Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 October 2023


I hope everyone has a great week!

  • RUSTY - thank you for your encouraging and honest words. I won't forget them ...
  • Heather - Please try the pills. Rusty's post is the best. I had a friend who's daughter was killed in an auto accident at age 16. My friend went into a serious mental decline that she could not climb out of by herself. Her doctor finally convinced her to try a 30 day trial of an antidepressant and the difference in her was like night and day!. Like you, she hadn't wanted to take pills, but was so glad she did.

  • Heather: Let me join the chorus advocating the pills. Our brains/chemicals/emotional and physical resilience change over the years. . I now take small dose pills for blood pressure. I suggested more exercise would help; doc says yes, but... Hurt my pride but helped my bp! Hugs from here.
  • HEATHER: You were a nurse, and if I recall correctly, a psychiatric nurse. I know you are very smart. My only advice is to treat yourself with the same care, diligence, and compassion that you would show to anyone else. Women of our age were often taught to devote ourselves to others and neglect our own needs. Make yourself your top priority right now and explore any strategies that could help. My thoughts are with you
  • HEATHER, I agree with all who have posted. You deserve any help you can get. You have obviously worked very hard for others, as Diane has said.

    My OH was also very reluctant to add any more pills to his already large amount of medication, but after moving house and registering with a new GP, he is now on a very small dose of antidepressant, but finds that it helps. He had had several spells in hospital for cancer surgery, a TIA, and low sodium and was feeling very low. The new GP said "why put up with it if you can get help?" He can only have a low dose because of the sodium but it does make a difference.

    A geriatrician ( yes, I think most of here are in this category) also recommended practising mindfulness. Not for everyone I know (me included) but he finds that it helps. This was suggested to help the fainting.
  • I've been busy, but just came on, to read all the encouraging posts for Heather. I agree. Get help. I wish I had when I struggled through a difficult patch in my life in my 50s (mind you, when I mentioned being "a bit low" to my GP, he only offered a course with a counsellor and I was not in the mood for discussing anything).

    We've had a joyful picture tonight from a young relative of my OH who has been trying for a baby for several years. After a few sad events, she is now half way through pregnancy and expecting a baby girl - the whole extended family is overjoyed and has everything crossed for her. Such happy news.

    My Youngest is annoyed that someone has dented the front wing of his car whilst it was parked outside his house, and not admitted it nor left a note. He strongly suspects a delivery driver but can't prove it. Grr.
  • Rosy, sorry your OH has had so much on his plate. I'm glad to hear that he now feels much better. We are all what my dear M. in Law used to call "creaking gates" but at least nowadays there is much more knowledge and help out there.

    Before I turn out the light, I'll put on a quote which I've never forgotten:

    When asked if he liked children, WC Fields replied "Of course I do - but I couldn't eat a whole one".   Goodnight.

  • Gosh, everyone - thank you for such encouraging messages. I'm very grateful.