Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 January 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

  • Cannot believe that the Scottish country dancer on breakfast TV this morning thought that deep fried mars bar was the perfect dessert for a Burns night supper. What about the super delicious cranachan????
  • dibnlib - Give me cranachan any time! Can't imagine much more horrible than deep fried Mars bar ...
  • Oh yes. Cranachan for me too. Not that I have ever had a deep fried Mars Bar. lol!!!
  • Cranachan. the most wonderful dessert I have ever had. Alas, unknown DownUnder.

    Thank you LINDA. Though despite it being a holiday, my Aussie Day is no different to any other!

    The usual anti-Australia Day fuss. However recent surveys show 63-68% are in favour of retaining the day on this date. As always the minority make the loudest noise.

  • RUSTY Yes, I remember OG signing out but I did think we may have heard from her again by now. I did send her an Email to wish her Happy New Year but had no reply. I just hope the family are all ok.
  • Hello all - good news ! All being well I should be going home next Wednesday. Ten weeks in hospital - it hasn't been easy....
    Regards to everyone.
  • That is great news Heather! Ten weeks is a long time, but obviously you needed it. I hope things go well for you from now on. Sending best wishes.
  • We had a Burns night supper in our function room here yesterday. It was a very good evening. The catering was a combined effort between staff and some residents. I was in charge of the vegetarian haggis!
    We had Cranachan and it was delicious. I think a deep fried Mars bar would have been a bad idea.
  • Heather: Best news I've had all week! Yay!
  • Heather. What great news. You must have worked very hard at the rehab. It will be good to be home.
    Rosy - that sounds like a good night. I have a friend who goes all the way to Waitrose in Chester to buy vegetarian haggis!!!
    I have been to see my friend from the assisted living place who is now in the local cottage hospital. She is finding the physio really painful. She has regained some movement during the week though. She is also still enjoying the food there. I delivered some little notes from her to friends in the assisted living place on my way home.
    Had a very interesting morning of birdwatching with the ladies group yesterday. We were joined by a BBC film crew who were making a piece for the news about the Big Garden Birdwatch. Some clips were shown this lunchtime. Amazingly short when you think they were with us for 4 hours. If anyone saw it, I am not the lady who was being interviewed. That was our leader.