Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 October 2023


I hope everyone has a great week!

  • Rusty, what a great description of your terrific walk. Never seen a whole flock of fieldfares! We used to get one or two on our garden fence in the last house we had.

    It's light cloud here but dry. Doing HW and ironing.....

    OG -- Hope that at least some of the Social service ladies ideas was useful. Have a good day with your daughter & S in Law today.

    Sadly, we had a conversation with our Youngest last night, as little Rosie has been sent home from school with a cough & possible fever. We had to have a conference, as we were due to visit them on Saturday but really can't risk catching whatever it is, covid or not. Our holiday is now looming, we go next Wednesday. I'm "gutted" as the young ones say these days - we had to call the last visit off, so we've not seen them all in weeks and of course we have presents & treats. Boo.
  • Lindybird said:
    Sadly, we had a conversation with our Youngest last night, as little Rosie has been sent home from school with a cough & possible fever. We had to have a conference, as we were due to visit them on Saturday but really can't risk catching whatever it is, covid or not. Our holiday is now looming, we go next Wednesday. I'm "gutted" as the young ones say these days - we had to call the last visit off, so we've not seen them all in weeks and of course we have presents & treats. Boo.

    Sorry to hear this - I know you were really looking forward to seeing them.  I hope Rosie feels better soon.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Sorry to hear that LINDY, Hope Rosie is better soon.
  • Thank you. Going to ring our son shortly for an update.

    Just collected our little Fiesta car, and its passed its M.O.T. It doesn't get worn brakes as I only pootle around in it locally, so its does a minimal amount of miles a year. One of our best buys, she once belonged to One Careful Lady Owner, and it shows. I often wish I could meet her and tell her that Ruby is still going strong.

    Today's Quotes:

    It's lonely at the top, but you do eat better....

    A clean desk is a sign of a cluttered desk drawer.

  • Not been on all week but ok down here. Just been reading quickly through and picked up on Heather and tablets.
    My daughter has had a spell of them for depression due to her dad passing and trying to cope with her emotions. She has taken them and it has proved useful, the doc is now weaning her off them. It can work so please try.

    Weather down here has been mixed with misty mornings, clearing to bright sunshine and then clouding over again.
    Chillier than it has been but hey ho it is autumn.

    Went to the chest clinic for a followup appt and consultant was quite pleased. He is referring me for chest pysio to help with the scoliosis I have developed and of course to help with any c2o build up. All good at present.

    Have a good weekend all.
  • Lindy - such a shame that your plans to visit the family have once more been thwarted by illness. It doesn’t seem fair. You were so looking forward to it too. Maybe if you hadn’t been going on your cruise you might have risked it. So sorry. Good news about your car though.
    Well, after my lovely day yesterday, it’s been back down to earth today. I went shopping this morning. I bumped into a friend in town so, naturally, we had a coffee!!
    This afternoon I have been cleaning inside windows! I have done the kitchen and all the conservatory. One more window downstairs tomorrow and then I will proceed upstairs! It’s a job I really hate because, despite my best efforts, as soon as the sun shines, I see streaks!!!!
  • Hi! Enjoyed visit from Daughter and was able to discuss social worker suggestions and develop some of her ideas – and our own. Dau will come again in a few weeks and help me to organise some kitchen items from one of our two sideboards to recycle it and make space in dining room – yay, flinging on the horizon! SiL made a great job of the power washing.

    RUSTY – a lovely follow-up piece on your woodland walk – good to think back through it and enjoy it over again!

    ROSY – I was a country girl and envied the city folk their parks! I enjoyed long country walks – with mother and grandmother, or alone when allowed, but parks seemed to offer so much more freedom! Also, I remember a lot of unsafe adventures with a friend on a farm and in unoccupied cottages – a bit wild really at times.

    LINDA – sorry you are having to choose between seeing family (sorry about wee Rosie) and keeping well for cruise. Glad Ruby the car is well. Cluttered drawer quote rings bells here in my study – I really will clear out all the bits of pencils and nasty cheap promotional stick pens!
  • Lindybird said:
    Just collected our little Fiesta car, and its passed its M.O.T. It doesn't get worn brakes as I only pootle around in it locally, so its does a minimal amount of miles a year. One of our best buys, she once belonged to One Careful Lady Owner, and it shows. I often wish I could meet her and tell her that Ruby is still going strong.

    Fiestas are great and I'm gutted that Ford aren't continuing to make them.  My Fiesta will be 19 next year ...... he's going very well indeed for his age.  I take him all over the place and he clearly enjoys the open road as much as his driver!  He's informally named Wheels.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lindybird: What a pain about the family visit. Stay well and think you'll have even more presents, etc., to give them when you're back from the cruise.

    Clare: We have a Toyota Camry that will also be 19 next year. It's a fab little car; my OH drives it around town so it has low mileage for its age. Our vehicles seem to circulate among family members...

    Rusty: Good for you doing your own windows. We get a couple of young guys in once a year to take off the screens and do a thorough job inside and out on the windows - they use Dawn liquid dishwashing soap and squeegees; apparently it's the cleaner-of-choice among those in the know.

    OG:  Sounds like a positive visit with daughter with some practical outcomes.  More flinging?  We also have a glut of promotional pens but also misplace them frequently. 

    Bought two new plants yesterday: a tangerine Abutilon and another dark purple Heliotrope. Have at least two more to get to fill the holes in the back garden. A lovely dilemma.

  • Unknown said:
    We have a Toyota Camry that will also be 19 next year. It's a fab little car; my OH drives it around town so it has low mileage for its age.

    Those look all right and they clearly suit you.  I've always preferred a smaller car but Limpy likes the bigger ones.  He currently drives a Nissan Qashqai and that's a lovely car to drive - it's officially an SUV but it doesn't feel too big once you're in it.  It tends to get holiday duty as my little car isn't big enough to carry everything we take with us ....... whether we need the stuff or not.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.