I hope everyone has a good week!
Folks in my region are shaking their heads in disbelief. We've been having stretches of bizarre, record-breaking warmth here (over 73F or 22.7C). Very strange for the last week of February.
The migrating birds are all returning early. The beautiful Sandhill Cranes began to reach Indiana on February 1, and twice as many as normal have arrived here. Even the songbirds are already appearing.
Love and hugs to everyone.
AWh!! so sorry Rusty, seems so unfair, when you give so much to others, Hope it is a bit warmer for you today, here on Dartmoor, we have 7*, positively balmy, after the past few days..
Do come and MOAN on here, someone will ALWAYS listen, and send vibes that Gas Man comes this morning for you.
I think I am going bonkers. Started feeling vexed early this morning because I couldn't find a new thread. Only after using sweaty words about this new system before I remembered that today is Saturday, not Sunday...
sweary but sweaty could be applied....
RUSTY – is it a gas leak or a water leak? Gas would be treated urgently, but not very pleasant for you.
HEATHER – what? Is there part of your post missing – I’ll have a hunt around!
Failed to find any missed post from Heather – don’t know what is going on!
Weather here is dull but so far dry – hoping EE might be able to scratch around in the veg patch this afternoon. I am hoping to dispose of my whole To Do pile beside my PC. It includes ordering sandals, paying credit card, preparing birthday card to niece, replying to a rubbish letter from social workers …
Had a surprise phone call from Brother-in-Law last night – he is 84 and for about five years hasn’t been able to hold a conversation, but he was quite lucid and his speech therapy sessions are apparently working! He suffers from Lewy-body Alzheimer’s (not sure how to spell it). He said he knows it is EE’s birthday some time but not sure when (it’s 17th).
OG - it is a water leak coming from the boiler. Not gas fortunately. A month ago it was the right hand manifold something or other. He has just arrived (3.45) and thinks the left hand manifold something or other might have failed!!! Oh joy!! At least it will be done under the contract. I hope EE was able to have a session in the veg patch.
Yes, RUSTY. He did sort the veg patch - now needs some ancient content from the compost heap added, then put the cold frames over it to start warming the soil - so almost up to my planned schedule. I am hoping this will also reduce 3 compost heaps to two - or even one! Pleased to see the gas man came on the day. Will you be without the boiler until they come back to actually complete the job?
Just ran down the page and fell over Heather's post - which was just above the part which had appeared this morning! Duh!
OG - the boiler is fixed. He had the part on the van. So all is good. Glad the veg patch is sorted.