morning all.  A wonderful vid of ol' Radio Chaffinch.  That's a blast from the past when we were serenaded nearly every morning by by one.  I wouldn't like to say whether it was Pale Male or not, Scylla.  I have nothing to compare it with other than going thru earlier posts.

    An interesting snippet from Valerie on Live Cam 2 this morning:

    07.38  AX6(16)m ( Axel ) was seen fishing at Aviemore.  Father of Asha's (then known as Mistle)  surviving chick in 2022, IC2(22)m who valiantly defended the nest against Klive.  

     Aviemore ospreys    

    Thankfully all the new fish are doing well, apart from two that have decided to attach themselves to ospreys and go flying instead, a certain osprey came in second, and had one away, Liam Mcbride again has some stunning images to share later, one for ID. 


    Oh, drag and drop from FB page!!  Credit to Aviemore Ospreys and Liam McBride.  The FB page is public.

    I have noticed how 'tatty' Klive is at eating his fish.  There is always a lot of skin left.  He takes the flesh first, unlike most osprey that seem to take both together and work down the fish.  Odd.

    10.11 Asha landed, calling, followed by Klive who landed on her back, but she wasn't responsive.  They stood together on the nest, with Asha demanding fish.  Asha left at 10.26, Klive at 10.27, both leaving in different directions!.

    11.08 still ENS

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • The female is now eating a whole fish next to Klive. Obviously Scylla and I were correct about the offering earlier from Klive - more skin than fish so she has caught her own. Pensive

  • On ptz cam:

    13:35 KL5 figures he has waited long enough and slowly creeks closer. Asha says "No way!". He holds his ground. It's a standoff!!

  • A brilliant dialogue, Canuk!!  Well done Asha, that's telling him.  

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 14.32 Klive flew off, having made one or two attempts to get closer, but was repelled, often with a glare, or once, a peck.  He flew to the nest, and appeared to be fish calling as he left Odin's perch!!  Or was that a complaint that she wasn't sharing!

    14.49  Klive had a natter to himself, and flew off to the dead tree to the left of the old nest and PTZ tower.

    15.02 he took off, flying to the right behind the current nest and disappeared.

    15.34  Asha is still on Odin's perch, hidden by the PTZ tower, and there is still plenty of fish to eat!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I have been following these events with increasing despair at KLive’s nonsensical selfishness. I don’t understand it. But I am continuing to follow peeking through fingers over my face…so thank everyone who is doing such a stellar job at faithfully recording each happening. Asha deserves so much more than this, and I hope things will work out for her in the long run.

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Love it Canuck! Well she should put him in his place, for his sad lack of presenting her with fish.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Hello CC, lovely  to see you again.

    Asha is still on Odin's perch with a sizeable amount of fish left. She is in no hurry! 

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 17.18 it's home time for the staff, and zoom is back on the empty nest. Asha was still on Odin's perch with her still ample fish, larger than most of Klive's offerings have ever been.

    17.54 !Klive returned to the nest, then f.ew up to the nest perch

    18.29 he has spent  the time preening.

    18.58 almost 18.59 Klive flew to the left.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 19.01 someone flew right to left behind way behind the nest.  Then appeared from the left and landed on the totem pole, then to Odin's perch.

    Asha is still hidden behind the PTZ tower on Odin's perch.  Klive is clearly hoping for left overs!

    was visible on Odin's perch - Asha?

    Another flew and landed to the top of the totem pole

    20.02 Klive is still on Odin's Perch.  I can't see Asha, but it's straining my eyes to watch!  I assume she is there.

    20.51  Asha flew to the totem pole.  Klive followed her and attempted to mate.  I think it failed.

    20.52  Klive flew to the the nest and eventually to the perch

    Asha stayed on the totem pole, she appears to still be eating her fish!!  21.25.  Klive remains on the nest perch.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/