Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 October 2023


Everyone have a wonderful week!

It"s definitely autumn here, and the weather is turning chilly. Over 600 million birds have flown over Indiana during this migration season. 233,600 crossed the full length of the state last night. The scientists use weather radar to track the birds. The birds appear differently from the rain/sleet/snow on the radar. So, the bird data can be separated from the weather data and analyzed.


Below is an interesting article showing how the researchers use weather radar to identify the species, direction, and numbers of birds on migration.


I haven't seen any reporting on the fate of the tropical flamingos that ended up in the Midwest, including Indiana. I'm hoping they saw the birds migrating and joined a flock of other large birds, such as the white pelicans that migrate through my state.

Hugs to all.

  • Lindybird said:
    Clare, you seem to have got rid of the interloper.

    Yeah, but my cheeky response to them was left on there.  I deleted it so that the thread would be as Diane left it.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lindybird said:
    I don't know if you ever heard my history, but we live in a house which was once my mother's, and she was a great plantswoman - knew the name of just about every garden plant. So of course when we took over the garden it was with some trepidation, and in the1st couple of years I think I killed off a few which we had no idea how to care for. Now, we have put in some things which we love, and moved some plants, and it's beginning to look like a garden again. It's only taken us 20 years, LOL!!

    Looking back on all the stuff you've posted about your garden (including the beautiful photos) I think your mother would be very proud.  It's obvious you're a chip off the old block.

    Lindybird said:
    We are lucky with the garden.

    You've worked really hard for it .... for at least the last 20 years!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • AQ - it sounds as if you had a good coffee (and lunch) with your friend. I am glad you enjoyed it.
    Lindy - how lovely to have such a memory of your mum with the lovely garden which you can continue to enjoy.
    I went to French yesterday. The man taking the group had been to France in September and had bought a copy of Le Monde which commemorated the first year anniversary of the death of the Queen. It was really interesting to read the French take on our royal family. Basically, they like them. We then had lots of questions to discuss in groups. My group was rather lively as we had one lady who is firmly in the anti royalist camp!! It was all good humoured though. I don’t know where the 2 hours went!!!
    Today, after a meeting this morning, I am going for my Covid jab! I plan to have a quiet afternoon after that, reading the latest RSPB magazine.
  • Todays Quote:

    Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away;
    Lengthen night and shorten day;
    Every leaf speaks bliss to me,
    Fluttering from the autumn tree.

    Emily Bronte (1818 - 48)

    (Tragically a short life)

  • Hope the jab went well, Rusty and your arms not too sore later.

    Interesting about the French take on our royal family - I did know that they publish quite a lot about them in their newspapers & magazines.

    AQ - Nice to hear that you enjoyed a good natter and a good lunch out - wow! I don't think I could have chosen from that wonderful list of decadent desserts. I would have wanted them all.

    Thank you everyone for your comments on my garden. I often potter out there and sometimes when I do, I talk to my mother and say "Look how big this has got - didn't you choose well as its perfect in its position and looking so good." She and my father had a stunning garden in their previous house which they both nurtured after his retirement. But she bravely left it and started all over again in this house after his death - she wanted a bungalow. But two previous occupants had neglected everything so I think she actually enjoyed bringing it back to splendour in the few years she had here. We were told by her old neighbours never to go and see her old garden which she and my father had lovingly built -- apparently it was left to ruin by the new owners. They had been so lucky to inherit all that hard work and planning, and they just let it all go. Ho hum.

  • Having a quiet day today! J has decided to walk into the town, with walking stick, where he is trying to sort out various appointments etc. We got up very late this morning as I was ill in the night – okay now.

    DIBNLIB – envying your view of snow – guess that’s Ben Wyvis – yet glad it isn’t that close to us, if you see what I mean!

    DIANE – thanks for bumping us up!

    LYNETTE – I hope you can find a suitable compromise for N Wales and Liverpool for next year’s holiday.

    LINDA – lovely Nerines – ours (new ones as we think mice ate previous) have totally failed to bloom this autumn! Lovely quote from Emily Bronte!

    AQ – wonderful that you “had to have lunch”! – what do you do about OH in those circumstances?

    Speaking of which, time for lunch here now.
  • love Nerines but we had no success with them so admire them in a neighbours garden instead.

    Can't believe we are off down to Pitlochry again tomorrow, this time just a day trip. OH got a message yesterday from an ex RAF colleague who lives in France, he said he was coming over for a wedding in Glasgow at the weekend and could we meet up at Pitlochry. We haven't seen Mike for about 30 years and have never met his 2nd wife.
  • Thanks to all for good thoughts. I'll update when I have had ECG etc....
  • Morning all: Home safely at lunchtime yesterday after a really good and fun visit with granddaughter and Ms. D. LA traffic predictably slow in some parts but otherwise moved smoothly. It helped that the freeway runs along the foothills behind the city and the view of the mountains was pretty. Now sorting through piles of mail that OH thoughtfully separates into 'important' (bills, etc.), 'not so important' (charity solicitations and yes, wouldn't it make sense if they'd save their money and just send one communication?) and 'other' (newsletters, etc and catalogs - the latter my favorite!).

    Heather: Good you are getting all that attention and low blood pressure should be any easy fix - I've also heard of midodrine).

    Harelady: Had a driver breathing down my neck in Arizona who then rush past at the first opportunity; had to smile when I ended up sitting next to him at a traffic light.

    OG: Was the entire Boots store closed or just the pharmacy part. Odd. Has J had an X-ray of his knee?

    AQ; Nice to hear that Muratti's is still dependable for yummies.

    Lindybird: I can imagine you chatting to your Mum as you go around the garden. But sorry to hear the original garden wasn't kept up by the subsequent owners. Don't they realize what they undertake when they buy something that obviously takes time and energy?

    dibnlib: Have a nice visit with your friend.

    Came back from AZ with a carload of belongings my daughter left when she moved back to California. Am off to take them to her now but no idea where she's going to put them all.

    Ghastly situation in the Middle East. I didn't realize the Gaza strip was so small (140 square miles) and contained some 2+ million people. What a truly un-Godly mess.