Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 November 2023


I hope you all have a good week!

The National Weather Service has announced that the US will have a very strong El Nino winter. For the Midwest, that means a warmer and dryer season. Dang, I hope so. 

Right now, I have a fishing spider in my dining room and another one in my living room. Each is the size of my hand! They're happily eating the last of the summer gnats. We had an even bigger than normal population of gnats, mosquitoes, and biting flies this year. I'm letting the spiders enjoy them. They'll go hibernate under the house when they're finished. LOL 

Happy Thanksgiving or whatever you celebrate to Annette and bjane.

Hugs to all.

  • Can see your post alright, Harelady. I think we've all just been busy.
  • LINDA - thanks for forwarding the news from Heather. I wonder if she has internet access in the hospital? I hope she will know that we are thinking of her. It would be nice to think they could sort out all her needs in the one hospital stay, but I doubt they can make it that easy! Sorry that cold is interfering with your memory.

    My shoulder suddenly improved yesterday but I woke up very confused this morning. We were supposed to be going through to Loch Arthur for lunch today, but have shortened the trip to a sandwich and shopping in Morrisons. It is a gloomy day, and it always rains when we go to Dumfries! J is making his own lunch trip to Caledonia Park. Just had a large charm of Goldfinch in the Willow Tree - and an equal number of Chaffinch too - I wonder what their collective name is?

    Magazine is progressing slowly - unfortunately it doesn't look very cheery for Christmas this year.
  • OG - I looked to see if there was a collective name for chaffinches, but apparently there isn't. However, I like a couple of the suggestions - a 'company' or a 'trembling'. Yes, I have friends just outside Dumfries, and it rains frequently when I visit them! Especially at Morrison's ...

    Lindy - Our sunrise was pink just like yours. Very beautiful - but it's a warning ... although at the moment it's dry with a suggestion of sunshine. Thank you for letting us know about Heather. She is having a rough time at the moment. Please pass on thoughts and prayers if you are in touch with her. As OG says, I do hope they can get all her various problems sorted out in one visit. I have great faith in Scottish hospitals, having had experience of the one in Dumfries where a friend was for some time, and personal experience of Perth Royal Infirmary where I had exceptional emergency treatment a couple of years ago, when I was bitten by something that didn't approve of an English woman stepping over the border!
  • Heather so sorry to hear about your further fall and injury.

    As everyone on here will say - I hope you are well looked after and will be home soon.

  • Lindybird: Thanks for sharing the fantastic sunrise. But oh, not good news re Heather's fall - and a fractured arm. Her family must be worried. And as OG says, let us know if she has internet but also please send her everyone's best wishes.

    OG: I'm trying to think of 'cheery' news you can include in your newsletter. Does it focus on local events (hope not international ones!).
  • I've been trying to come back on with more news, but unable to post until now. What goes on with this Site?

    I had a further message written by Heather's daughter, who says that Heather is unable to write except painfully, as it's her strong arm which is fractured and it's quite bad, so not sure if they can plaster it. I said I was so sorry to hear it, and of course I sent all our good wishes. It sounds as if she's quite poorly and in pain. I agree that at least they can take a proper look at her whilst she's in hospital. What a shame.
  • (I'm getting the messages via Facebook as we were once in contact years ago.)
  • Lindy - thanks for the latest update about Heather. What an awful thing to happen. They now need to investigate why she has been falling (she has not been feeling “right” for some time has she?) It sounds like a bad fracture so I hope they can fix it. What a shame. If you are in touch I am sure you will send hugs from us all and our very best wishes.
    I am feeling tired now. I didn’t sleep much last night. I think I was a bit stressed about the talk I gave this morning at the U3A meeting. However, it seemed to be well received thankfully and I had some nice comments afterwards. There were about 100 people there.
    I went out for lunch with some of my former colleagues afterwards (just a coincidence that it fell on the same day)
  • Glad you were able to get out to lunch then, Rusty. You must have been relieved it was all over afterwards!

    I just had a "rude awakening" as I thought I'd have a fifteen minute snooze whilst my OH took the dog for a walk. Got all cosy then the phone rang. It was one of those con calls, and enquiring about a business which we closed about ten years ago! The phone number must still be floating around in tinternet after all these years. Grr.
  • PS -- just reread your post, Rusty. Well done on doing so well with your talk.