GLASLYN - March/April 2024

Link to March 2023

All pictures and videos ©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

"New season improvements get under way" per ©️BywydGwylltGlaslynWildlife

Aran and his new mate, Elen, both returned last season on 03 April.  After a will-they/won't-they start, Elen laid her first egg on 24 April and the second 3 days later.  Two male chicks, 0H1 and 0H2, fledged on 20 and 23 July and were last seen on 05 and 04 September, respectively.

Elen with her two boys, courtesy of Cirrus:

Elen was last seen on 24 August, Aran on 08 September.

A happy ending to a season that had started out so sadly.

May our 2024 season turn out so well.

  • Many thanks Scylla for the grand opening of new season's thread ... Fingers crossedfor safe return of Aran and Elen!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

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    Pre-season scenes from Glaslyn

    01 March - late afternoon


    The cam hasn't done much travelling today - a night or two earlier we saw many swans and geese - but only distantly.


    02 March

    No good wildfowl views yet:

    04 March - 02:00

    Cloud of mist drifting - more followed for ? hours:

    04 March

    Youngster from the family of four?

    13 March early hours

    Overnight 16-17 March - the waterfowl spent the evening and most of the night on-cam on the river, not minding the weather - here, they are leaving:

  • I did have a look yesterday Scylla but it was in a very unfamiliar place (to me), scrolled back but didn't find any wildlife!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Thanks for the lovely opener Scylla. Yes here’s to another successful season. Hugging

  • I don't intend to clutter up this thread with unnecessaries before our Ospreys come home, but would mention that:

    The cam went down @ 02:30 this morning.  You wouldn't think that that was a time they'd switch off for season-readiness work, so I hope all is OK with the infrastructure.

    EDIT  at 09:15 on 03 March:

    The live stream has been back up for about 40 minutes.

  • May our 2024 season turn out so well.

    Oh, absolutely! Thank you Scylla!

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    2023 FISH SPECIES per ©️BywydGwylltGlaslynWildlife


    In view of frequent Cam2 glitches, and the fact that it's still on 720p (I remember them saying they now have 2 4K cams)...


    ...I investigated and found some unfortunate but not disastrous news on FB ©️BywydGwylltGlaslynWildlife:

    It was originally our intention to restart the Live Stream from the Glaslyn nest on St. David's Day to coincide with the launch of our annual appeal. Despite strong winds, heavy rain and flooding our dedicated team managed to install the new 4K camera above the nest along with a replacement back-up microphone and associated cabling. Work was progressing well and everything was going exactly as planned.
    Due to the large amount of work that has been carried out at the Protection site this winter we were not able to complete everything in one day and Andy our technical engineer from CCW Solutions needed to return to finish setting things up. Unfortunately, it soon became apparent that we had a major technical problem with the air-fibre link, which is the critical piece of equipment required to bring images from the Glaslyn nest to the Visitor Centre and to our Live Stream. The detailed analysis revealed that the condition of the dishes appears to have deteriorated significantly and the damage is realistically beyond repair. Although they have served us very well up until now, ten years of exposure to salty air and extreme Welsh weather is likely to have taken its toll.
    Replacement equipment has already been ordered and the really good news is that the system should work better than it ever did before. Although it is a major unexpected expense rest assured we will soon have our improved Live Stream up and running in plenty of time for you to watch our wonderful Ospreys touch back down on the Glaslyn nest.
    We also have one or two surprises to reveal, so look out for our updates over the next few weeks.
  • Thanks so much Scylla for posting this. I shall have to donate sooner than I usually do then !

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    Helicopter today, with passing birds:

  • The cam went down at 01:25:55... approximately Wink

    New URL...

    ...over 2 hours ago.