Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 October 2023


Everyone have a great week!

  • The golf clubs are mixed but it is this particular competition that has been men only.
  • Thanks for clarifying AQ.
    Clare - you can see gannets off shore at South Stack on Anglesey but obviously not such close up views as you get at Bempton.
  • All this chat reminds me of a conversation I had some years ago (actually, only about twelve ...). One Sunday afternoon I was talking to someone and said I had been playing golf that morning. She said, 'You mean your golf club allows women to play on a Sunday morning?' In my club men and women always had equal rights - and I was amazed that not every club did.
  • I enjoyed the social walk this morning. I don’t usually go because it clashes with birdwatching. That wasn’t happening today because our leader is on holiday. It was lovely weather for a gentle stroll. We then had a very nice lunch in a pub in town. Even though I have lived here for over 40 years I had never visited that particular hostelry. It was very pleasant. Then I went to the Armchair Travellers group for an excellent talk about Iceland. The lady had visited in winter so I found it quite a contrast to the summer visit I had had there. I feel very lucky that there are so many activities I can take part in. I meet such nice people too.
    Down to earth tomorrow with grocery shopping followed by a walk (probably in the rain) up into town for bird food.
  • Sounds like you've had a lovely day, Rusty.

    Autumn finally arrived here today - it's considerably cooler and it chucked it down with rain for most of the morning. The afternoon was much drier, though, and I ended up taking Limpy to Abberton Reservoir. It was worth the drive as we saw our first goosanders of the season - they are gorgeous birds. We were also lucky enough to see a beautiful grey wagtail and a stunning great white egret.

    Tomorrow is supposed to be wet as well. It's forecast to be a sunny weekend but the temperature is going to be a cool 13 on Saturday and a distinctly nippy10 on Sunday. Last Sunday I was still wandering about in T-shirt and shorts!! Still, I should at least be able to get washing out.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • OG Sorry things turned a bit sour.
  • On this damp chilly afternoon I thought I would tell you the tale of the old £1 coin.
    I found the coin when I tidied my car out a few weeks ago. Just goes to show how often I do that!!! I remembered today to take it to the bank in my local town to see if they could swap it for a new one. I went to my bank which I know no longer has a counter but does have people there to deal with queries, open accounts etc. Oh no, they couldn’t do it as they don’t have cash there any more!!! No cash in a bank I hear you cry!!! (They do have notes in the ATMs of course) They suggested I try the Post Office. No luck there. I then went to my Building Society but they couldn’t do it because they are not a bank (that’s what the cashier said!!!) I said I would put it in their charity jar but they discouraged me from doing that. We have one other bank in town (quite lucky these days I think) I have never been in there but, on entering, I saw they had a counter. A lovely young lady swapped my coin without blinking an eye. Now I know it was only £1, but the point is that a person can do what you require immediately and pleasantly. We have lost that in so many places now don’t you find?
  • RUSTY Glad you managed to see someone face to face. That seems to be a privilege rather than the norm these days.

    We had a 2 night break in Pitlochry, Monday and Tuesday past. We nearly cancelled our booking as the forecast was not good but then decided we would just go ahead. I am so glad we did as we managed to sit outside in the hotel garden both Monday and Tuesday afternoon and also at the boathouse where we met friends on Wednesday morning. We had planned to walk at Loch an Eilein on the Monday but the Inverdruie road was closed but it had reopened on our journey back home so we got our walk then. The rivers Spey and Druie had flooded and looked more like seas than rivers. Definitely the worst flooding we had seen in the 30 years we have been here.
  • Rusty - Enjoyed your story about the £1 coin. I admire your persistence. Some years ago I wanted to swap some 'old' notes for new ones in my bank and was told the same thing - they didn't have cash in the bank any more! Now the bank has closed completely. Which only goes to show ... something or another!

    I have discovered that the old £1 coins fit the trolleys in supermarkets. So I have one in every jacket pocket - well, both jackets!

    I feel a mini-rant coming on. I had an early meeting this morning and decided to go 'the pretty way', which means quite narrow and winding country roads. Suddenly it started raining really hard - double speed wipers couldn't cope and I had extremely limited vision. But the car behind me decided I should be going faster than I wanted to, and was practically in my boot! I continued to drive within the limit of my vision and he continued to 'tail' me for a couple of miles, until we reached a T junction, where I turned right and he turned left. Why do people do that!?!?!?!? The conditions were dreadful, and dangerous. I normally drive just about on the speed limits (just under - honestly!) but in conditions like that, 40 would have been far too fast. Grrrrrr ...
  • Had a difficult day Thursday - although I guess it was mostly me that was being difficult! Should have been at Church "soup and sandwich" lunch but it was really crowded - good news in itself but I couldn't face it. So we went to a cafe on the high street where we had never been before and had an excellent sandwich lunch They also have a gift shop and - so unusual for us - we did some Chistmas shopping (toys for the three little people).

    J was injured at work and phoned for a lift home and to the optician to mend his glasses. His knees were too painful to go today, so he sent in his last time sheet to that school. Now the two week "Tattie Howkin'" holiday.

    A cold (almost frosty ) start each day, but some lovely sunshine through the daylight hours. Had a good catch-up day today, so hope to get greenhouse cleared out tomorrow and Sunday, and geraniums in there for winter.