Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 October 2023


I hope everyone has a great week.

I had interesting news this week. For several months, I've sometimes heard screams in the middle of the night coming from the deep woods back in the flood plain. I thought it was a bobcat, but I wasn't sure.

This week, I visited with my neighbors for awhile at their outdoor table. We had record-breaking warm temperatures. My neighbors said that the couple who live up on the ridge above our houses actually saw the bobcat roaming the woods, confirming my guess. I would love to see it!!!

Hugs to everyone.

  • Love the talk & links to the bobcats. I adore all felines, whatever size!!

    We remembered to change the clocks. As usual, I shall pay a price as my body clock takes a fortnight to catch up, although it's not quite as bad when it's gone back an hour. I shall continue to agitate for this folly to be changed - why can't we stick to a time? I once read that there are a noticeable extra number of heart attacks and strokes reported in the three days following each change.

    Well done on your early in the day gardening, Rusty. It's satisfying, tidying up, isn't it? I saw a huge moon as we went to bed, and when I rose at 4.00am, it was still there, sailing through the clouds just like a scene in an atmospheric film.

  • Today's quote:

    Get closer to the land: you are a part
    Of this world, not separate or distinct,
    Do not pass by leaf, root, branch or petal,
    Revel in nature; take the path of grass.

    From The Path of Grass by Dan Simpson (b. 1985, poet & educator)

  • DIBNLIB – I remember your Dillon – and you showed me pictures of the previous two Goldies – lovely dogs. Benson was a surprise when you got him, but he is a lovely chap! Thank you for sharing them all.

    DIANE – glad the moon will now be waning – I can sort out my fingernails while they grow less quickly! Thank you for starting the new thread. Good to know the Bobcat has been spotted – I hope it will stay safe and stay around!

    ANNETTE – what a wonderful illustrated list of the wildlife at Los Carneros! No wonder you enjoy visiting there.

    It was a very wet night here, but no rain during the day – local farmer’s wife at church said the fields had lying water on them today. So, I did get to church dry – and we had to go shopping for an iron afterwards as ours got overheated and failed. Needed the new one in a hurry for the ironing cleaner coming! Weather forecast dry tomorrow too – maybe E_E will plant remaining Tulips before the end of October after all!
  • Thanks OG lovely memories. Do hope J gets something soon.
  • Where is everyone today?

    Had a muddled day as we tried out a different schedule - supposed to be easier, but made things worse - with arguments too!
  • OG - I am here!! I am so sorry your day was muddled and that the new routine didn’t work out. I suppose you have to try these things to find out whether they will work or not. Hope all arguments are behind you now. I take it J didn’t hear anything about a job?
    Lindy - I loved the poem. It’s what I try to do. I imagine you are busy packing.
    I have had a very good day. I met my sister at a local garden centre this morning. She bought a plant for a friend she is going to visit and I bought some new Christmas Tree lights as my old ones broke last year. Then we had a very long coffee and catch up. This afternoon it was French. I loved the topic. The lady taking the session and her OH had been on Britanny Ferries in the summer and had picked up their magazine. She gave us 4 articles about the places in France and Spain the ferries serve. After reading them there were questions to answer about our various travels and experiences. Constant chat in French went on for 2 hours. Right up my street.
    I wonder how Annette and Diane are and how the politics are getting on over there. Our Covid enquiry is revealing a lot of shenanigans isn’t it!!! Honestly? I will say no more.
  • rusty2 said:
    I wonder how Annette and Diane are and how the politics are getting on over there.

    It's not looking good, is it?  Not to mention yet more killings, and nothing will be done to prevent the next ..... and the next ....... you get my drift.

    rusty2 said:
    Our Covid enquiry is revealing a lot of shenanigans isn’t it!

    Is anyone really surprised?  I know I'm not.  I'm just grateful Limpy is safe.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • LINDA – Have a great holiday. Expect a few hiccups and enjoy the rest. Photos please!!!

  • Thanks AQ -- I've been madly busy today -- got my hair cut, visited Sue and then began packing in earnest. My OH decided at the weekend to replace some skirting boards in the bathroom which were beginning to rot. He hoped to do it plus any painting all in a day, but had bought the wrong sized pieces of wood. Argh!

    Now he's traipsing through the house with stuff as I try to get things sorted out....

    Sorry things didn't work for you, OG. Back to the drawing board, then.:-(
  • DIANE – Thank you for starting our new week. An Aussie owl story for you.

    LINDA – Husbands just don’t understand the priorities for a holiday. Hey, surely it’s time you were in bed <grin>