Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 February 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

There was a major ruckus over my patch this past week. A dispute arose between the flock of Crows and the Barred Owl pair. I don't know what the issue of contention was, but the crows filled the sky cawing and squawking loudly, and the owls' booming hoots filled the forest for nearly an hour. 

We had a couple of days of record-breaking warmth that made everyone shake their heads in surprise. It was 67F or 19C in my area with glorious sunshine. So very strange for February. It's back to winter now with snow coming next week.

So nice to see Heather back. Take care and don't try to do too much, Heather.

Love and hugs to all.

  • Oh goodness, Clare, I dread the word 'upgrade' on this site. I remember earlier efforts, which seemed to cause chaos for a long time and never really got back to what we had all got used to. Hopefully this time they have done sufficient testing before they go 'live' and the site will be more robust in the future. I have been having quite serious problems accessing it for the last week or so. I'll wish everyone well now - and look forward to meeting again on the other side!

    And yes - I'm back at the place with the Greek book in a couple of weeks. I am determined to be brave enough to ask if I can take it away with me. Then all I will need to do is find enough time to work on it!!
  • Clare: Thank you! Hope you and Limpy are doing okay.

    Rusty: Hope you're correct in that you'll see us all on Friday. I do believe it was a previous upgrade that didn't quite o as smoothly as predicted. I seem to remember OG as having a particularly difficult time reconnecting.....

    Take care everyone.
  • Hello all, not been on for quite a few days but just skimmed through the posts. Talking of the Saints, my mum always put St Anthony as the Saint of missing items, she often said she had a quiet word with him when she'd lost something and it would inevitably turn up.

    Lovely reading your news, Not a lot going on down here. Waiting patiently for quotes for the installation of a new kitchen which I have decided on. Once I get quotes in I can decide which one providing of course that the bank will loan me the money, which according to tentative enquires I could be eligible for one. We'll see when I do apply. It may end up a pipe dream or a reality. Had this one for about 20 years and it needs an upgrade to meet my present needs.

    Have bought in a Valentine's meal for 2 for my dau and I, especially to say thank you and an expression of love.

    Hope those that celebrate have a lovely time.
  • Next week off to London to see The King and I, staying overnight at an hotel close to the theatre. Should be a great evening.
  • All 3 of us have been out for lunch and shopping at garden centre - some food in the food hall, some veg in grengrocer attached, new bird bath and decking stain. Rather a dreich day - bordering on oorlich, though not so cold.

    Thanks Clare for warning re upgrade! See you on the other side!.
  • OG: Glad you were able to get out and enjoy the garden center! Nice to see you.

    CLARE: THANK YOU for the info. I hope you and LIMPY are okay.

    LYNETTE: Enjoy your trip to London and the theatre.

    RUSTY: I enjoyed your post about the tide!

    ALL: I will start the new thread on time on Saturday if the updates are complete, the site is up and running, and I have access.
  • LINDY: I enjoyed your account of the lost picture. That paperweight in your photo is really, really lovely.
  • DIBNLIB – I enjoyed my “visit” to Islay & Jura but I was so tired I fell asleep before the doco reached some rocky islets to the north. Luckily I can watch it anytime on “Demand”. I had no idea Islay was pronounced eye-la. I think there are 2 more episodes. Looking forward to them.
  • Clare -- Thanks for the warning about the upgrade. Don't like it when they do that!!
    Dibnlib - Glad you managed to get your tickets
    OG - nice to see you posting. Take Care.
    AQ - Happy Birthday to your OH. Are your family due to visit, to celebrate?

    We only had a meal of grilled mackerel last night but intend to go out to lunch today with the excuse of celebration of Valentines. My OH kindly bought me a big heart shaped box of...... strawberries!! They were delish.