Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 January 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

I am home from Indianapolis. On the morning of January 1, my friend and I saw a powerful, large hawk sitting in a tree on her property. It must have been a female. As we watched, she slowly took flight. My friend and I considered the sighting a good sign, since we saw her on the first day of the new year.

Hugs to all of you!

  • Have struggled and struggled to post.
  • I hope didnlib enjoyed The Gala.

    I wrote a very long post yesterday with lots of replies, but it's failed to post. I also mentioned that it was good that Heather was able to keep up with things on here. I do hope you can soon have conversations about returning home, Heather.

    We were told last night of the sad and quite sudden death of an old friend. He was a thoroughly nice man and will be sorely missed by many. I now must compose a letter to his widow as a card is not enough: we will not be able to attend the funeral as its a long way from us.

  • AQ: Those weighted utensils look awfully clunky.

    Lindybird: Sorry about your friend, but sounds like a well lived life which might be somewhat consoling.
  • Hello all and a Very Happy New Year to you.

    Not been on for some time, but not a lot to report. Have quickly scanned through posts and hope you are all well and coping with variations in the weather. Daughter, Son, and DinL clubbed together for a theatre trip to London next month. We are off to see The King and I with an overnight stay. Will have to take the wheelchair and use taxis to hotel and back to station as I'm not good at walking far at present. In all, should be a great visit provided the trains are running normally etc.

    Having a favourite hymn and worship session next Sunday as the guest from the BMA has had to pull out because of Covid. Should be good.

    Weather cold and has been cloudy today but at least no rain. Do hope you are all flood free and keeping warm and cosy. Take care
  • Lynnette - what a wonderful treat to look forward to. Fingers crossed that the trains behave themselves
    Lindy - so sorry to hear about your friend. Always a shock isn’t it?
    I have been out with the ladies birdwatching group today to Parkgate on the Wirral. It was high tide which is usually good for spotting raptors. Sadly, it wasn’t one of the highest tides so, although we saw 3 marsh harriers all up at the same time, the hen harriers and short eared owls didn’t make an appearance. We had great views of thousands of pink footed geese and lapwings and saw many other birds too. The morning was rounded off by an excellent lunch (of course)
  • HEATHER   Good to see you joining in but I do hope you can go home soon {{{HUGS}}}

    Where is everyone? We are melting here; 37 C in city today, "only" 35 C here near the beach. We had to go out mid-pm for OH's speech pathologist appt. The one he didn't want to go and I said let's try one more. He behaved like a lamb, even tho' he hadn't practised anything. More suggestions of things he can do which mostly seem to involve me. As if I need any more "on my plate". <sigh> If he cooperates at home with her suggestions it will be worthwhile, otherwise. . .

  • AQ. I hope your OH does cooperate with the suggestions, without you having to struggle too much.

    Nothing exciting going on here. Yesterday we went out to lunch with old friends. The service was very slow in the usually reliable place. My OH politely asked if something was holding up our main course. The chaps were not charged for their puddings, and my friend and I had free coffee. We were very happy with that. Our faith in the place continues.

    Today, supermarket shop. Such fun!

    Thinking of Heather, and wishing you well.
  • I liked this - the poster said it was serendipity!

  • LINDY Thank you, it was a great concert but didn't finish with "The Radetsky March" which I thought was almost mandatory for a Viennese concert. Sorry about your friend.

    LYNETTE I am sure you will love "The King and I". We took my Mum and Grandma to see it in 1980. It starred Yul Bryner and Virginia McKenna. Grandpa refused an invite as the thought of going into London horrified him, Grandma and Mum loved it and so did we.
  • Dibnlib - yes. The Radetsky March. Pretty much always ends the New Years Day concert from Vienna which I watch. Glad it was still a good concert.
    Lindy - I liked the poster. Thank you..
    Rosy - glad the lunch wasn’t a total disaster and that you will probably go back to that place.
    AQ - I do hope your OH will cooperate with the new suggestions. It must be so difficult and frustrating for you. It’s not there I see. My niece, OH and daughter are on their way to Adelaide to visit his brother who lives there (don’t know where) They will only have just over a week there but have been looking forward to it for ages.
    I went to the supermarket today. It is 2 miles from my house. I was out for 3 hours!!!!!!! It is like a social club there. Because I have lived and worked in the area for a long time I know lots of people. Firstly I had an unarranged coffee and long chat with a former colleague, then along came a former member of the French group who had moved away to be nearer their daughter. We had a very long chat. Then I did my shopping and on the way out met a lady from the golf club I hadn’t seen for ages so had another long chat!!!! Finally I walked into town and got my bird food and came home. It was great!!! I hadn’t anything else planned so what a great way to spend a morning :-)