This site is now a nightmare. With no guidance from as yet from the RSPB we are in a right pickle.
So can we come together as the Loch Garten Forum and try to agree a common approach / procedure for posting:
Everyone, please put forward your views and between us we’ll try and whip up something.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
SHEILA did a sterling job last year summarising the daily activity however I personally feel in our current situation that is asking, expecting too much of anyone.
Why can't the first person who needs to post not just start off the thread - don't need any speel, just need to input Name/Date?
I think regulars could and would be more than willing to help newer members if required. Takes me back to TIGER's School, can't remember what he called it but it was a hoot learning about posh links
Hi Karen, thanks for this thread. What a ******** mess indeed this site is in now. It is good to see we are all sticking with it and trying our best to navigate our way around, or maybe not!!
I have wondered if a weekly thread may get too big and cumbersome, especially if folks post them differently, and posts get out of kilter, so to speak. Maybe a daily one would be best, and if when we read through, folks try not to post too much of the same and keep things short. Only my suggestion.
I have just noticed on the thread Bird box location, THERE ARE PAGE NUMBERS. I posted a reply with link and thought it did not post, so did it again and it was still not there, but when I looked properly, page 1& 2 are there!!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Catlady said:I have just noticed on the thread Bird box location, THERE ARE PAGE NUMBERS. I posted a reply with link and thought it did not post, so did it again and it was still not there, but when I looked properly, page 1& 2 are there!!
So there are, Catlady! Also, under the OP, the 'Oldest' 'Likes' and 'Newest' have been taken away (if they were there in the first place)
Your comment which appears on page 2
So they have Sheila, I never noticed that, OMG maybe there is progress after all! Keep watching, or reading
The only difference that I can see is, it is the only thread started under Nature on your doorstep, everything else is under, chat, tearooms, wildlife or ospreys?
I've edited my post to include a screenshot of your comment (page 2). It appears that the OP continues to remain at the top of both pages?
Oh dear, one step forward with page numbers and two steps backwards with double posts on each page!! Happy days!
Posh links ... which I never have mastered!!
Edit ... I posted this in reply to your comment way up the thread ... so why is it down here??
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
Click on 'Newest' Wendy, it shows your reply to Karen's comment underneath it.
Please bring back the page numbers. So tired of clicking on View More only to be taken to four-day old posts and newer that I've already read. Thank you in advance!