Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 March 2024


I hope everyone has a good week!

Folks in my region are shaking their heads in disbelief. We've been having stretches of bizarre, record-breaking warmth here (over 73F or 22.7C). Very strange for the last week of February.

The migrating birds are all returning early. The beautiful Sandhill Cranes began to reach Indiana on February 1, and twice as many as normal have arrived here. Even the songbirds are already appearing.

Love and hugs to everyone.

  • LYNETTE  Hope all goes well

  • Why do these things happen to me?  Mattress delivery arrived, but only one mattress!  The drivers had queried a second one at the warehouse but were told that was a different delivery – not ours.  We accepted the one and EE said I must have it because of the back pain.  This meant they had to uncouple the air system which had the two sharing a pump, and leave the pump attached to his.  They phoned the warehouse boss who told them he would get it all sorted, and they took away my old mattress.  This morning a local disposal man turned up at 7:30 to collect the mattress which wasn’t here!  We also had a call at breakfast time to say they will be back with EE’s new mattress next Wednesday!  Meanwhile, I had a very comfortable night on the new mattress!

    The three of us went for a garden centre lunch today and some minor shopping – this was at Houghton Hall which has an attached greengrocer.  J likes to come there with us as he enjoys their chips smothered with pulled pork (yuk!).  I had a coronation chicken sandwich and EE had a “breakfast quiche” – another “yuk” from me!  We bought some very good Egyptian new potatoes and started them at dinner tonight.  I shall be at home tomorrow, and EE will only be going to the tip in the morning.  J has volunteered to have lunch at the drop-in so we can have tuna for our lunch which he can’t bear to smell!

    RUSTY – pleased you had good weather for the zoo – you seem to have had a few wet trips recently.

    LYNETTE – I hope all goes smoothly with the kitchen installation!  We had no regrets over ours a few years ago.

  • Good Morning Everyone. Sunny here, again, although my OH had to scrape the frost off the windscreen again on his early outing to golf. The garden looks much more springlike now, and it's such a joy to see some colour & to see things coming back to life.

    Rusty, I hope the locksmith arrived and was able to sort out your front door. Always troubling when security goes wrong. 

    OG - Pleased to hear that at least ONE of the mattresses arrived! What a muddle! Hope the other comes soon & all is resolved.

    Lynette - How exciting having a new kitchen. Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly: it's one of the rooms which is so missed when you have work done.

    I've been reading  everyone's posts and can't reply to all. Very busy sorting out our packing, and clearing our spare bedroom ready for our Eldest, who is coming to stay for one night here whilst we are gone! We leave early next Wednesday, so it will soon come around. When we return it will soon  be my OHs birthday, and as he is 80 this year, there will be some gentle celebrations.

  • OG - I hope the other mattress turns up soon. Glad yours is comfortable though. What a muddle. Bit of a similar story with my new door locking mechanism (yes it is broken and needs a replacement) It should have arrived with the locksmith this morning and, somehow, ended up in Birmingham!!! We have agreed to wait until Monday even though he has been promised it for tomorrow!!! The front door is firmly locked and I can use the back door. 
    Lindy - exciting about your holiday. It will be nice to get out of this cold and damp.
    I have been birdwatching with the ladies this morning. Just to a country park near Wrexham. On what was an old waste tip, skylarks were flying and singing. It was joyous. The best thing today though was a long tailed tit making a nest. We saw the ltt in the bushes and eventually saw it go into the nest cup with its tail sticking up. What a gorgeous mossy creation the nest was and so hidden. Soon it will be completely invisible because the leaves will grow around it. We thought it was probably a once in a life time experience. I celebrated with a mug of tea and a sausage bap in the cafe!!!! 

  • Good evening, all.

    LINDA – second mattress is allegedly coming next Wednesday afternoon.  Luckily not a going out Wednesday as the podiatrist is booked for late morning.  J caught a bus to Caledonia Park this afternoon, but it dropped him outside the entry way – there was a note where the internal stop was (and is still labelled) saying the buses are not going in anymore.  He phoned for EE to fetch him this afternoon because his legs felt they couldn’t manage the walk to a different bus stop.  He had to wait as EE was just about to organise my shower.  They are both tired now – EE had some heavy bags to leave at the tip this morning, and J was tired from walking about waiting!

    RUSTY – sorry the door could not be fixed in the one day!  The nest-building L T Tit sounds a great treat – and accompanied by Skylark song too!

    Not many people posting today - unless I have missed some!  It's been another spring day here - but no time for gardening.  EE nearly has our meal ready – luckily a quick one this evening.  Tomorrow we should have a quiet day, and I shall go with him for supermarket shopping.

  • Our summer has arrived with a vengeance. Overnight temps not dropping below 20 C for the next week, today expecting 36 C, tomorrow 40 C. Adelaide has had no rain since 27 January, not a drop. Lawn is crisp and crunchy.

    LINDA - I think you are off on your travels soon. I wish you hassle-free airports and not-too-boring flights and a wonderful time relaxing on your Isles. (May your plane not be diverted to Ireland!)

    I cannot comments on other’s “conversations” as this new format means I never seem to be able to follow in sequence. I don’t have time to re-read same old.

  • AQ:  've clicked on View More a few times yesterday and today only to arrive at the same post (now 3 days old!) where Lindybird is hoping her post comes out at the end of the current thread.   Any news on bringing page much more intuitive pagination???   I also don't have time to keep scrolling through old posts.  Sigh. 

  • Same problem here, Annette.  Much as I enjoy reading Lindy's post, a dozen times is probably more than enough!  And scrolling forward through so many other posts I have already read several times before is boring and time-consuming.  I'm getting to the stage where I just can't be bothered ... please, powers-that-be, sort this out before we all follow the lemmings over the cliff!!!

  • Hi all, when you click on 'view more' quickly scroll down to end of page then scroll slowly up and you will see the latest post, continue scrolling up to see all latest posts in order, that way you shouldn't miss anything ... hope this helps whilst we're waiting for amendments to be made!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • agree  Wendy ,its a faff but at least

    View more    ...scrolling to the bottom and going backwards, it's the way , until something else sorted