Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 November 2023


I hope you all have a good week.

Monday morning (the 27th) is the full moon in the UK and US. 

It's cold here, and we have snow coming in the morning. The red-bellied woodpecker drilled on the frame of my bedroom window early today. I hadn't seen him for awhile. He didn't stay long. I think he just wondered if I'm still in here. LOL

Hugs to all.

  • Lindy - like you, I have only just been able to get on here. Thanks for the update re Heather. I didn’t realise it was her dominant arm which was broken. What a nuisance. I wonder what adaptations are going to be needed in her home? Thanks for passing on all our hugs.
    Here too this morning, everywhere was white. It looked very pretty. I have been grocery shopping and plan to make 3 shepherds pies this afternoon. 2 to freeze and one to eat. I think it is a shepherds pie sort of day!!! It is very sunny with a vivid blue sky. The frost has gone at just after 1pm.
  • Lovely to read your news.
    OG - the timetable re machine is because of a visit from the Oxygen at home nurse who detected in a blood test that there was still c20 in my body and as I only average 3 hrs at night , could I increase it in the daytime which is what has happened, however I refuse to do extra at the weekend.
    Do hope J is ok and finding work.

    Rusty2 - sounds as though you had a great time bird watching.

    Have a good weekend all and stay warm.
  • It's been hovering around zero for most of today, with very little sun. I haven't even opened the door! The magpies and squirrels seem to have been having fun, though. The frosty grass seems to have thawed now, although I imagine it will soon be white again. We have been promised another bitterly cold night. I am taking someone to the station quite early tomorrow morning - need to allow time to clear the windscreen!

    Lindy, thank you for letting us know about Heather. I'm so sorry she is still in hospital, and hope she is able to go home soon. I'm sure she would be happier surrounded by her own things, and sleeping in her own bed. I know this is not a good time of year for her. Hope she can keep smiling ... however difficult.

    I found the site extremely slow this morning - then remembered it was the first of the month. It seems to have picked up speed now, though.
  • It's been hovering around zero for most of today, with very little sun. I haven't even opened the door! The magpies and squirrels seem to have been having fun, though. The frosty grass seems to have thawed now, although I imagine it will soon be white again. We have been promised another bitterly cold night. I am taking someone to the station quite early tomorrow morning - need to allow time to clear the windscreen!

    Lindy, thank you for letting us know about Heather. I'm so sorry she is still in hospital, and hope she is able to go home soon. I'm sure she would be happier surrounded by her own things, and sleeping in her own bed. I know this is not a good time of year for her. Hope she can keep smiling ... however difficult.

    I found the site extremely slow this morning - then remembered it was the first of the month. It seems to have picked up speed now, though.
  • Minus 6 was lowest today – only a few hours above zero – lovely to see the sunshine but best from indoors! EE had to go to nearest garden centre and buy a new greenhouse heater as the previous one had failed overnight! No losses so far as we can tell at this stage. He posted Christmas cards while he was out.

    LINDA – haven’t fully completed cards as I still need to write to GD#1 – a difficult letter as I have nothing to comment on or reply to because she doesn’t send letters as her younger Sister does! Thanks for news from Heather – sounds as if she really messed up that arm - and did she mention the kidney problem? I don’t think she will need too much done to the house as I am sure she has mentioned having a downstairs loo and shower.

    PAT – one of our favourite visitors these days is called “Pied” – actually, more a resident than a visitor as he gets rid of all the other blackbirds. He is a large gentleman, with at least 50% white colouring. His only friend is the equally resident and aggressive Robin!
  • HEATHER – {{{HUGS}}}

    Last Tuesday we had almost 2 ins rain (or the nearby airport did), hence lots of floods but good news for our birds in the Mallee.

  • OH has had his first appt with speech pathologist, supposed to help with swallowing problem expected with Parkinsons. “Homework” = exercises. One is to sing 10 mins a day. He refuses, even though I found something to sing to on YouTube. “Neighbours might hear.” Huh, they are not close and he has no volume. He can’t remember other swallowing exercise, even when I recite what to do. I give up. Occ Therapist coming next week to success aids around the house. I know what he will say. Don’t want and won’t use.

    Dau sent lovely photos of Trio with their medals earned from the Premier’s Reading Challenge. My wonderful bookworms.

  • Yes AQ - that must be so hard and frustrating for you. Is there a Parkinson’s organisation near you who must have carers who have experienced that sort of things and might be able to share advice and support? Sending hugs. On the bright side - great news about your trio of bookworms.
    Another frosty morning here. Just right for a day at home. I will take a leaf out of OG’s book and write some Christmas cards.
  • AQ, Agree with Dibnlib, very tough for you. Sympathies.

    I have been busy recently with various things. Visiting family etc. Nice to see them but hard work.
    Also I have been put off by all the spam on here, then yesterday's go slow!

    Thinking of Heather. I hope the spell in hospital is helpful, and can resolve some things for you. x

    We had our residents book group meeting last evening. After the book discussion we sorted the world, as a group of women often do! Wine was involved.