Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 31 December 2023


I hope 2024 is the best year possible for all of you. I wish you peace and send you love, my friends. 

  • Just a thought

    A sparkly new year to start fresh on old bad habits.

    May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions. (Joey Adams)

    New Year is just a holiday created by calendar companies who don’t want you reusing last year’s calendar.

  • Love those, AQ!! (& agree that an awful lot of what happens at this time of year is just for profit!)

    Pouring rain here and my OH has gone optimistically, off to golf.  I'm expecting an early return. EDIT: Almost as I write, I can hear Bonnie getting excited because the car is back in the driveway!

    Rusty, that sounded like a near perfect day with your family. What a lovely tradition. My OH can't pass the Llandudno Pier without stopping to get some of those naughty hot doughnuts. I wonder if they're still available in winter?

    I've been putting stuff away which has accumulated over the holiday, but not taken decorations down yet. I will begin tomorrow and finish with the tree, then we can pack everything up by the end of the week and put it away over the weekend. AQ - There always seems to be one rogue decoration which you don't notice until you sit down thinking "job done" I have a bag of stuff which goes onto the pile of packed away decs, containing all the last minute things - T towels which I've only just laundered, my OH's Christmassy socks, etc. That sits on top of the last box to go in the cupboard, which contains new Christmas cards, leftover. Every year before I order new cards, I look at those to make sure I don't over order - we used to send many many cards but now through death, relocations, and my cutting down, we don't send or indeed receive half as many.

    I've had to re edit as my eyesight is so bad now when at the desktop.  I may have to alter the size of the font if I can work out how to do it. I have the page very white so that everything stands out but for some reason its harder to read on here which is frustrating, as I prefer to write on here with a proper keyboard as I can be much quicker. Old age is not for wimps!

  • We have twinkling white lights on our gutters, as the main part of the house is a bungalow so it has been ideal for my OH to stand on a stepladder and put them up. Now, we're discussing not having them next year partly because half of them have "died" and partly because I cringe when I see my OH gingerly climbing the ladder - he obviously doesn't feel safe now. I shall see if I can buy some lights in the Sales which you just throw over the bushes in the garden, instead.

    Off to check my emails which I don't do every day much to the annoyance, no doubt, of some people who write to me but hey ho, life's too short to be online all the time.
  • Lindy - one of my sister’s sons in law bought 2 packets of hot donuts from the end of the pier. We shared them trying to avoid the herring gulls who obviously know about them!! My brother in law was robbed!!! We all just laughed!!! They were very moorish and extremely sweet!!!!
    I have twinkly lights round the gutters of my garage. A tall friend comes and puts them up every year (for a bottle of wine!) He doesn’t need to stand on a ladder!!! I, like you, have taken my indoor decs down today and put them in the loft (I put my phone in my pocket when I climb up!!) I don’t go into the loft, I just put the decs around the hatch!! It is far too wet to take the outside lights down. They will need 2 or 3 dry days before I attempt that. I have turned the timer off though.
    I know what you mean about always finding a decoration you have missed. It is most annoying. I think you have done the right thing AQ. Thanks also for the quotes. Good to have a chuckle.
  • Lindybird - if your desktop is like mine, there should be three dots near the top right of the page, If you click on them, one of the menu options is Zoom. I set mine to 125%, but you can go higher.

    Alternatively, you can hold down the ctrl key on your keyboard and use the scrolling wheel on your mouse to make the text larger or smaller.

  • Lindy - I have just looked up my golf club status - closed!!! Not that I intended playing in this weather - lol!!!!
  • Good evening, all. I've just got back from seeing One Life (the film about Nicholas Winton) and I can highly recommend it. I found myself being reminded of a friend I had at high school - her Jewish father had been evacuated from Austria, though I'm not sure if he came through the Kindertransport or by other means.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I had a 9am hospital appointment to get the results of my 2nd annual mammogram after breast cancer. Phew. All clear. I had got a bit worked up about it. (Junior doctors are not on strike in Wales this week) Roads were awful. Lots of standing water.
  • @Rusty .
    Well done ,so pleased for you, A wonderful start for your New Year, long may you continue.