Alyth is located in Perth and Kinross on the east coast of Scotland.

The Osprey nest is at the Alyth SSEN Transmission sub station and is the tallest of all the nests on camera in the UK.

Background information:-

The Ospreys have nested at the site for many years since around 1990.

They were nesting on a nearby electricity tower, but due to a planned expansion of the site a decision was taken to resite the old nest to a specially constructed 25-metre nesting tower and two nearby 8.5 metre resting perches, which were erected in 2014. Advice was sought from Roy Dennis.

Since that first breeding season in 2014, a total of 17 osprey chicks have been observed to have fledged from the new site.

Due to the height of the tower, no ringing can take place.

The resident ospreys are called Harry and Flora (blue HK0), named by a local school in Alyth. All pupils were also given their own osprey soft toy as a thank you from the teams for getting involved and for showing such enthusiasm about the ospreys.

In 2023 Flora HK0 arrived on 30th March and Harry on 4th April. Together, they successfully raised three chicks to fledging.

Flora was last seen on 10th August and Harry 7th September. (The camera stream was offline from 13- 23 August) 

Thank you Richard for initial information which I’ve edited to include last year’s figures. 


August 2023 to February 2024

Live stream - SSEN Transmission as provided by Wildlife Windows


Flora (Blue HK0) 28 March 19.19

Harry 29 March 14.40


15/04/24 at 11.01 ———————-Hatched 21 or 22/05/24

18/04/23 at 09.04 (I think!) ————--Hatched 23/05/24

21/04/23 sometime in the morning. ————Hatched 26/05/24


All photos and videos copyright SSEN Transmission Alyth and Wildlife Windows

Harry (left) and Flora HK0 at the beginning of season 2023.

  • 19 April

    Flora got a fish late on yesterday. The cam was down when it arrived. There are still ongoing streaming issues.

    21.11 This is Flora returning with the tail end of the fish.

    She walked the fish to the nest cup and shook it off.

    ©️SSEN Alyth

  • This morning, Harry was doing some brooding. He sensed there was something below him.


    He got up and plunged his head into the soft grasses

    Where he emerged, he was wearing a new head adornment! Smile

    05.22 He then stood up and pulled another clump of grasses over to the side

    Dug his head in again and caught himself a fish tail, presumably the one Flora had dropped into the cup last night.

    05.23 He made a contact chip and flew off with his prize, along with half the soft nesting materials!

    05.24 A minute later, Flora returned and normal service resumed. Slight smile

    ©️SSEN Alyth

  • 20 April
    Flora got an evening fish from Harry last night.


    Harry let go of the fish but Flora held onto his talon

    After a few seconds, she releases and picks up the fish

    and leaves with it still in her beak, as she often does!

    ©️SSEN Alyth

  • There was an early morning intruder at the nest today.

    08.26 Harry arrived to defend and Flora lay low.

    No rings seen

    It landed on the perch.

    Harry let it stay for 22 seconds then chased it off.

    ©️SSEN Alyth

  • An interesting one.

    Flora was returning to the nest from a break. Gulls were heard in full voice above. As she landed, she let out a “gull yell” Harry joined in yelling too. They did it several times and sounded just like the gulls. 

    They only opened their beaks slightly to do this.

    ©️SSEN Alyth

  • 21 April

    According to chat on YT, Flora laid her third egg this morning.HuggingTadaTada  
     I’ve been out all day so missed when it happened. 

  • 12.35 No wonder Flora and Harry have learned how to talk to the gulls! The sky was full of them.

    12.36 However, Harry was determined to get his turn of sitting on the eggs.

    He pulled up a piece of plastic sheeting that was beside Flora

    and dropped it on her back.

    12.37 He then grabbed her wing feathers and tugged

    and tugged

    She was forced into getting up. Harry was straight into the nest cup.

    Happy Harry!

    ©️SSEN Alyth

  • Great news about the third egg EggEggEggBlush


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • It is indeed Wendy and we now have a photo to evidence it! Smiley 

    22/04/24 08.37 Flora with her 3 eggs. 

    The live stream has been down for long spells today. 

    ©️SSEN Alyth

  • And another one, well done

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.