LOCH GARTEN 2024 - May to end of season


Thread for April 2024

All pictures and videos ©️RSPBLochGarten&WildlifeWindows

Please read Korky's comprehensive March 2024 intro



Asha & Brodie

The partnership has matured this season, with Asha continuing her good female role (and she loves nest-building) and Brodie being more reliable, both fishing and incubating.

The pair have fought their way thru all kinds of nasty weather - snow, wind and rain - and intruders, including the dreaded KL5 Klive, have been a nuisance but not dangerous...

so far.

21 April @ 10:47

24 April @ 14:06

27 April @ 13:27




Sadly, the month of May heralded irresistible aggression from BlueKL5 "Klive", who had ruined the end of last season for the 2 juvies.

Within the first 2 days Klive had driven Brodie from the area (tho Brodie did return a couple of times to dive-bomb Klive, to no effect) and destroyed the eggs.  He commenced to woo Asha clumsily, selfishly and inappropriately, as can be seen from the following pages.

  • Tuesday 7th May 04:52 female on nest food soliciting 

  • .

    Thank you, CANUCK - it's just as well someone's producing something around here!

    This is all I've got to show for hours of "work", all of which has had to go in the bin.

    Asha's landing this morning with sound synced from the nest cam - that's all!


    If you're wondering what happened to a snap and text I had here - it had to be deleted, the cam wasn't LIVE !!!

    SYAL !!!

  • I've been busy, Scylla, instead of pulling weeds!!

    KLive was last seen 

    Sunday 05 May 2024

    20:36:24 KL5 flies off the nest to chase an O flying by – last time Klive is seen on Sunday evening engaging in an aerial battle. Maybe he got his behind kicked and is laying low?

    7 May 2024

    04.24                  Osprey, probably Asha, on cam perch, in the gloom

    04.39                  Osprey lands on the nest, and faux mantles as Asha drops down to the nest and fish calls..  Two dark spots on the head, but does Brodie had dark area under his wing?  Is it Brodie, but why mantle at this stage.   Asha calls loudly.  I think it is Brodie. – but does he had dark markings on his underwing which I hadn't noticed before.

    04.43                  Brodie flew off towards the old nest.  I couldn’t see where he landed.

    05.25                  Asha flew to the cam perch

    06.04                  She flew towards the old nest and returneded to the nest perch.

    06.21                  Asha returned to the nest perch.  Lots of looking around and preening.

    06.55                  She left the perch, and had a fly about.

    06.56                  And returned to the cam perch

    07.00                  She flew down to the nest cup, or what remains of it, mantling.  Brodie joined her.  Ashs lay low, Brodie stayed on the rim mantling

    07.02                  Asha stood up and joined in, mantling.  Intruder still unseen unseen

                               When I changed cam Asha was just food soliciting, how defending!!

    07.05                  Brodie continued to look around while Asha called.

    07.06                  Something flew beyond the nest.  They were both unaware.  Perhaps it was a gull.

    07.07                  Brodie flew to the totem pole.  Asha continued to call.

    07.18                  Asha flew out to, and to the left of the total pole and I lost her.

    07.49                  Brodie left the totem pole and returned to the nest, picking a stick or three.

    07.56                  Brodie flew to the totem pole.  No sign of Asha

    09.11                   Both Asha and Brodie landed together.  Asha still calling.

    09.19                  Brodie flew off, but not to the total pole.  Asha became silent, looked around and preened.

    09.47                  She calls again, and prowls the nest.  I can't see Brodie.

    10.06                  Dark skies, she calls and flies over the nest perch.

    10.41                  The cam wakes up and takes a tour of the area in search of osprey

                               And eventually finds that I think is Asha on a tree.

    11.28                   She has a poop, looks around and flies off.

    11.28                   Brodie lands on the nest, and flies off a few minutes later.  Was it Brodie on the tree at 10.41?

    11.48                   Asha lands on the nest and fish calls.  I assume Brodie must be within sight, but only to her!

    11.51                   She flies to the nest perch and preens, quietly.

    12.50                  Asha flew away from the nest.  The cam remained static until

    14.40                  Asha landed on the cam perch and calls.

    14.52                  Lovely close-ups of Asha.

    15.01                  She drops to the nest fish expectant!  Getting louder and backing up.

    15.05                  FISH  from Brodie.  Asha grabs it almost hungrily, and flies off straight way.  Brodie watches.

                               Brodie cleans his beak on the nest, wanders, and tidies the nest.

    15.08                  Brodie flies to the totem pole

    15.39                  Asha fish calls off the nest.  Asha lands, calling.  Did she drop the fish, or was it smaller than it looked.  She isn't at all happy, fish soliciting very loudly/

                               It sounds more 'go fishing' than 'bring that fish here'!

    15.56                  Asha is still calling.  Brodie is still on the totem pole.

    17.18                  Asha takes off, calling in the distance.  Brodie is still on the totem pole, ignoring her!

    17.19                  She returns to the nest perch.  Her voice it getting croaky with all this calling!

    17.43                  She drops to the nest, calling. Brodie remains on the totem pole.

    18.00                  With Brodie STILL on the total pole ignoring her, and Asha STILL calling loudly.  I'm stopping now


    A quiet day, with one or two unseen intruders.  No sign of KLive.  Our pair still staying by the nest.  And a noisy fish-demanding Asha.


    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • From LG ABbrnethy FB

    RSPB Loch Garten, Abernethy

    tsnoSrpoed89051626776gt5268i4iha63c5fg730htf72700184hcf38m1m  · 
    Do we have a love triangle!?
     Last week we very sadly saw Asha & Brodies eggs destroyed by KL5 & it looked like KL5 had claimed the nest, but it didn't end there...
     What's happened since? KL5 has repeatedly attempted to mate with Asha with a small handful of successful attempts. KL5 brought fish to the nest several times over the weekend and chased Brodie away on Friday.
      Where's KL5 now? KL5 & Asha looked to be in the courting stage after she accepted his mating attempts but now hasn't been seen since Sunday. He might have decided he no longer wants Asha or perhaps has another nest. He also may still return.
     What about intruders? There have been unringed Ospreys over the weekend, one landed on the nest with a fish before KL5 chased them away.
    But what about brooding Brodie? We thought Brodie was seen off by KL5 but he has been back!!  Whilst he hasn't attempted to mate with Asha he has spent plenty of time again on the nest with her and brought in fish!
     Is there still time for eggs? Yes, it's possible but more unlikely as time goes on. Ideally Asha would have them before the end of May.
     What now? Brodie has established he doesn't want to leave this nest. With KL5 disappearing, after causing chaos, it looks like Asha & Brodie are happy back together.
    Will KL5 return again & will Brodie be able to hold the nest next time??

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 04:20 osprey silhouette on zoom cam

  • Silhouette was female. @ 4:38 started food soliciting, joined in nest for 1 minute by unringed male before he flies off.

  • Canuck said:

    15:04:58  FISH from Brodie


    What a small piece of fish that was!  Asha soon returned and spent the afternoon/evening complaining, to no avail, while Brodie preened on the totem - there was no other activity all day/night!


    It's now 06:40 and I've hit this tab to find the above uncompleted post !!!  I'm supposed to have posted the (inadequate) fish and subsequent events, such as they were: