Everyone have a wonderful week!
It"s definitely autumn here, and the weather is turning chilly. Over 600 million birds have flown over Indiana during this migration season. 233,600 crossed the full length of the state last night. The scientists use weather radar to track the birds. The birds appear differently from the rain/sleet/snow on the radar. So, the bird data can be separated from the weather data and analyzed.
Below is an interesting article showing how the researchers use weather radar to identify the species, direction, and numbers of birds on migration.
I haven't seen any reporting on the fate of the tropical flamingos that ended up in the Midwest, including Indiana. I'm hoping they saw the birds migrating and joined a flock of other large birds, such as the white pelicans that migrate through my state.
Hugs to all.
Annette -- We're off to The Azores and Madeira. I don't expect everyone to remember where we're going, when it's been weeks since I mentioned it. :-) I hope your OH managed OK without you and is now recovered from his bad spell. The Story of The Tiny Travellers.... A few days ago, I was enjoying my first mug of tea of the day, in bed, when my OH reappeared and said "Did you spill something in the kitchen last night?" He had found a lot of brown something unknown, on the kitchen worktop. It was a puzzle, as I had no idea what he meant. When I came down for breakfast there it was -- a whole lot of tiny brown dots on the worktop. It was mostly near the big tin we use to put our vegetable kitchen waste in. "Did you spill it last night?" asked my OH. I was stumped. Then I looked closely. The tiny brown things were moving!! There were dozens of them. I took off my glasses and peered. Some of the brown dots, about the size of a quarter of a grain of rice, were little things hatching out as grubs, and wriggling around. I lifted the lid on the tin of kitchen waste, and found more. They were coming from a huge & enormous mushroom which my OH had brought home from his dog walk, then decided not to cook and eat. We cleared up, dumping the contents into our green waste bin outside and wiping everything down. Later in the day, I was still finding one or two tiny travellers wriggling, underneath saucepans on the worktop!!.