Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 December 2023


To All Who Celebrate

I hope you all enjoy the holidays.

Santa will need a good GPS system on his sleigh when he arrives here. The temperature is soaring and likely to be 60F or 15.5C or higher tomorrow. So strange for us. The soaring temp has created VERY dense fog rolling through the woods and fields. I just saw a massive white-tailed deer buck in the bean field across the highway. He looked quite surreal bounding through the heavy fog and mist. 

Love and hugs to all.

  • We went for a walk in Tatton Park today, to blow away the cobwebs. It was completely calm  and not too cold. Very muddy underfoot though.  I shall have to clean off my boots later.

  • Lindybird said:
    Christmas is a difficult period because there are expectations that all will be perfect, every minute!!

    I must confess I never expect that - we're far too argumentative a household for any such expectation.  We've actually had an unusually calm and reasonably pleasant atmosphere, which feels great.  The only downer came on Christmas Eve, when Helen realised I'd only bought one pack of four Yorkshire puddings (I'd expected her and Limpy to have two each).  To my shock she demanded, and ultimately got, all four!  She got really stroppy with me and told me I'd ruined her Christmas.  I'm sad to say that we've got into an awful pattern of behaviour with her, namely to keep her happy and avoid making her angry - I don't enjoy living like this one bit but she can't afford to move out.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Oh dear, Clare. Does she not think that she is lucky to have you, and a home? I'm afraid I might have just put all of them into the freezer and firmly said "If you're not happy, then none of us are having any."
  • Oh Clare That's so difficult. How old is Helen now? Maybe if you weren't so accommodating she'd somehow find the money to find her own place. :-)
  • CLARE: I'm sorry about the stress you're dealing with. It sounds like Helen has some issues she needs to work out. (I don't mean that in a critical, judgmental way. Honest.) Could she have a few sessions with a therapist (counselor, social worker, psychologist...whatever you call mental health professionals there). Would the NHS cover the cost for that? Is she depressed? Would an antidepressant help? I just hate to see you suffering, my friend.
  • Unknown said:
    How old is Helen now?

    She'll be 24 in March.

    Unknown said:
    Maybe if you weren't so accommodating she'd somehow find the money to find her own place. :-)

    Limpy is the accommodating one.  There's nothing I can do to improve the situation.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Unknown said:
    It sounds like Helen has some issues she needs to work out.

    Yeah, she does.  I'm in regular contact with Suffolk Family Carers (for the sake of my mental health) and they feel that Helen lacks confidence, which I utterly agree with.  Problem is the NHS has queues years-long of people of all ages waiting to see a mental health professional, and the cost of going private is prohibitive.  I wish she could appreciate her own strengths more - she's really good at her job (Customs work) and she is massively bright, something she can't see.  I'd back her against any number of graduates when it comes to intelligence.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Just started a catch up as we have been away for our usual Christmas break. We were aware the hotel changed hands in July and is now part of a group instead of privately owned. Unfortunately this has led to the lovely, brilliant staff leaving and being replaced by young inexperienced and as yet untrained staff and to say the service on Christmas Eve was truly atrocious is not over the top. The service on Christmas Day was much better but the damage was done and we have not booked again for next year. OH sent an Email of our complaints yesterday and I am sure it will be one of many.

    CLARE Sorry you have problems with Helen. I do hope these can be smoothed out. Thank you for the lesson on bird ident. Like others I have been unsure.

    HEATHER good to hear from you
  • Clare: It's a shame that she's so good at her job but that it doesn't seem to translate into a more positive self-image. Does she have friends, a social life? Your mental health systems sounds much like systems worldwide; I think it's even hard to find a private practitioner here. I'm glad you're getting some support - you've certainly got a lot on your plate. Hugs from here.