Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 December 2023


To All Who Celebrate

I hope you all enjoy the holidays.

Santa will need a good GPS system on his sleigh when he arrives here. The temperature is soaring and likely to be 60F or 15.5C or higher tomorrow. So strange for us. The soaring temp has created VERY dense fog rolling through the woods and fields. I just saw a massive white-tailed deer buck in the bean field across the highway. He looked quite surreal bounding through the heavy fog and mist. 

Love and hugs to all.

  • Thank you to Everyone for your lovely Christmas Wishes. I was going to join in but feel its a bit late, now! I enjoyed reading about all of your different celebrations and hope you've all had the sort of Christmas you were looking forward to.

    We had a quiet day, interspersed by a visit from Sue, who had forgotten to give out presents the day before. Then we had phone calls from our sons with excited squeals in the background from Youngests children, and a video call from our Eldest, with an excited Amber prancing in the background. She wanted to see Bonnie but I had problems getting her to sit for long enough to be admired.

    We began our feast with small breadcrumbed pieces of salmon, with a lemon crumb. I  had to improvise with celery & courgette for the trimmings,  as I had forgotten to buy any lettuce!!

    We cooked a whole turkey and ate it with traditional sprouts,  carrots, sweetcorn , roast parsnips, roast potatoes, bread sauce, cranberry sauce, apple sauce and of course, gravy. (Gravy home made but bread sauce from a packet). Oh, and of course, pigs in blankets. Having been pigs ourselves we then sat down for a couple of hours!! I went to sleep twice in the afternoon! We wanted very little to eat tonight!

  • CLARE – It has not just been a weekend of shopping for some – they started with the Black Friday sales last month and haven’t stopped. I fear some shocks when chickens (credit cards) come home to roost. We are still quite British. In fact I was born British. Aussie citizenship did not happen until 1949. Hm, nowadays we are becoming more and more the umpteenth state of US.
    I must find time to check your photos. I often saw “crows” with their distinctive calls when visiting UK abbey ruins .

    LINDA – The best cooks know how to improvise!

  • Phew. Well that's it for another year. OH and daughter both flaked out (how come when I was the one doing all the running around!?) Just sat down with cup of coffee and feet up.

    Rusty: Like you, I too got lots of cookies this year. Unlike you, I eat them. However, most are now stashed away in the freezer for future reference.

    Clare: I have a small Bose wifi speaker (one of those round things) I bought for myself for Christmas some years back. It's great if I'm in the garage and want to listen to the BBC World Service, PBS, the Rolling Stones etc., while I'm puttering around. I connect it through my iPhone and so it's good for calls, etc., too.

    AQ: Am sure the gum tree isn't the only thing disputed at this point. That'd be the 51st US state, but I'd resist if I were you (maybe throw some tea overboard somewhere?). I know you talk about Daughter #2 often and it follows you must have a #1..... Hope you guys eventually heard from her. Does she have kiddies?

    Lindybird: Am very familiar with the "Did you know you can get help online...?" when I'm hanging on the phone precisely because I can't get online. Had to Google Greek Kleftica. Poor Sue; time to spring for some concealer? We did the phone call bit with granddaughter and Ms. D, who were in their nighties watching Christmas movies when we called. Then it was grandson and wife who were heading to her parent's house. And around 8 p.m. .UK time we Facetimed the UK contingent for the usual shouted greetings and waves from various family members. But my heavens, that sounds like a huge Christmas dinner for just two. Assume you'll be eating leftovers for a while?

    Well that's it from me for the day. Have no intention of going anywhere near a store for a few days.

    Take care all.
  • We finally heard from Dau#1, she (they?) will visit us Thurs. Time not specified, yet.

    ANNETTE – Dau#1 has two – Her dau works interstate and I believe is home for χmas, her son lives at home.

    OH is feeling somewhat “off” this eve. I suggested his almost-empty choc box could be the cause. Memo: Buy him a smaller box for his b-day as he has no Won’r-Power. Weather is still cool – I’m not complaining. Storms, floods, power failures in eastern states. This of course rouses the climate change deniers. I shall spend another evening reading. Absolute rubbish on TV.

  • aquilareen said:
    I fear some shocks when chickens (credit cards) come home to roost.

    How many of these people were buying stuff that nobody needed, and that they couldn't afford?  Saying that, how many people in your part of the world are putting essential bills on their credit cards?  That's happening more and more here.

    aquilareen said:
    In fact I was born British. Aussie citizenship did not happen until 1949.

    Typical of my country to be forced to let go of its 'possessions', kicking and screaming.

    aquilareen said:
    Hm, nowadays we are becoming more and more the umpteenth state of US.

    That's the last thing you need.  They are clearly headed back to the Middle Ages - unless they put sensible people in charge like Annette, Diane and Bjane!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Morning from A very bright and dry Suffolk - it won't last as tomorrow is forecast rain and very strong winds.

    As I was on my own its been lovely reading all the posts - especially from Heather and hope she is or will return home soon.

    My Daughter and her 2 girls are coming tomorrow for a few days that I am looking forward to.

    Take care all and onwards to the New Year!

  • Unknown said:
    A very bright and dry Suffolk

    Wonderful, isn't it?  I've just put a load of washing out.  Tomorrow looks lousy but Thursday should be better.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lovely to read about everyone’s Christmas Day. I am off to my sisters now (35 minute drive) It will be busier and noisier than yesterday that’s for sure!!!!!
  • I've packed everyone off to the coast with a picnic, and have had a delicious lunch of left-overs. I have about three hours of peace, in my sister's home, to do absolutely nothing all by myself! After the bonkers couple of week's I've had, this everything I could wish for. I'm glad they felt confident enough to let me do my own thing - greatly appreciated.

    I hope everyone else has the chance to do what they want to do for the rest of the holiday. Families are great - but sometimes (particularly for those of us who are used to living alone) it's lovely to wave them off for a few hours. I will appreciate them very much more when they come back!

    Happy Boxing Day, everyone!
  • Sounds as if most of us have had a pleasant time: Christmas is a difficult period because there are expectations that all will be perfect, every minute!! Yes, I was surprised to open the salad drawer and find I'd completely forgotten the lettuce! I used a spiraliser to make the courgette into ribbons and then added tiny strips of cut up celery. It went well with the salmon. We usually have a starter as we gave up having any kind of pudding years ago, after such a huge main course. We both like a lot of veggies, so only had a spoonful of each - my OH likes the dark meat or I would only cook a turkey crown. Afterwards, he divided it all into four or five parts - we had cold turkey today for lunch, and we froze three large packs of cooked turkey for another time. My OH boiled up the bones & bits to make turkey stock for soup another day, so that's now frozen, too.