GLASLYN - March/April 2024

Link to March 2023

All pictures and videos ©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

"New season improvements get under way" per ©️BywydGwylltGlaslynWildlife

Aran and his new mate, Elen, both returned last season on 03 April.  After a will-they/won't-they start, Elen laid her first egg on 24 April and the second 3 days later.  Two male chicks, 0H1 and 0H2, fledged on 20 and 23 July and were last seen on 05 and 04 September, respectively.

Elen with her two boys, courtesy of Cirrus:

Elen was last seen on 24 August, Aran on 08 September.

A happy ending to a season that had started out so sadly.

May our 2024 season turn out so well.

  • 15.28     Elen downed the tail end, with difficulty.  It required talon help!  Oh dear, I think a knife and fork might help!

    15.31     It's gone!  Now she grabs Aran's half eaten fish, which he gives up with no complaint!.

                  Harrumph.  He looks at the fish, and resignedly cleans his bill.

    15.32     The sound is out of synch.  She is nattering at him.  He lifts up to come down and mate and she tries to beak/bite him.  He flew to the perch out of harm's reach and she continued to natter, despite having Aran's fish.

    15.42     Aran took off.  She ducked to avoid him landing on her.  He returned to the nest and She went for him, twice.  Is she feeling the betrayed lady?

    15.50     He tried again and got the same aggressive response.  He landed on the rim, then took off and flew.

    Elen, as she waits for Aran to return.

    15.53     Aran returned with a stick and arranged it..

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • The last bit for now

    16.05     Sticks sorted they both stand on the rim.  Aran attempts to mate once more, and she is still not having it, yet continues to nag.  She has had her fish and a good half of Aran's.  She can't be tired, but what a racket! 

    16.06     Oh, I thought she has finished the fish she half inched from Aran, but she still has it, and has flown to the perch.


    It's raining.  It may have been doing so for a while, but it doesn't show as much on the cam with the time.

    16.47     Aran drops to the cup, and on the the left rim, almost out of sight.  Elen tucks into her/his fish.

    Up to date.

    Geese can be heard among the birdsong

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Sheila, your summaries are absolutely superb and very enjoyable to read, thank you. Clap

    I’m pretty sure this is the first of Elen and Aran seeing each other this year as she left so early after arriving and missed his arrival. 

    Funny she’s pecking at him. She was very standoffish like that when they first met last year and took a wee while to warm to the breeding process! 

  • Thank you Glider, very sweet of you.  I enjoy doing it, but it does take up a lot of time.  Is it possible she needs reminding that a superb provider and father Aran is, and just needs a spot of TLC and wooing!  Who knows.  I just hope she softens soon!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • .

    I was halfway thru the morning events when I had to pack up :(((

    SheilaFE said:
    06.53     According to Gail Edgley (Chat) there was a proper mating

    Possibly a couple? 

    Starting with the tailend of Aran's skydance:

    Now it's all changed and I have to pack up again!


  • She was very standoffish like that when they first met last year and took a wee while to warm to the breeding process! 

    Yes, I was thinking that when I read about her lack of co-operation.

  • Official FB post from Glaslyn  15.52  Aran in the front.  I think his head markings look darker this year.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Glider said:
    The live chat are all saying that Elen is back! She arrived with a fish at 13.58

    What a muddle!  I think the Osp who flew in to the perch with fish was Aran, but he then joined Elen with her own fish on the nest.  I've only managed a few "incidents" in here and it's taken ages:


    Elen is spending the night on the perch, despite wind and rain:

  • .

    I couldn't hear Aran skydancing this morning because of the wind, yet I suspect he did, this time with a piece of fish - which Elen didn't manage to get ahold of!

    I think there were a couple of good matings.  Despite the freezes on Cam2 and the feeble, out-of-sync sound, I much prefer it to Cam1.


    Obviously the fixes that Heather thought would bring much-improved viewing have not worked out, and I wonder what the "one or two surprises" were going to be?  Never mind, we're grateful to have what we've got.

  • Thanks for sorting out who is who Scylla. Your efforts are much appreciated. Blush Elen was certainly hungry eating her own fish then Aran’s!