Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 4 February 2024


I hope everyone has a good week!

I don't have any interesting stories to tell. I haven't been outdoors. Sunday, February 4, is the exact midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox in the UK/US. My temps are predicted to warm up this week. We had some glorious sunshine today. The new moon is Friday, February 9.

Wishing healing for HEATHER and safety for ANNETTE. The news reports of that impending storm are ominous.

Hugs and love to everyone!

  • Annette, you really should try to visit the Chihuly museum! Some years back I spent a whole day at Kew Gardens in London, where there were lots of examples of his art, displayed in the open air. It was wonderful!
  • JillR; Only a 17-hour one-way drive!. 34-hours one way by train (huh??!!). And a 3-hour flight.
  • ANNETTE - So what's stopping you LOL.

    Best laid plans, etc, etc. Dau phoned that she was visiting a shopping outlet near us and offered to collect me. I rushed washing on to line, abandoned cleaning, saw OH off to his dentist, cut a sandwich for OH’s lunch, threw on my “glad rags’, Dau arrived and we were away. She purchased her needs, I purchased a pick & mix box of Lindt for OH’s birthday next week. Then we had lunch and a very long exchange of news. Hers mostly about Miss’ new school, teachers & classes. My lunch was a proscuitto & rocket tigella, small and tasty. I feel much brighter and can face the unfinished chores. . . another day.

  • AQ, so pleased you had such a lovely day with your Daughter, definitely what you deserve, Bless you.

    Chores are always there, tis like a 'merry go round, 'as soon as you finish, tis time to start all over again Grr!!!

    Take care all


  • It is snowing gently here. The ground has a light covering. My activity this afternoon had already been cancelled so I had planned lots of indoor jobs for today.
    Pat and Dibnlib - your tales re dentists sound awful. As Lindy says, lack of NHS dentists has been a big item on the news. It is a dreadful state of affairs and I feel very upset for you. My dentist went private many years ago whilst I was still working so I could afford it. Fortunately, I have a decent work pension so I continue to pay. I count my self lucky. I have just booked a new hygienists appointment for 6 months time. I was asked to pay in advance!!!!!!! £65. I am prone to gum disease despite my best efforts, so I deem it to be worthwhile.
    Pat and Lindy - you would have been very happy in the World of Glass shop. There were lots of lovely paperweights!!!! My friend bought 3 small ones. 2 for presents and one for herself!!!!!!!
    Annette - it sounds as though your impromptu outing with your daughter did you a lot of good.
  • Hello to all
    Many thanks for all the kind messages x Also all your news.
    I'm pleased to be home and have been busy working out ways to do things ! Unfortunately, I have been using my ( still) broken arm/shoulder a little too much - causing some nasty pains . Back to the drawing board....
  • Thanks RUSTY

    HEATHER. Good to hear from you....please look after yourself and do be careful.
  • Heather: Easy to overdo stuff when it's healing and then have to dial it back. I forgot if it was your dominant arm/hand...

    AQ: What's stopping me? How much time do you have? Seriously, so glad you got out and about for nice lunch with daughter.

    Stay well everyone.