For this year’s opener, I’m starting with AG’s recent comments (end of August 2023-February 2024) which give an insight to what’s been going on at Llyn Brenig.


“There are some posts on the Brenig Osprey Project Facebook page with camera trap images and videos of voles, foxes and a family of otters.

There is also an appeal for additional viewing equipment. The osprey watchpoint has a new verandah which will be a better base for scopes.

There is a volunteer recruitment event at Llyn Brenig on 25 February if anyone in the region wants to join the merry band.

All details at www.facebook.com/brenigospreyproject


“Just a little more info on preparations at Llyn Brenig. The nest is on a pole in the water just into the reservoir from a peninsula, which was tree covered, As explained in the conservation plan plan prepared by Tim Mackrill, the trees have been felled over the last 2 years (they were mature and ready for use as timber). The brash from the felling has been gathered up and used to create a barrier across the peninsula in line with the hide which is there. Some tree stumps were left near the nest last year after the first stage of felling were used by the ospreys as perches for eating, and are still there. Last year the hide could not be used in moderate or high winds due to the risk of trees falling on it; that is no longer a concern. If you scroll up to Glider's post on 31 August above you can see the trees which have now been felled, and the hide in the middle of the line of trees.

Both cameras are still streaming - there is snow on the hills around the reservoir this morning.”

Background to the nest:-

Again, many thanks to AG  who wrote this preface to the Llyn Brenig thread for us below.  (I’ve just edited extra information)

Llyn Brenig is a reservoir on the border between Denbighshire and County Conwy in North Wales. It is managed by Welsh Water;  the osprey project is a partnership between them and North Wales Wildlife Trust.

One pair of ospreys (Blue HR7 (M) 2014  Lake Menteith, Scotland and Blue 24 (F) 2010 nr Rutland)  raised a single chick here each year from 2018-2020,  Z9 (F) Luned, KA5 (M) Roli and KC5 (F) respectively. Sadly, KC5 died after fledging, colliding with a wind turbine.

Neither of this breeding pair returned in 2021, when the nest was taken over by 2 Scottish birds, LJ2 (male) and LM6 (female), both 2018 chicks. The nest was vandalised the night after LM6 had laid her first egg; while the two could not continue to breed they did stay close to the site until normal migration time.

A new nest was erected in 2022 with additional security and a streaming camera in place. A new hide was also built.

LJ2 and LM6 returned in 2022 and successfully fledged 2 chicks, X6 Olwen (F) and KA9 Gelert (M) 

LM6 lost her blue darvic ring on the nest. It was later recovered by Welsh Water and kept for display.

2023 saw LJ2 and LM6 return to breed and successfully raise 2 female chicks 7B5 (Dilys) and 7B6 (Mari) 


2022 - LJ2 April 6th       -    LM6 April 10th

2023 - LJ2 March 31st    -    LM6 April 4th

2024 - LJ2 March 31st (07.02hrs) LM6 sadly didn’t return.
Blue 372 (F) (Translocation Poole Harbour 2021) visited April 1st then stayed April 6th

KA9/Gelert returned on 25/05/24, his first visit since his maiden migration in 2022.

This year’s adult partners - Blue LJ2 and Blue 372

Eggs laid 2024

#1 23 April - 17.40,  #2 26 April - 19.28,  #3 29 April - 15.46

Hatched  2024

2 June - 00.52, 4 June - 09.45ish. One egg didn’t hatch.

Chicks ringed 08/07/24

Chick 1 8B9 (Bethan) (F), Chick 2 8B8 (Emrys) (M)

Chicks fledged

8B9/Bethan 27/07/24 (55days old), 8B8/ Emrys 28/07/24 (54 days)


03/09/24  8B8/EMRYS (92 days old) and 372 (3 years old)

06/09/24  8B9/BETHAN (96 days old) LJ2 (6 years old) last seen on this evening so probably left on 07/09/24.

Links to

August 2023 to February 2024

North Wales Wildlife Trust Page https://www.northwaleswildlifetrust.org.uk/days-out/ospreys-llyn-brenig

Welsh Water Page https://llynbrenig.com/llyn-brenig-osprey/

Osprey Project Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/brenigospreyproject

Friends of Llyn Brenig Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/FriendsofLlynBrenigBlue24

Llyn Brenig YouTube Channel for Live Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOGHtmoEY7w

Llyn Brenig PTZ camera for off nest live stream PTZ live stream

All captures and videos ©️ NWWT, Welsh Water, Brenig Osprey Project

LM6 (left) and LJ2 April 2023

Purple heart FLY HIGH AND SOAR LM6. A brilliant Osprey, mate to LJ2 and mother of 4. You made your mark and will always be remembered. Purple heart

Llyn Brenig 2021 - 2023

LM6 with X6(Olwen) and KA9 (Gelert)                                                                                                          July 2022


Welcome to the Brenig family 372, you’ve done yourself proud this year.

372 (left) and LJ2                                                                                                                                                  May 2024

  • .

    What a lovely triple tribute,   - seriously, tho, it is a lovely tribute to dear LM6 (is there still hope?) and it's great to have you back Kissing heart

  • Thanks Scylla. Blush There is always still hope Pray but for me, she would’ve been here by now, although I do check Brenig FB every day hoping for some good news!

    Meanwhile, things are rolling along more smoothly for LJ2 and 372. At least a couple of successful matings this morning, both birds spending time around the nest and nesting materials continuing to be brought in.

    06.04 LJ2 arrived on the nest and found a leftover piece of fish skin which he transferred to his talons, held onto it for a few minutes then left it. He took it off nest later on.

    06.17 372 joined him

    06.18 Successful mating

    06.40 372 had been standing in the nest cup then lay down, quietly looking upwards.

    I couldn’t hear anything.

    06.41 LJ2 joined her, looking around. Possible intruder? I didn’t see anything.

    07.17 LJ2 trying to push the awkward stick further away.

    07.18 then some nest scraping

    07.55 A sunshine moment with 372

    08.13 together again. LJ2 nearest the cam

    08.18 Another successful mating


    09.43 LJ2 brought a long stick in. It was a bit awkward and 372 flew off.

    09.44  As LJ2 was placing the stick at the side of the nest, a gust blew in

    and the strong wind nearly blew him over.

    He dug in for a few seconds and then corrected himself.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • There have been more mating attempts on the nest, unsuccessful and successful. The strong wind is playing a big part in this. 
    10.07 Successful mating

    10.19 372 spending some time preening

    10.22 372 ducks her head as LJ2 glides in with his close arrival

    10.24 they both tried but were unable to hold position in this mating attempt but had success again later.

    11.29 372 doing some housekeeping.

    372 has stayed close to the nest

    12.58 having a bit of shut eye

    13.47 372 is asking to be fed.

    13.49 372 then starts to fly off the nest but is stopped by the upright stick to the right which catches her undercarriage.

    She flies back to the nest. LJ2 then has another successful mating with her.

    He flies off, soon followed by 372.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 14.35 LJ2 brought another awkward branch to the nest.

    It took a team effort to sort it out

    15.45 372 brought in some softer materials.

    17.18 At last, LJ2 brings a fresh (headless) fish to 372

    The fish is collected

    And 372 flew off

    landing on the post to the right.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • I hope you enjoyed your sunny break, Glider!

    Like you, I've been checking the LB Fb page for news re LM6, so sad that she hasn't returned - still a bit of time left though? 

  • Thanks Sandra. Blush I just feel the nesting season is well underway for all the returning pairs and she returned earlier each passing year before now. I know there’s a small window left and it’s been said before to expect the unexpected with ospreys! Fingers crossedFingers crossedFingers crossed

  • LJ2 stayed on the nest for just under an hour after delivering the fish. He was quite chilled.


    18.12 his departure 

    18.21 372 returns after eating her fish.

    LJ2 joins 372 for a short while.

    They manage a couple of successful matings before dark and an unsuccessful attempt where LJ2 slipped off 372’s back whilst scrambling to stay on! 

    19.46 Successful

    20.04 Successful 

    20.20 Oops! Just can’t get a grip.

    And he’s off

    372 was the last to visit the nest. She stayed for 12 minutes.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 16 April

    Good morning. Early mating meeting on the nest.


    LJ2 flew off and 372 stayed. LJ2 returned for another mating.


    372 stayed again, leaving at 06.42.

    LJ2 made a couple of visits, tidying the nest and bringing new materials.



    06.49 LJ2 returns and is joined by 372. They try a mating but just didn’t manage this time.

    They both come and go on the nest, more matings which are happening quite frequently now.

    07.13 and again at 08.10

    Unsuccessful at 08.20. 372 didn’t lift her tail this time.

    372 is currently on the nest, doing some tidying and calling in between.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

    I’m out for a lot of today. BBL 

  • Brenig OP posted this earlier

    and this a few minutes ago

    Link to  Brenig Osprey Project

  • 372 has been on the nest for most of the morning with a few visits from LJ2.

    11.32 She looks quite relaxed.

    Later, whilst 372 was off the nest, LJ2 flew on and started looking upwards,  flapping/mantling/chipping.

    13.00 Unseen intruder

    13.03 He flew off after 3 minutes 

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP