Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 October 2023


I hope everyone has a great week.

I had interesting news this week. For several months, I've sometimes heard screams in the middle of the night coming from the deep woods back in the flood plain. I thought it was a bobcat, but I wasn't sure.

This week, I visited with my neighbors for awhile at their outdoor table. We had record-breaking warm temperatures. My neighbors said that the couple who live up on the ridge above our houses actually saw the bobcat roaming the woods, confirming my guess. I would love to see it!!!

Hugs to everyone.

  • AQ - I had read about our doctors finding jobs “down under”
    My medication is currently unobtainable according to the pharmacy so. I haven’t just “popped in” to the doctors to discuss the situation, oh no, I have completed an “e consult” online and will get a reply possibly in the next 48 hours!!! Luckily I have 10 days supply left.
  • RUSTY – I try to keep at least 2 weeks supply of meds. But occasionally I slip up with OH's multiple packets.

    Coming home by bus from city last week, peace was disturbed by a man in the front seat standing up and announcing “Jesus is coming. He is coming”. It seems that particular passenger had a direct line to God. He then announced he “loved all of yous”. The yous all carefully stared out the bus windows, while I wondered if Jesus would board at the next stop. The driver told the man to sit down, which he did and continued muttering “coming, coming”.

    New pants for OH for summer, choice is restricted as he likes elastic waist but does not like elastic ankles nor stripes down sides. I brought home 2 styles. Those with elastic ankles are too long, easy to cut off and re-hem. Other pair had wider legs (easier to put on) but, shock, horror, there are pockets on the legs. I have put them aside for an emergency rather than waste time returning.

    Sewing is difficult for me - to thread a needle I have to use one with a big eye and thus a thick needle and difficult to push through fabric. When Dau & appendages visited last weekend, I had a batch of fine needles ready and I asked “who wants to thread needles”. A chorus of me, me, me and a “don’t know what to do”. There we were, Dau & I showing an enthusiastic Trio. I now have a dozen needles threaded with black or white thread, doubled and knotted for my next mending episodes.

    The Trio were fascinated by my ancient pin cushions and Miss12 decided to sort my pins – the old metal ones and those with coloured bobble heads. . . and found another dozen fine needles buried in the pin cushion! Who would have thought pins and needles could provide such entertainment?

    Amongst all the medical appts that fill my/our days, I had good news. I passed my 3rd year post-breast cancer. Next Monday we have our covid jabs at the chemist. Here No 6 is only for the over 65s and at risk. We certainly qualify for both.

  • Good morning all from and very wet and windy Suffolk as we are experiencing  Storm Ciaran.

    Heather - so sorry to hear you have been in hospital and pleased you are now home.

    Ive been  in London looking after the Grandchildren although I did get a day to myself on Sunday and went to The Southbank Center for an event about the launch of a book of the late Poet Seamus Heaney's letters. It was the 10th anniversary of his death and it was very good with the actor Ciaran Hinds reading a selection of the letters and 4 friends - all Poets themselves, who discussed and told stories about their time with Seamus. There were some very funny tales too.

    I hope all that are in the amber warning area stay safe and hopefully do not have any damage. I have already been out in my garden to try and prop up my fence as it is moving back and forth.

    As always I love reading the posts from across the world and closer to home.

    Take care all

  • rusty2 said:
    I know I said I wouldn’t track Lindy’s ship but I thought you might like to know that it has sailed north and is now in Belfast!!!!!!! I wonder how she and her OH are feeling about that? I imagine, looking at the news sites re the sea conditions down south, that it is a very sensible decision.

    I'm very glad you did track it and I'm glad the ship spent the night somewhere safer than the open sea.  I'm sure they'll be heading to the Azores in the next 24 hours.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • HEATHER so sorry to hear you have been in hospital. Hope you are feeling better now.
  • It's calm and peaceful here now, after a very wild night - a bit of everything, including thunder and lightning, which wasn't forecast. Very heavy rain and strong winds - but my roof seems to be intact! Everything looks very bedraggled, but I'm not about to go out and start tidying up ... there's a lot more rain to come, I fear. Hope everyone is safe and undamaged.
  • Morning all from a very wet and windy Devon.

    Very stormy last few hours with  we thankfully, weathering, and now passing over.Power cuts and Roads flooded.

    Most schools and Main Hospital, cancelling many appointments, mine included, but as we spoke she rescheduled for later in the Month.

    Incidentally OH and I both had our Covid and Flu jabs last Monday at Home,after you may recall they said they would not do mine at same time Doh!!

    AQ. Try and get a NEEDLE THREADER, I find invaluable both for hand or machine threading

    Hope Lindy will now leave troubled waters and love Rusty's comments.

    Heather, sorry re your Hospital stay and wish you steady recovery


  • Good morning – occasional showers, some breeze – but what am I hearing about South of England and CIs? Unbelievable. Even the overnight rain went around us before continuing northward! I, for one, would not want to be floating about in the Atlantic with LINDA!

    HEATHER – sorry to see you have been in hospital – do behave yourself and do as you are told!

    RUSTY – I hope Doc will find a suitable new med or track down a supply of what you have had before. My pharmacy has to keep sending away for special supplies of some of mine – but I always keep at least two weeks supply of everything.

    AQ – I enjoyed sorting through my Grannie’s sewing box – and mother’s – but my special love was the button box!

    What are we doing today? Not a lot – may get more stuff packed for sending to charity shop, if I can pin E_E down to reach and bend for me.
  • OG - I have a button box!! It belonged to my great aunt who loved sewing and knitting. I think I ought to show it to my great niece next time she comes. I think she would love it. It appears to have stopped raining here so I will go out and feed the birds.
  • Sorry to hear you were in the hospital but hope you are resting comfortably and have help!