Osprey Sightings 2024

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024
Vasières du port de Meyran / Gujan-Mestras (33)
1 Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
[Mathieu Taillade]
  • 04/07 08:08 Norfolk : Osprey, Strumpshaw Fen RSPB
    three flew south over Fen Hide (07:55)
    04/07 08:30 Shropshire : Osprey, Leighton
    two still by River Severn at S bends
    04/07 13:35 Norfolk : Osprey, Strumpshaw Fen RSPB
    one still from Reception Hide (13:25)
    04/07 13:49 Kent : Osprey, Stodmarsh NNR
    one from Tower Hide
    04/07 14:50 Shropshire : Osprey, Leighton
    one still by River Severn at S-bends (14:48)
    04/07 16:27 Shropshire : Osprey, Leighton
    two still by River Severn at S-bends (16:24)
    04/07 17:56 Staffordshire : Osprey, Belvide Reservoir (permit only)
    male between 14:08 and 14:20 then drifted east
  • 05/07 08:11 Shropshire : Osprey, Leighton
    one still at River Severn meanders
    05/07 11:39 Avon : Osprey, Chew Valley Lake
    one perched in tree along Moreton Bank viewed distantly from Herriott's Bridge
    05/07 11:44 Lancashire : Osprey, Coldwell Reservoirs
    one again at upper reservoir
    05/07 20:05 Antrim : Osprey, Portmore Lough RSPB
    one (17:00)
    05/07 20:25 Derbyshire : Osprey, Chatsworth Estate
    one flew south (20:00)
  • 06/07 07:04 Shropshire : Osprey, Leighton
    two still by River Severn at S-bends (07:00)
    06/07 19:35 Norfolk : Osprey, Hickling Broad NWT
    one again fishing (17:45)
    06/07 19:57 Shropshire : Osprey, Leighton
    two still by River Severn at S-bends (19:57)
  • 07/07 07:50 Cleveland : Osprey, Scaling Dam Reservoir
    one again (07:00)
    07/07 08:15 Shropshire : Osprey, Leighton
    two still by River Severn at S-bends
    07/07 09:50 Derbyshire : Osprey, Staunton Harold Reservoir
    one flew north-east (09:30)
    07/07 10:49 Lincolnshire : Osprey, Gibraltar Point NNR
    one over Croftmarsh mid-morning
    07/07 14:44 Shropshire : Osprey, Leighton
    one still by River Severn at S-bends (14:40)
    07/07 14:47 East Sussex : Osprey, Weir Wood Reservoir
    one this afternoon
    07/07 15:18 Derbyshire : Osprey, Derbyshire Bridge
    one flew north-west (11:10)
    07/07 19:01 Shropshire : Osprey, Venus Pool NR
    one circled overhead this evening
    07/07 19:06 Antrim : Osprey, Portmore Lough RSPB
    one again
  • 08/07 09:18 Shropshire : Osprey, Leighton
    two still at River Severn meanders
    08/07 09:33 Norfolk : Osprey, Strumpshaw Fen RSPB
    two again from Fen Hide (09:24)
    08/07 09:34 Antrim : Osprey, Portmore Lough RSPB
    one again although no sign of Little Ringed Plover
    08/07 12:50 Derbyshire : Osprey, Carsington Water
    one perched in tall tree opposite Sheepwash car park (12:41)
    08/07 12:55 Lancashire : Osprey, Stocks Reservoir
    one perched in tree viewed from second hide (12:32)
  • 09/07 10:49 Orkney : Osprey, Birsay Moors RSPB, Mainland
    one flew over Skelday Hill (10:45)
    09/07 12:45 Cheshire : Osprey, West Kirby
    one flew over a private residence
    09/07 13:41 Shropshire : Osprey, Leighton
    one still at River Severn meanders then flew towards Cressage bridge
    09/07 14:44 East Yorkshire : Osprey, North Cave Wetlands YWT
    one flew west over Village Lake (14:35)
    09/07 15:03 Lancashire : Osprey, Crosby
    one flew north-east over Waterloo (13:05)
  • 10/07 08:04 Lincolnshire : Osprey, Frampton Marsh RSPB
    one yesterday afternoon; also Spotted Redshank still
    10/07 09:22 Cleveland : Osprey, Scaling Dam Reservoir
    one again yesterday
    10/07 12:10 Shropshire : Osprey, Leighton
    two still at River Severn meanders (11:47)
    10/07 15:40 South Yorkshire : Osprey, Wath upon Dearne
    one flew south over private garden (15:00)
    10/07 16:50 Mayo : Osprey, Lough Conn
    one reported at north end
    10/07 21:21 Hampshire : Osprey, Bickton
    one flew south
    11/07 15:08 Greater Manchester : Osprey, Smithills Moor
    one flew west (09:05)
  • 11/07 08:06 Cleveland : Osprey, Scaling Dam Reservoir
    again over hide (08:01)
    11/07 08:11 Suffolk : Osprey, Kessingland
    one circling over sewage works
    11/07 09:05 Northumberland : Osprey, Seaton Sluice
    one flew north c 3km offshore (09:00)
    11/07 10:11 Shropshire : Osprey, Leighton
    at least one still at River Severn meanders (10:04)
    11/07 12:43 Norfolk : Osprey, East Dereham
    one circled high over Rushmeadow then drifted south-east (12:33)
    11/07 14:00 Cork : Osprey, Myross
    one flew over Squince Lagoon and south-west over Myross Island
    11/07 15:08 Greater Manchester : Osprey, Smithills Moor
    one flew west (09:05)
  • 12/07 10:19 Antrim : Osprey, Portmore Lough RSPB
    12/07 20:19 Avon : Osprey, Chew Valley Lake
    one again
    12/07 20:58 Lancashire : Osprey, Heysham
    0ne on post off Heysham 2 Power Station
  • 13/07 07:55 Shropshire : Osprey, Leighton
    male still at River Severn meanders (07:50)
    13/07 10:01 Lancashire : Osprey, Anglezarke Reservoir
    one for 10 minutes then flew east (10:00)
    13/07 12:57 Antrim : Osprey, Portmore Lough RSPB
    13/07 14:13 Orkney : Osprey, Stenness, Mainland
    one over Maeshowe (13:45)
    13/07 17:37 Staffordshire : Osprey, Blithfield Reservoir
    one flew north along Admaston Reach (14:44)
    13/07 18:27 Avon : Osprey, Chew Valley Lake
    one still
    13/07 20:37 Tipperary : Osprey, Cahir
    one along River Suir