Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 November 2023


I hope you all have a good week.

Monday morning (the 27th) is the full moon in the UK and US. 

It's cold here, and we have snow coming in the morning. The red-bellied woodpecker drilled on the frame of my bedroom window early today. I hadn't seen him for awhile. He didn't stay long. I think he just wondered if I'm still in here. LOL

Hugs to all.

  • LINDA Glad your absence was not for a bad reason, but you do seem to fall asleep often - is it something the doc is monitoring? Though having asked that, same thing happens to me too - simple solution: age?

    RUSTY - sounds a lovely day and the pics to prove it too!
  • Evening all:  

    Lovely photos Rusty!

    Lindybird:  I envy you your naps; I haven't even had time to sit down; have been falling into bed at 9 after falling asleep in front of the tv.   I love old movies, especially film noir stuff from the 50s! Do you guys get Turner Classic?  

    OG:  I understand how frustrating yet also rewarding doing the newsletter must be.  They are so lucky you agreed to take it up again.  Lynette last posted at the beginning of October (I knew I'd 'seen' her recently).    

    Has anyone had any contact with Heather?  

  • OG - you are right. We haven’t heard from Lynette for a while. I do hope all is OK with her.
    Lindy - better to get the new TV all set up and installed before Christmas.
    It is a beautiful, bright, cold day here. Driving to town it was 1 degree C this morning! The market was all set up though and there were lots of people about. I was meeting 2 friends for coffee!!! Most pleasant.
    Off to feed the poor birds now. I should have broken the ice on the bird bath earlier but will do it immediately.
  • OG Hoping you are better now.

    RUSTY Thank you for the lovely pics.
  • OG. I have been having naps for years. Not every day, but often. My OH has a nap late afternoon, or else he falls asleep during a TV programme later! He is going to be 80 in March, so I think he deserves it after a life of hard work. I find I still sleep at night, even when I've had an hour flaked out. Mind you, its part of the various symptoms I've had for a long time-- I think I had some kind of virus way back, before we even heard of covid. I've never been the same. The doctors just look sideways at me when I describe symptoms. My OH is very good and does the tiring bits of the housework like hoovering.

    I've not heard anything from poor Heather. I do hope the docs can help her and that she's recovering from her fracture now.
  • Today's quote: (although I didn't take note if who said it when I heard it!)

    True humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.
  • Rusty - It was minus 3 here this morning and remained at minus 2 until lunchtime. The frost has stayed on our lawn except for one corner where a watery sun crept down. I hope our friends in Scotland don't have too much snow

    Annette - Yes, we can get Turner Classics and my OH loves all the old B& W cowboy films. The other day he was deep into Kind Hearts and Coronets, a real classic and very funny in parts!

  • LINDY No snow here but we can see it on the distant high ground......and it looks so beautiful.
  • AH! This is better – more of us reappearing! I have been occupied – although not exactly busy – today, so a bit late adding my contribution. (not out – I got the day wrong – two appts are Thursday – bloods in the morning and dentist in the afternoon.)

    LINDA – will be glad to get any news of Heather – must stir myself and send an email! I just can’t get motivated for correspondence these days! I liked the humility quote.

    Weather is colder than usual for this part of Upper Solway Firth, but being so dry recently it is not at all slippy underfoot. J went to a “jobs fair” at the job centre – I am trying to persuade him to take on some voluntary work, just to get him out and about doing something regular.
  • One degree warmer today! Wonderful sunshine - too bright for seeing what I am writing! soon setting off for blood test etc.