Continued from April 2024

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter, Blogs, SWT News Feed and to Donate >>>


For the current 'LIVE' YouTube link, visit >>> https://www.youtube.com/@ScottishWildlifeTrustvideos/streams or >>> Embedded YT link

The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery, with funds awarded by Postcode Planet Trust

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes



Three beautiful eggs were laid from mid-April, with the final one arriving almost 10 hours later than NC0’s usual 72 hour 'cycle'.

Both Laddie and NC0 have had to defend the nest from many 'passing through' intruders. Could Laddie’s defence of the reserve be the reason why there has been no sighting of him on the webcam since early lunchtime on the 28th? There were a few occasions where there was a high likelihood that he may have been in NC0’s sight since then though, her loud fish calls alerted us to that probable fact.

With NC0’s last meal being delivered on the 27th, we can only hope that Laddie arrives home not only fit and well, but also with a well-deserved fish for such an amazing female Osprey – her endeavours to keep the eggs protected, warm and dry during his absence, have been truly remarkable!

As I write, it has been just over 60 hours without Laddie at the nest and we now wait, in anticipation, for a positive start to this new month...

*UPDATED 4.5.23: Heartbroken to report, that there was very sadly no positive news forthcoming regarding our dear Laddie...


Nest Updates

Arrival dates:  NC0(16) - 8.3.24 (17:52)  Laddie (LM12) - 27.3.24 (16:38)  RIP Laddie (LM12) - remains found 3.5.24  Broken heart

Eggs laid:  Egg #1 - 17.4.24 (10:48)  Egg #2 - 20.4.24 (10:53)  Egg #3 - 23.4.24 (20:47)   

*Two eggs were destroyed on 7.5.24; the third one on 8.5.24, by an unringed, Pale Male Osprey. All were deemed unviable due to being chilled and left for long periods without incubation 


Links to blogs and updates during March,  April

May Blogs and Updates (published dates)

2.5.24: LotL Facebook >>> Situation with regards to Laddie's absence

3.5.24: LotL Facebook >>> Update from the nest

3.5.24: LotL Blog (updated at 9pm on 4.5.24) >>> Loch of the Lowes osprey nest update

4.5.24: LotL Facebook >>> It is with a very heavy heart...

7.5.24: SWT/LotL News >>> Osprey LM12 found dead

7.5.24: LotL Blog >>> The start of a new osprey era at Lowes?

10.5.24: LotL Blog >>> Intruding Ospreys Make a Move

13.5.24: LotL Facebook >>> A lot has been happening...

15.5.24: STV News Report - North East and Tayside >>> Police say no criminality after death of YouTube star osprey 'Laddie'  *Nothing 'official' from SWT/Lowes*

20.5.24: Article from raptorpersecutionuk.org >>> Update on death of Osprey ‘Laddie’ from Loch of the Lowes Reserve in Perthshire (Link provided by SheilaFE - with grateful thanks) 

21.5.24: LotL Blog >>> Skydancing, Nestorations and Fish – Positive News from the Nest (Four SWT videos included)

30.5.24: LotL Blog >>> Fish, ‘Flowers’ and the Battle of Blue ‘7C1’ – An Update from the Osprey Nest


  • Hi Belinda, he appeared to have too much white on his head when he landed...then I saw his right eye and dark head marking properly! lol

  • Dark Male has landed on the nest 17:19

    Cont'd from previous page

    Lots of preening during his long visit

    Preening his neck/chest area

    Well, that's not good etiquette ~ he did a PS on the nest!

    He then flew off to the left at 17:36


  • I wonder if NCO has been spending anytime on the frustration nest which is nearby

  • Now that's a thought, Belinda Thinking

    Edit: Lowes will update us if so, I would think...

  • I really hope either male hears her and brings her a fish

    Hi Ash,

    Yes, that would be a start! I wonder where the Pale Male is? Seen off completely by the Dark one? Hmmm...

  • And a huge thank you from me  . Feel such a bond with these ospreys and all ospreys. My husband was speaking to a friend in Brooklyn and

    to my surprise they have ospreys there

    You're very welcome, Julie!

    Amazing isn't it! Iris at Hellgate, Montana, is back on her nest. She is around 26-28 years old! She has laid 2 eggs since the beginning of May, the first one was kicked out by a young male BUT, she laid a second and incubation by both Ospreys is going well so far.

  • Update from LOL

    A lot has been happening in and around the osprey nest since the ‘Pale Male’ destroyed NC0’s eggs on the 7th and 8th May, and looked to be the dominant bird taking an interest in the territory. We last saw him on the webcam knocking off and chasing the ‘Dark Intruder’ from the nest on the morning of Thursday 9th.
    We were surprised therefore to see the ‘Dark Intruder’ as the osprey who returned later the next day to lay claim to the nest. It has been frequently seen on the nest, chipping at passing overhead threats, preening on top of the webcam and generally hanging around the reserve since.
    Meanwhile, NC0 has been sighted regularly on several of her favourite perches and haunts off camera including the ‘Split Birch’, which she successfully fished from last night. She has been eating well and at the time of writing is tucked away on a quiet perch eating a good-sized rainbow trout , which she looks to have caught herself.
    Saturday 11th was a particularly interesting day, where the ‘Dark Intruder’ defended the nest on multiple occasions from the 'Pale Male'. However, later that afternoon a fish exchange was observed between an osprey (thought to be the ‘Pale Male’) and NC0 away from the nest. This osprey took off and left NC0 to her meal. It wasn’t long however before the ‘Dark Intruder’ landed next to her and began trying to beg for food and even tried to pull it from her! Eventually, a spectacular chase ensued and NC0 dropped her fish before landing on the nest, where she sat for some time.
    Since then there appears to have been a cool ‘Entente Cordial’ between NC0 and the ‘Dark Intruder’, and both were seen on the nest this morning, with the ‘Dark Intruder’ even starting to rearrange the nest. Despite calling for fish all morning, the ‘Dark Intruder’ continued to preen on top of the webcam, before NC0 finally went off to hunt for herself, returning with the large rainbow trout mentioned above.
    Once again we witnessed the ‘Dark Intruder’ trying to solicit food from her, before finally heading off presumably to fish for themselves, or perhaps finally impress her with a catch!
    It's fascinating viewing, and a complex jigsaw puzzle we are trying to piece together. There are bound to be other twists and turns, and potentially another swing in the dominance of the two osprey interested in the territory, which could be made even more interesting with the return of two-year olds returning to the country for the first time!
  • Wow, such a lot of wonderful, detailed info from Lowes, Belinda! Thanks for sharing GrinningOk hand 

    Edit: Pics that accompany the LotL Fb post (above)

  • Great post Belinda from LotL FB and accompanying photos Sandra. Thumbsup

    It would be good if The Lowes got a PTZ cam too. Blush And a screen clock! Smile