Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 October 2023


Everyone have a wonderful week!

It"s definitely autumn here, and the weather is turning chilly. Over 600 million birds have flown over Indiana during this migration season. 233,600 crossed the full length of the state last night. The scientists use weather radar to track the birds. The birds appear differently from the rain/sleet/snow on the radar. So, the bird data can be separated from the weather data and analyzed.


Below is an interesting article showing how the researchers use weather radar to identify the species, direction, and numbers of birds on migration.


I haven't seen any reporting on the fate of the tropical flamingos that ended up in the Midwest, including Indiana. I'm hoping they saw the birds migrating and joined a flock of other large birds, such as the white pelicans that migrate through my state.

Hugs to all.

  • Annette - glad you are home after a smooth journey.
    Dibnlib - have a great catch up with your friend after all that time.
    OG - sorry you weren’t too good last night. Hope tonight is better.
    2 events today went well. The meeting was short and successful. When I got to my Covid jab, it wasn’t the usual in and out job. I was given a number (23) and sent to sit with lots of other people. I could see someone clutching a 7! What made the wait longer was that couples were given one number between them so they were with the nurse and computer operator twice as long!! I only waited 20 minutes. The time was taken checking records of medications, and any changes in health since my last jab. Nothing new, so was jabbed. The Moderna one with immunity to the newest variant apparently. I had a quiet afternoon reading and all is good except for a rather sore arm.

  • A mess indeed, Annette. So very sad.

    Glad you enjoyed your family visit. Is your daughter settling in, now, to her new abode, and has she recovered in the main from her serious bout of illness?
  • Rusty- A very sore arm seems to be par for the course, this year (sorry about the golf connotation!).

    My OH went to the funeral of the local lady who was such a huge fundraiser for the local hospice, today. She was 96, and so well known in the town that there were over 200 people at the funeral. I didn't go as although I knew her personally, I reckoned there would be a lot of people there and not enough seats to go around.
  • LINDA – I could not decide which decadent offering either and I simply chose at random! We have not visited Murattis since BC (before covid).

    OG – If I am out for lunch or expect I may be late back (thus saving me a rush when I do return), I leave OH's lunch ready, sandwich or homemade sausage rolls (he likes them cold). Yesterday his was ham & tomato sandwich. He would not enjoy the sweet cakes nor the female chatter!

    Exciting (not) morning ahead – food shopping. How can it be Wednesday again so soon. And where did last week’s trolley’s contents go.

  • Sunny here this morning. Lots to do around the homestead, and we got up late today after a rather late bedtime last night, partially because we were trying to catch up on the latest News (ghastly). I'm watching less bulletins during the day, now, as I just can't take any more overload of the dreadful happenings.

    AQ -- Yes, I say that - how can just two people get through so much food in so short a time? On the other hand, I do tell myself how lucky we are, on several fronts.

    Off to check on the ever present laundry, and to look for a clothes rail which I put up to hold my clothes as I pack- we sail in just 2 weeks and are both excited. It might be our last cruise as my OH was shocked at how much the expenses for it ramped up. He will be 80 soon, so the insurance etc has all increased in spite of his good health .It will cost us nearly £200 just to leave our car in the car park near the cruise terminal! (We go from Liverpool which is very convenient for us).
  • Always exciting to get ready for a holiday isn’t it Lindy?
    A friend of mine recently did a Scandinavian cruise from Liverpool. Very convenient for North Wales too.
    I have just read that there is a red weather warning for parts of Scotland. Thinking of Dibnlib travelling plus Heather and OG. Stay safe.
    I have been in the garden for 45 minutes tidying up. The garden waste bin is nearly full already!!!!
  • The anticipation is half the fun, Rusty!

    Today's quote:

    Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.

    Winston Churchill.
  • Morning all: Interesting story on the BBC's Reel section about the Dunreggan Rewilding Centre, apparently the first rewilding center in the world: www.bbc.com/.../20231017-a-world-first-in-the-scottish-highlands. Also interesting, the discovery of Viking tools, clothing, etc. uncovered in Norway (dubious thanks to melting glaciers).
  • Well, J managed his walk to town and back yesterday – and did it again today for appointment at job centre – again lucky with the weather, but not so promising for Friday when he goes for his blood tests. EE has spent an hour in the garden each day planting bulbs – late as usual! I phoned a garden services man this morning re tidying the autumn mess, but he is also three weeks behind! I told him I can wait till mid-November! S-i-L is coming over next week to power wash all our solid paths.

    ANNETTE – glad you had a good time with family. As well as sorting out house business. I don’t think you can picture our Boots store on the High Street! We are a small country town, so all it has is a pharmacy at the back and a limited shop at the front – so the whole thing closed on Monday. Open since. I think J had the knees X-rayed for osteo arthritis few years back, as well as blood tests for inflammatory arthritis and was told he has neither.

    RUSTY – yes, thanks, I had a much better night last night. Glad your day went well yesterday, despite the waiting at the vaccination centre. The stormy winds are passing over us now – could be rather wet early tomorrow, but well south of the red warning. I thought of Dibnlib, but I think it is today that they are in Pitlochry, so she will be safe at home tonight and tomorrow.

    AQ – I agree with your OH – prefer sausage rolls and most other things cold rather than heated!

    LINDA – you seem quite excited about your cruise – I hope there will be safety on the seas by then and current warring all over.

    Had a lovely letter – real letter, by post – from GDau#2 today. She has been successful in application and interview for Deputy Housemistress where she lives and works in Brighton – not bad at age 23! (This is the one with her degree in midwifery). She writes lovely letters – not frequent, but worth waiting for! She had a great summer, mostly spent at UK music festivals.

    Smells like dinner is on the horizon, so will pack up for today!
  • OG: Brilliant re your granddaughter! Both for her accomplishment and for keeping you updated -- and in such a nice way. Glad J was able to make it to his appointment with no knee issues; fingers crossed tomorrow's weather won't be an issue. I'll take sausage rolls any way they come!

    Lindybird: Argh. Forgot where you're off to this time. Too bad about the price increases but it's par for the course these days.  And when did prices ever go down!