• 5 minutes later, 372 left the post, flew under the nest and back to land on the nest perch.

    08.18 She flew up to the nest

    08.19 and was soon back on the eggs.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

    LJ2 will certainly need to go fishing again.

  • 8.34 372  relaxing in the sun. 

    08.41 Changeover. “I’m still hungry”

    09.50 LJ2 leaves the nest still attached to a curly piece of bark.

    09.52 Unfortunately he brings it back. These curly pieces are tricky to place in the nest.

    10.08 “Still hungry dear”

    11.11 Yes! Another fish arrives for 372. A small headless pike.

    372 quickly collects it.

    She takes the fish to a shorter post this time as marked.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 12.16 LJ2 saw 372 coming towards the nest so he took off as she was arriving, clutching the remains of the fish.

    LJ2 turns and comes back to mate

    but 372 is having none of it and quickly shrugs him off.

    12.17 She starts eating the fish again

    12.18 LJ2 returns and so 372 takes off with her fish. She flew down to the right of the tower out of sight.

    12.19 LJ2 resumes incubation duties.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

    Maybe 372 has decided 2 eggs are enough, although I don’t know if #1 egg will hatch. However, there were at least 2 successful matings that I saw yesterday. So time will tell.

  • 13.29 372 returns and still has some fish left.

    13.30 LJ2 took off

    he landed behind the tall post marked. 

    13.31 As 372 stayed on the nest edge, LJ2 flew back to take the fish end.

    He held it in his beak

    then transferred to his left talons to take off. 

    13.31 LJ2 landed on the post marked as 372 got ready to incubate her eggs.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • It only took LJ2 around 15 minutes to finish off the fish tail.

    13.44 LJ2 arrives at the nest but 372 opted to stay on the eggs. 

    13.52 The nest is getting smaller as the soft furnishings engulf 372! 

    14.36 LJ2’s turn

    15.00 A nice view of the eggs. I think #1 left, #2 right. 

    17.27 LJ2 is again rejected for mating.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

    I’ve just read that an Osprey egg takes about a day and a half to form so that may be a reason that 372’s not accepting LJ2’s mating advances, she’s possibly got a fertilised egg growing inside her otherwise, it’s her first year breeding and 2 eggs are suffice. Slight smile

  • 18.18 372 was very excited to see LJ2 approaching

    That’s more like it LJ2, a good sized headless trout.

    372 quickly takes it from LJ2’s talons

    And away she goes with the fish

    to land on the post to eat.

    Well done LJ2. You saved the best ‘till last!

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 372 wasn’t able to enjoy her fish straight away, the pesky neighbours were bothering her!

    18.20 She set off to give chase with her fish. LJ2 was in prime position to watch it all.

    She flies back below the nest

    and upwards

    She landed on the post again

    then took off again flying past the nest (the photo has a double image here, there’s only one 372!)

    Finally, she settled on the tree top in front of LJ2.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 19.28 LJ2 starts making soft contact calls. 372 is still eating on the tree.

    19.29 Just under a minute later, he flies to the post marked, displacing the bird sitting there.

    19.30 372 waits for a minute or so then leaves to return to the nest.

    She goes to the nest cup with her fish. LJ2 flew to where 372 had been feeding.

    19.31 LJ2 arrives and looks for the fish.

    19.32 372 has released it and LJ2 moves in to take it.

    He takes it in his beak

    and flies off without transferring it to his talons, going to 372’s original feeding post.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 19.59 372 looking quite content on the nest in the evening sunset. It looks like LJ2 is still on the post.

    20.24 Once LJ2’s finished eating the fish, LJ2 he returns to the nest.

    20.25 He waits for over half a minute but 372 doesn’t move, so he flies off again.

    20.58 372 stays as darkness falls

    The night cam comes on and at 21.47 she leaves for a quick comfort break.

    The wind is fairly picking up she outspread her wings a few times to hold her balance before settling down.

    21.48 372 resumes incubation.

    21.58 some big gusts of wind start blowing the loose bark on the edge of the nest

    Pieces are lifted into the air and away.

    One large piece flies straight at 372 and lands on her back.

    She got such a fright and launched herself off the nest

    21.59 returning a minute later

    The wind catching her feathers.

    She is lying low. I hope it eases soon.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • .

    Glider said:
    21.58 some big gusts of wind start blowing the loose bark on the edge of the nest
    Glider said:
    One large piece flies straight at 372 and lands on her back

    I've said "She was alert most of the night" but that was norty, as I hadn't yet checked thru - and still haven't !!!