Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 31 March 2024


I hope everyone has a good week! I wish a nice Easter to those who celebrate the holiday.

Remember when I heard that big squawk last week? I thought it might be the Great Blue Heron. But it wasn't. It was the big male Pileated Woodpecker, with his glorious red head. This year, the pair is nesting in the woods right across from my front door! I was so happy to see them. They have always been revered birds in my family. 

Love and hugs to everyone! Welcome back, LINDY. It was nice to see LIMPY last week! 

  • Thanks Annette and Rusty for asking. Nasty weather but no tornadoes for me. Rain then snow and now high wind advisory.

  • I'm ok here. My county had some flooding, hail, and high winds. Really awesome lightening storm. It hit a tree in my woods, and the thunder clap made me leap out of bed. Lol Thanks for asking. Nice to see you, bjane. Snow here, too, today.

  • Hi all, hope you are all OK.   Well, work has started on installing my new kitchen.   Prep work is still going on with the plasterer in tomorrow and hopefully units being constructed by Friday onwards with a finish date around Wed or Thurs next week.  Will post before and after pics later.

    Do hope that those who have been in poor health are feeling a lot better.  Dau goes away on Friday with a friend for 6 days - coach holiday to Wales, staying in Criccieth. Fond memories of that place as we had one or two family holidays there way back down the anals of time.

  • I can't get back to a previous page.  I have tried clicking on both the number and the blue arrow on the left, but nothing changes.  Both work on other threads.  Any ideas?

  • I got page 2 ok but not 1 ... went back to 3 and got page 1 from there?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Pat - i got to Page 2 OK and from there I got back to Page 1. Glad you had such a nice outing yesterday. 
    Lynnette - you sound quite calm about the kitchen installation. I hope it continues to progress on schedule.

    I went grocery shopping this morning and then had lunch with some of my former colleagues at a little cafe we hadn’t visited before. It was very nice, We didn’t leave until after 3!!!  

  • Had no problem hopping between pages....went rom 3 to 1 with no problem, etc.

  • I can page-hop quite merrily now - must have been one of those temporary glitches that happen randomly.  There are times when I hate computers ... 

  • Good afternoon - I am bumping us up. It has been dry all day and I have had a productive time in the garden. I have taken out the strawberries from their pots and thrown the majority away. The plants were quite old and they had got really damp and waterlogged this winter. I have washed the pots, put new compost and planted new strawberries. I hope they come. I then used most of the old compost as a mulch (Monty Don would have been impressed!!) Next I dug a big hole and filled that with some of the old compost and put in the stakes ready for my sweet peas. I have dug the hole in a different place from last year because the sweet peas were not successful at all. I am meeting my sister at a garden centre tomorrow so I will buy a pot of sweet pea plants whist I am there. 

  • We've been sort of busy...  my OH has been digging at the allotment and has been disappointed again that the golf is cancelled. He also has a bad headache today which is most unusual for him - he never has them.

    AQ - Glad your OH managed some sleep but I'm sure you could do with more yourself.

    Lynette - You do sound calm. Having a new kitchen is very stressful. Hope all goes well.

    Diane & bjane - Glad the storms weren't too bad. Time you had a bit of calm!!