Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 October 2023


I hope everyone has a great week.

I had interesting news this week. For several months, I've sometimes heard screams in the middle of the night coming from the deep woods back in the flood plain. I thought it was a bobcat, but I wasn't sure.

This week, I visited with my neighbors for awhile at their outdoor table. We had record-breaking warm temperatures. My neighbors said that the couple who live up on the ridge above our houses actually saw the bobcat roaming the woods, confirming my guess. I would love to see it!!!

Hugs to everyone.

  • Looks like Linda's ship is sheltering in Belfast (assuming it's the Borealis). UK/Northern Europe weather looks terrible!!

  • HEATHER: I am thinking of you. I'm so sorry that you've been in hospital. I hope that you will get rapid, successful treatment that will resolve your issue quickly. Sending you strength, my friend.
  • ANNETTE: I'm sorry to hear that the UK weather still looks threatening.

    ALL: I think most of you have checked in today, and I'm glad to see that you seem okay, so far at least. Take every precaution. I heard about the storm on the radio all day. Scary and fierce. You are all in my thoughts.

    I hope those who don't post as often or lurk are okay (LYNETTE, CIRRUS, WENDYBARTER, JILLR, NAIRNRED, SHEILA FE...) Sorry if I missed anyone. I haven't been very sharp today.

    You are all my friends, and I care about all of you.

    Poor LINDY! She was so looking forward to this holiday, and it's not beginning well. Thanks to RUSTY and ANNETTE for info on her location. Personally, I'd like to see Belfast, but I don't know whether they will be allowed to leave the ship under these conditions. I've never been on a cruise. When I was married, we had a small fishing boat that we used on the Gulf of Mexico near Florida, and I DID NOT like it when the gulf was rough.

    Take care, all!
  • ANNETTE: I intended to say that I hope your family is okay!
  • Diane - my thought was that Lindy probably hadn’t packed suitable clothes and shoes for a rainy day in Belfast!! I feel so sorry for them although it is perfectly understandable. Here in North Wales it has just rained all day but we have escaped the high winds. The strongest winds have been to the south of the mainland. Exactly where Lindy’s ship was due to sail in order to get to the Azores.
    Thinking of Heather and hoping she is recovering and relaxing at home.
  • I wrote several replies earlier but it refused to post. I will try this one.
  • It worked! I cannot repeat everything now, but one thing was that Lindy would probably rather be in Belfast than feeling seasick on the high seas.

    Also, AQ, that was genius getting the Little People to thread your needles. Happy sewing.

    OH and I have Covid. I am fine, but he is not well.
    Last week, he went out for lunch in town with his old colleagues. He had not been out on his own for months, and we planned the transport carefully, One train and then a taxi. No crowded underground. I think he can only have caught the bug on the train, but we will never know. I think that some of you have had had covid twice. We thought we had escaped!

    Hello to Diane and everyone else, and thanks for news and interesting items.
  • Thank you Diane, am fine here, no damage or debris in my chalk quarry, was on amber warning but not quite as bad as forecast, just very noisy and wet!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • RUSTY: Glad you're okay there. I hope you will be able to get your medications soon. I take meds for high blood pressure, and I always panic a little when they are unavailable.

    HARELADY: If my memory is correct, you were troubled by an infection and were coughing a lot. I think the antibiotics weren't working. I hope you're MUCH better now!!!
  • Oh, ROSY, I'm so sorry you and your OH have covid. I hope you both recover quickly!!! Sending healing!

    WENDY BARTTER: So glad you're okay!!! Such a scary storm!