Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 November 2023


I hope everyone has a good week.

The new moon (the dark moon) is Monday, the 13th.

I don't have any interesting news. We had a record-breaking very warm day early in the week. I stood outdoors, breathed deeply, looked over my patch, and said a final good-bye to summer. Now it's getting colder and all I want to do is eat and sleep!

Take care of yourselves!

  • I had wondered when you would be informed of the change of itinerary Lindy. I really don’t know what I would have done because the Azores would have been my target too. Very difficult to make a snap decision, I hope to read that, despite your lack of dining companions, you ended up having a good time.
  • Indeed, Annette -- since retirement we eat two or three meals a day together often!! I suppose it shows how rock solid our marriage is that he's not strangled me yet!! We were looking forward to sharing our days adventures with someone else as there are many tours at each stop so everyone doesn't have the same experiences. We had to be satisfied with interrogating our lunch companions in the buffet instead, each day- you can sit where you like there, and talk to whoever's nearest to you

    Rusty -- It was difficult for a second or two, but we were both ready for a holiday and a break, so a change of scene was welcome anyway. My OH was most disappointed at what came later ... which I'll tell another day.

    Our dinners were enlivened by our hilarious waiter, who laughed and said "Excellent choice" whatever we ordered, and by the fact that we were in an upper room with myself seated against a railing and looking down into the other dining room below. After a couple of days I began reporting on what those below us were ordering. "They're having the soup, and it's a funny colour!" In the end, it became a fun game as often the couple immediately underneath us seemed to have two starters every night. They would begin with a salad, then have a soup. Then their main meal. Mind you,  I noticed that they often struggled to eat their pudding!! There was also a final course of a "cheese platter" on offer hidden at the back of the menu, but I never saw anyone eat it. I love cheese and would have liked it but no way did I have room.

  • The Promenade deck, which was the only walk right around the ship. 3 and a bit turns were a mile, it said on a notice. We usually did two!

  • Lindy - So disappointed for you that you didn't get to The Azores. I do hope you may try again. So very different from anywhere else I've been. I'm looking forward to further instalments of your travelogue.

    Well, Day 3 of my three-day proposed Hever adventure was today. Day 2 was rained off, but Day 1 and Day 3 were great! Today was wall to wall sunshine, and in spite of torrential rain yesterday the ground was surprisingly dry. Spent a while sitting in the Chinese pagoda watching several great crested grebe, looking a bit sad in their winter coats. But a couple of them seemed to think it was spring ... We walked a long way and saw a lot, with two particular highlights. A lovely red kite which circled us for quite some time and managed to show off all his wonderful markings as well as that fantastic tail. And some very good hot chocolate sitting on a bench outside the Castle. I have definitely rediscovered a few muscles I had forgotten about, with more walking this week than I've had for a while,
  • So pleased you managed to get to Hever again, Pat. It sounds delightful.

    We had a little sunshine here, too, so I put some of my laundry out, although it hasn't completely dried so it's now draped around the house.

    I nearly forgot to put on my picture of 1st thing today, when I woke up.

    I've been baking this afternoon, as we're off to see the family (at last) tomorrow. Matthew is still waiting for his birthday present, and I have the surprise of their annual treat of Christmas jumpers to give them.

  • Lindy - I am so pleased you are getting to see the family at last. I hope you all have a lovely day.
    Pat - so glad you got good weather for today’s visit to Hever. It sounds like you did a lot and saw some good birds too!!!!
  • PAT – glad Hever Day 3 turned out well – with the weather that has been around, I guess two out of three is pretty good!

    LINDA – I am sure the family will be glad to see you at the weekend and hear about your adventure! I guess it was plenty of money to spend having meals together – but at least neither of you had to prepare them.

    Will have to be busy tomorrow – preparing prayers for Sunday’s service in the midst of war and chaos.
  • It is cold and damp here! I hope Lindy and her OH are having a lovely time with their family.
    OG - I hope you are able to compose some suitable prayers. I agree that the world is in a worrying state at the moment.
    I have been to see a friend who has just come out of hospital this morning. She does not have a firm diagnosis but the feeling is that some new tablets may have upset her sodium levels. Anyway, we had a coffee and a chat and she is doing OK.
    In a couple of hours I am going to the family birthday party for my 5 year old great nephew. He is currently out with his little friends and cousin at a bouncing place whatever that is. Maybe it is a form of trampolining for little children. I expect they will all be shattered and over excited by the time they get back. The party is at my niece’s house.
  • OG Pleased EE will be able to visit the local cinema while you have support.

    It was the Eden Court Christmas market today. It was over 3 days and another in early December. It is an event not to be missed and didn't let us down.