Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 December 2023


The Winter Solstice occurs at:

3:27 a.m. on December 22, Friday, in the U.K.

9:27 p.m. on December 21, Thursday, in Iowa

7:27 p.m. on December 21, Thursday, in California


The Summer Solstice occurs at 1:57 p.m. on December 22, Friday, in Adelaide, Australia. I didn't forget you, AQ!

I hope everyone has a good week.

I'm looking forward to the return of the sun and the longer days!

The light triumphs over the darkness. I hope that's true of our world.

  • AQ and Rosy - I actually call a rollator a walker. I have to say, I haven’t heard rollator used.
    I have heard both walking frame and zimmer used (the one my dad had had 2 small wheels on the front.)
    Gopher must be an Aussie term because I have only ever heard the term mobility scooter. Language is fascinating isn’t it?
    My lovely garage put me a new headlight bulb yesterday so all is good there. They are very nice. When they service and MOT my car, they actually collect it from my house and bring it back. What a great service that is isn’t it? (It’s not just me, they advertise that they do it)
  • My Christmas tree is finally up and going - it has ready fitted lighting, which can be changed from white to coloured.  My OH likes the jolly multi coloured which reminds him of childhood, but I prefer the modern tasteful white lights.

  • So, here it is in colour! We change it over now & then, so that we're both happy. :-)

  • This little guy is only made of some sort of paper, and is shabby now, but he's been put upon our tree every single year since I was a new bride at the farm we had - so its now 50 years! He's treasured, & kept in paper tissue between times.

  • Rusty- What great service that is. You're so lucky. We do have a really good garage within walking distance, though- been with them for years & trust them.

    I hope Heather is still reading, and improving.

    AQ - Heard about the bad floods in Cairns.My cousin & wife are in Aus for Christmas with their daughter & family- they've said its 32 degrees!
  • That is a very clever tree Lindy. I think I would change the light colours as well. White=tasteful. Colours, definitely childhood.
  • I thought I would send a photo of my little tree. It has white lights and, as you can see, is only small. I like it though. My brother in law likes coloured lights. Maybe it is a “man” thing!!!!! lol.

  • Lovely tree, Rusty. Small is beautiful!

    Its been mixed here today- the sky began very grey but recently the sun came out. I toddled into the town (by car) to gift my Christmassy teapot, but in spite of being early, it was impossible to park in the street, & I had to pay up to put it in a car park. Eventually I got to the charity shop which looked to be doing good business & the lady in there assured me that my pot was most welcome & would be snapped up.
    I then had a fight with the photo printing machine in Boots, they seem to be different every time I go.
    Home for a welcome hot chocolate, then out again to deliver Christmas cards to our immediate neighbours. Had to stay in one house for a chat so tried not to fret that my To Do List was not on schedule!

  • Next instalment of my Cruise travelogue! --

    EDIT: I've just gone back to edit this as I found a couple of pictures of Cobh which I'd missed.

    In the centre of the town, we found more prettily painted buildings. 

    The view as we pulled away.

    After our damp stay in the lovely town of Cobh, Ireland, we had a day at sea to gather our strength for the next part. I began to read my book, and my OH took up his crossword puzzle book. As we had been on the same ship before, we did not need to go and explore all the different bars and lounges, but we did have a nice walk around to remind ourselves.

    The giant clock installation at the centre of the ship. It went up through 3 floors. This is looking down at it from above. The clock faces had the time for various parts of the world.

  • More of the clock & it's ornamental magnificence.