Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 February 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

There was a major ruckus over my patch this past week. A dispute arose between the flock of Crows and the Barred Owl pair. I don't know what the issue of contention was, but the crows filled the sky cawing and squawking loudly, and the owls' booming hoots filled the forest for nearly an hour. 

We had a couple of days of record-breaking warmth that made everyone shake their heads in surprise. It was 67F or 19C in my area with glorious sunshine. So very strange for February. It's back to winter now with snow coming next week.

So nice to see Heather back. Take care and don't try to do too much, Heather.

Love and hugs to all.

  • Thankfully I am still able to locate "missing" objects - I get a lot of practice as I have to remember where both men have misplaced them!
  • Had a nice surprise at the dentist today. I asked whether this was to be a filling or an extraction, and she told me she was actually going to do my scale and polish! That was what this appontment was originally to be, but they lost both their hygeinists and said the dentists would be doing their work among treatments. My appointments had all been muddled up. but this one reverted to the original intention. Filling next week - I think.
  • OG - great to hear from you. I like your sense of humour re finding things the men have misplaced!!! Good about the hygienist and glad you were able to get there.

    Lindy - your story of the lost picture was a good read. It sounds familiar. “Safe” places often turn out like that!!! It is very frustrating though. Glad the picture is now found.

    My outing was AWESOME!!!! I went to Parkgate on the Wirral. Those of you who have been will know it as the seaside with no sea! Well, today it had sea!!! The 10 metre spring tide brought the sea right up to the wall! I have never seen it like that before. Naturally, the RSPB hold an event which I and nearly 200 people attended. I cannot begin to describe the spectacle which unfolded. As the tide came in, the birds came nearer and nearer and flew around in big flocks. At one point, thousands of pink footed geese took off. The noise of their wings and their calls was just tremendous. Big flocks of everything - dunlin, lapwing, skylarks, just so many. As the tide got nearer, the carnage started. 4 great white egrets, a heron, a raven and many black headed gulls caught and devoured the poor panicking voles and shrews not 10 feet away from us. It was very gruesome but amazing to watch. The scene was frenetic for about half an hour. 2 water rails desperately tried to hide on floating islands of debris as did a Jack snipe. It’s tactic was to stay perfectly still and rely on camouflage!!! I didn’t mention hen harriers and marsh harriers!!! What a great place the Dee Estuary is. Ducks of course and the usual redshank, curlew, oystercatchers!!! Total overload!

    Jack Snipe. Not my photo. But it is the one we saw.

  • To Find a Missing Item:— Forget about it. Then when you are looking for something else, the first will reappear.

    This does not work when OH says “Where are my glasses?” (or garden snips or toothbrush or whatever). I must drop everything and search.

  • Rusty-- What a brilliant day you had! Thanks for your lovely description. I've been to Parkgate quite a few times, and its an odd place, where the sea seems to have decided to go elsewhere. You won't forget your trip!

    I was so annoyed about the picture, knowing that it was somewhere in the house, laughing at me! I'm another wife who has to regularly "find" things for a husband who doesn't know where they're normally kept, even. <sigh>

    I took a picture of my favourite paperweight for you glass lovers: it's a big one which I once lugged home from a holiday in my bag, no mean feat as its a big heavy one:

    Bigger than the width of my (large) hand. The bubbles seem to float in it.

  • Where is everyone??

    Dull but dry today, here. Our poor garden is still soaked from the excess rain we've had in the last few weeks. Birds are busy though, and seem to think its spring already, as its not been too cold at night.

    Off to mix some pancakes ready for tonights binge.
  • Lindybird: If only.... (calories from reading). Agree that neither reading nor housework solve problems, but at least when I've finished housework I feel as if I've done something positive in spite of the problems.

    Looks like granddaughter and Ms. D will be back in CA March 16; multiple loose ends (some fairly big) to be tied up before then, so still busy...

    Take care all.
  • LINDY Read your post mentioning Cirque and it reminded me that there is a show at Eden Court that I thought I may get tickets for. Cirque the greatest show is on at Eden Court in a few weeks time and I managed to get 2 tickets for the only evening show. There were hardly any tickets left so thank you.