Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 31 December 2023


I hope 2024 is the best year possible for all of you. I wish you peace and send you love, my friends. 

  • Rusty - That's great news. So pleased for you. Onward and upward into 2024!!

    I have a bowls match this afternoon, and I think all roads between here and there will be flooded to some extent. I'll have to take a chance on which is the least affected. More rain forecast for later, although at the moment it's dry. And more torrential rain for the next couple of days. Where does it all come from?!?!? And more worrying, where will it all go???? Everywhere is so sodden. There was a picture on the local news last night of a tree which had fallen onto a car - fortunately nobody was badly hurt. I had driven along that road on Sunday ... makes you think.
  • Just popping in 'n out, am hypo so must rush to kitchen to find something to scoff.

    Lindybird said:
    I may have to alter the size of the font

    On Windows 10 (and 7 and 11, no doubt), just hold down the Ctrl key and hit the + sign until the font size suits Blush

  • Good news Rusty I am hoping for the same as I have an emergency dental appt this afternoon. I had an extraction on 13th December and the root was left behind. I am now on a waiting list to have the remainder of the tooth extracted at the hospital (3-4 months). In the meantime I don't feel things have settled down as they should!!!!
  • Thanks Scylla & Jill. Will try it.

    Rusty, that's great news - now you can take a deep breath out and get on with life. Wonderful.

    It rained all night here and didn't stop till lunchtime. Our garden is a paddling pool - thank goodness the house is higher up. (We are on a slight rise and look down into the garden, and the fields beyond.)

    We've been to buy new furniture which is nerve wracking as it's a big outlay, and colour is everything. Have ordered a new sofa, recliner chair and footstool for our tiny sitting room. Last time I got it wrong and it looked all wrong when it was delivered! Ugh. We've lived with it for years, but as the carpet is now worn out and you have to buy it first, I think, we decided to change it, too. My OH is not interested in anything except comfort and the price, so no arguments about choice but all the responsibility rests on me. (We bought a soft biscuit coloured leather in the end).
  • Dibnlib: I hope all went well with your dentistry - no fun.

    Rusty - I told my OH about the doughnuts!! He's jealous now that you managed to get some! I do think the flavour is enhanced by eating outdoors!

    Pat - I hope you managed to play bowls. Everywhere is so very wet. My OH battled through 9 holes of golf yesterday but most of the players were in the clubhouse, drinking coffee & talking about sport and the dire state of the country.

  • Oh my. Very quiet on here. Hope everyone is doing okay Busy again here....
  • Summer has arrived. 32 C with high humidity. Same tomorrow. Salad weather.
  • Lindy - Bowls is indoors from around October until around May! Otherwise I think it would be called water polo. Our game yesterday was a competitively social men versus ladies match. The ladies were well ahead for most of the time, but the men pipped us by four points right at the end. Grrr. We will have to up our game for the 'trophy' match in April.

    Can't believe the sun is actually shining at the moment. Lots more rain and weather warnings to come this afternoon and overnight, though.
  • Pat - the sun is shining here too! I went to town this morning and it was so nice not to be blown about in the rain.
  • Thanks Lindy. I do envy people with good teeth. I just see to have one problem after another.....grrr