Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 October 2023


I hope everyone has a great week!

  • Good Morning. Stopped for a cuppa, then found that my mobile phone has decided it's not receiving any Wi-Fi signal. So I'm writing on my tablet whilst I decide how to get things to go right - and yes, I've already turned it off and on again!

    The deceased lady was eccentric in other ways, but certainly very private. We respected her wishes and never bothered her, but it was hard driving past her on my way into the town when she was walking because she couldn't drive. Shrug. Her relative said that it was her own wish to be buried without fuss - apparently even her daughters did not attend.

    Clare - That reminds me of the old saying "If you climb on that wall and then fall off, don't come crying to me!"
  • Lovely clips in your links, AQ. There are some good people out there.

    Rusty - The new Attenborough series is simply stunning. So clever with their cameras.

    It's showery here and changeable. My OH has gone to golf with all his wet weather gear.

    I can't bear to watch the world news, now - what have we come to? I had hoped that the world might become more peaceable in my lifetime, but it's no better.
  • Morning all: All okay here; just a busy week with one thing and several others. Am keeping up with news of eccentric ladies and ailing kangaroos though.
  • LINDY An Aunt and Uncle of OH had a no attendance funeral and OH and I are thinking about doing the same. OHs Sister is what she calls a very private person and what we call a loaner. OH says she never had a friend at school and I know of none when she worked. I think it is very sad but as long as Sue is happy....well it is her choice. The only trouble is that whenever she has any sort of problem then my OH has to hear all her woes.
  • Lindy - I hope your OH didn’t get wet at golf. I have had an email to say that 7 holes will reopen at the golf course tomorrow (I’m not going) but that the course may close again if more rain arrives.
    The outing to Burton Marsh went very well. I was relieved. When you suggest something you hope it goes OK don’t you? We were out for about 3 hours all told in dull, still but dry weather. We saw a lovely spindle tree with interesting berries on it. We also saw 26 species of birds and heard another 4. We saw 1000s of pink footed geese flying out to the estuary from the fields in Cheshire where they also spend time. It was an amazing sight and sound. Then, we arrived at the sandstone outcrop where the pair of little owls are. 2 birders we had met had said they weren’t visible. Anyway, I scanned and I found one which everyone saw for ages. It was just perched on a rocky ledge. I was so chuffed. Lunch at a cafe went down well too!!!!!
  • Sounds great, Rusty -- what a successful day. Glad it worked out. Quite right, it could be embarrassing if you've promised certain events but they don't happen, even though it's not your fault. If you know what I mean!

    How I would have loved to see all those pink footed geese. Wow.

    My OH had a wet round and they played 12_holes before retiring for coffees & talk about politics.

    Today's quote:

    "Have another piece of grace, your cake" -- Mervyn Haigh, Bishop of Coventry, offering a slice to the Archbishop of Canterbury.
  • RUSTY sounds like a really great day, so pleased you saw the owl.
  • Just popping in to say Hello and thank you all for your news !
    Have had several tests and nothing conclusive... I'm thinking that Anxiety with a big A has a lot to do with my symptoms ! Don't want to take pills so trying to work on it :-)
  • Heather - it’s really annoying when tests are inconclusive isn’t it? About 10 years ago, I had severe anxiety (couldn’t even walk to the end of the drive to out the bins out!!!) and the doctor suggested tablets. I, like you, expressed reluctance. He said “what is the difference between you taking them and me taking my asthma medication each day if they improve your quality of life?” As you will tell from my posts, they have!!!!! I have reduced the dosage massively now and they are probably no more than a placebo but they do the trick. My friend also began to take them after her OH died during Covid (not of Covid) and she has improved greatly too. She walks up to town now and comes out socialising. I am just posting this because I hope it will help in any decision you make. Quality of life at our age is important IMHO.