Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 October 2023


I hope everyone has a great week.

I had interesting news this week. For several months, I've sometimes heard screams in the middle of the night coming from the deep woods back in the flood plain. I thought it was a bobcat, but I wasn't sure.

This week, I visited with my neighbors for awhile at their outdoor table. We had record-breaking warm temperatures. My neighbors said that the couple who live up on the ridge above our houses actually saw the bobcat roaming the woods, confirming my guess. I would love to see it!!!

Hugs to everyone.

  • Morning all: Re Lindybird's cruise, Cork isn't listed on the vessel's itinerary, but then neither was Belfast. According the itinerary, it's supposed to be in the Azores tomorrow..... I'm sure we'll hear all about it when Lindybird's back home.
  • I can’t imagine Lindy and her OH are very happy. Such a shame. I wonder if they will get compensation?
    The weather here is absolutely horrid. It is extremely dull and it has been pouring down for hours. This morning I did some more work towards the French lesson I am giving in the New Year. Then I made a Christmas present list!!!!!!!!!!!
  • SunnyKate2 said:

    rusty2 said:
    Mmm. Lindy’s ship seems to be going into Cork. I wonder what is going on

    Probably part of the itinerary, maybe collecting more passengers?

    That's entirely possible.

    Cork is in a lovely part of Ireland - and the famous Blarney Castle (complete with the Stone) is nearby.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Easily done HEATHER, so glad nothing broken. Take care.
  • Clare: I've kissed the Blarney Stone three times (on the same visit - greedy!). My mother's family lived in Cork; my uncles apparently used to lurk underneath the stone to collect coins that dropped from tourists' pockets as they slid back to kiss it.
  • I've kissed it once. I was highly tickled by the fact they employed a bloke to hold people's ankles as they bend backwards to kiss the stone!

    With my gob almighty I really only needed to kiss it once.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I didn’t even climb up to the Blarney Stone because I don’t like heights!! Well done those who did! I did like that part of Ireland though.
  • I saw others kissing the Blarney Stone and stood for quite a long time trying to pluck up courage to do it myself. But the courage didn't arrive so I have survived ever since with the gift of gab I was given!
  • I would love to see Ireland, and I envy all of you who've been there. I don't know whether I could kiss the Blarney Stone. I get dizzy when I look up and back sharply. But I'd sure try!

    I have stupid questions. I apologize, but I don't have a clear picture of the storm's current ferocity and location. I looked at the cruise live map for her ship, and I see where she is. Is she safe now??? Will the cruise company compensate her for the delays due to the storm? Will she miss any ports of call? Or will the cruise be extended? Mainly, I'm just wondering if she's safe.

    I was on the Gulf of Mexico (just a mile or so off the Florida coast) one time when a hurricane entered the region, and it was a profound and surreal experience. I'll never forget it. So, LINDY is on my mind.

    I hope all of you are safe and okay!!!
  • HEATHER: You were outdoors in the cold, alone, injured, and unable to get up. HOLY !#*?%*!!! (That's a swearyword.) I'm so glad your neighbor heard you. As someone who lives alone, that made me shiver. I rarely tell folks what to do on here, but I'd suggest in this case that you get one of those alert buttons, or at least always have a charged cellphone with you. I wish the medical folks could do something about the low BP. Drink lots of water. You can put fruit or fruit juice in it. Take care!